











Q. Should I keep my guitar tuned when I am not playing?

A. This question comes up from time to time, and though itprobably doesn』t get asked as often as I wish it would, the answers touch onsome important subjects you should be aware of to properly take care of yournew guitar.

First let me stress you really need to make sure your guitar is properlyin tune. This means that not only are the strings tuned to the correct intervals relative to each other, but that it is tuned reasonably close tostandard pitch or frequency. If your guitar drifts too far from this standardyou may still be able to play 「in tune」 as long as you play by yourself, butthe tension on the strings may actually be a lot tighter or looser than yourguitar was intended for. This can cause the guitar to play very badly or evento break.

First point to consider is that the top of the guitar is made of thin woodthat has internal bracing to stiffen it, but if the tension is too high it willstart to bulge out and bend into an S curve. The strings can start to climbhigher and higher from the fingerboard and if it』s not attended to eventuallythe distortion will become permanent and your guitar will not be repairable.Sometimes the excessive stress on the bridge can also cause it come off andtake a chunk of the top with it when it goes.

The second point is that the neck has an adjustable truss rodinside that has been adjusted so the fingerboard has just the right amount ofcurvature to allow the strings to vibrate without buzzing against the frets.Too high a string tension can bend the neck into a banana shape, making theguitar impossible to play-too little string tension and the truss rod can bendthe neck backwards so the strings are too close to the fingerboard and theybuzz.

The solution is actually very simple-use a digital tuner! Even if your earis quite good at hearing the intervals between the strings correctly, whichbecomes natural for most players after a while, it is much less common to havewhat is called 「perfect pitch」 or the ability to tell if the notes are sharp orflat relative to the standard. Having perfect pitch is kind of like having abuilt in reference tone inside your head that you can compare your guitar to.There are some fortunate individuals who have this ability but most of usmortals are not as good at this as we may think. Digital tuners are inexpensiveand make this job easy.

But how about when you are not playing? My suggestion is to leave youracoustic guitar tuned up to standard pitch all the time unless you will beputting it into storage for a long time. By a 「long time」 I mean 3 months ormore. If you do decide to store the guitar for a long time, you might considerloosening each string about 3 full turns of the tuning machine button, andhaving someone check your truss rod adjustment to see if it also needs to beloosened. When you take it out again and tune up please be patient-it may takea few days and a little adjusting and flexing until everything really settlesin again.

"The last 2 topics I have written are about strings- I will do onemore article on some points to watch when you change strings, and this prettymuch covers the critical points regarding thissubject. However I am "cursed" with an inquisitive mind and am curiousabout how things work in a way that goes far beyond a practical understandingof how to use them. So if you are interested in asking me to write one morearticle that may leave some wondering "why does he stay awake at nightthinking about these things?" please vote "yes", and if you area more practical type and have no interest in digging deeper into the subjectplease just vote "no" and we will move on.




TAG:音准 | 吉他 | 琴弦 |