Facebook 早期員工王淮在職期間有什麼成就?
I am looking forward to meeting smart people who are interested in startup (particularly in mobile, payments, cloud application, tablets-based educational apps, travel/food, big data SAS) and bringing my value where it fits. I am also doing angel investment that would deeply integrate my expertise and strength.
I joined Facebook in early 2007 as the second Chinese(mainland) engineer when there were about 130 employees and spent 4.5 years there. I became the first mainland Chinese engineering manager in early 2010. I helped launch the first version of platform, built the backend of the social ads that was launched in late 2007 (http://facebook.com/business/?socialads). I then moved to build friendfeed like feature (http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=13245367130) from scratch. If you pay attention to the weekly birthday reminder emails (http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=38780477130) , its built by me. Later, I gradually moved to the monetization side and did a lot of work on virtual giftshop. In the last 1.5 years, I built the security system and tools, and founded/managed the team to control payments fraud and customer service issues.
To make it more interesting, my biggest contribution was not the above; its that most early Chinese engineers and a few non-Chinese engineers were referred by me, and I held the top referral record at Facebook for a pretty long period. Talent is the key, and I brought the best keys to Facebook.
Before Facebook, I was part of the team at Yahoo that built a collaborative filtering engine for recommending similar items.
I received a master degree in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford and another master degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Ohio State University. I completed my undergraduate study at Zhejiang University in China.
I co-hold a patent on social economy using credits:http://www.patentbuddy.com/Inventor/Wang-Huai/14190855.
For details of my resume, please check http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgfgqxqk_29g38q67
(update: 2012/10/18, 以下是陳弢 同學的精準譯文)
我期待認識聰明、對創業有興趣的人(尤其是在手機、支付、雲應用、平板電腦教育應用、旅遊/美食,大數據 SAS 方面),並且能發揮我價值的地方。我也做天使投資,以深入整合我的專長和優勢。
2007 年初我加入 Facebook 時,是公司第二位來自中國籍工程師。當時,Facebook 有 130 名員工,公司已經運營了 4 年半。2010 年初,我成為第一個來自中國大陸的工程師主管。我協助發布了開放平台的第一版,構建於 2007 年末發布的社交廣告的後端系統(http://facebook.com/business...)。隨後,我從頭構建了 FriendFeed 的「贊同功能」(http://blog.facebook.com/blog...)。如果你有留意過「每周生日提醒郵件」功能(http://blog.facebook.com/blog...),那就是我做的。後來,我逐漸轉移到貨幣化方面,做了很多關於 「虛擬禮物商店」的工作。在最後的 1 年半,我創建了安全系統和維護工具,建立和管理了一個監控支付欺詐和客服問題的團隊。
更有趣的是,我最大的貢獻還不是上述內容,而是早期加入的中國工程師和一些非中國工程師,都是我推薦進去的。並且在很長一段時間裡,我都是 Facebook 人才推薦紀錄的保持者。人才是關鍵,而我把最好的人才都帶到了 Facebook。
加入 Facebook 之前,我在雅虎,我當時所在的團隊構建了一個推薦相近內容的協作過濾引擎。
想了解我的詳細簡歷信息,請點擊: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgfgqxqk_29g38q67我只是吐個槽,知乎儼然變成高端廣告發布地了,就這個
手機、支付、雲應用、平板電腦教育應用、旅遊/美食,大數據 SAS 方面這些行業我也比較感興趣。
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