
Take my kidney, please

Well, I dont actually want you to take it. My question is, do you know of anyone who needs a kidney? I am blood type A and I am not afraid to donate my spare kidney - in fact, Ive been trying to donate it for years. The hardest part about helping others is to get them to let you. The second hardest part is to get other people (and governments) to let you. Chinese law wont allow me to donate inside of China, but theres a big world out there and somebody can have my kidney. (My preference would be for a solider, or other, younger person - to maximize the usefulness of my donation.) To be clear, my kidney is NOT for sale, or for exchange. Its only available as a gift, from me to whomever.

Can anyone point me in the right direction or put somebody in need in contact with me?


TAG:器官移植 |