
這是一個什麼網站? http://kidslib.fltrp?.com/





1:一個陌生女人的來信 | Letter from an Unknown Woman [一個陌生女人的來信]

2:覺醒 | The Awakening [覺醒 | The Awakening]

3:小城畸人 | Winesburg, Ohio [小城畸人 | Winesburg, Ohio]

4:都柏林人 | Dubliners [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/4.html]

5:魯濱孫漂流記 | Robinson Crusoe [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/5.html]

6:走投無路 | End of the Tether [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/6.html]

7:水仙號上的黑鬼 | The Nigger of the Narcissus [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/7.html]

8:蘋果樹 | The Apple Tree [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/8.html]

9:勸導 | Persuasion [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/9.html]

10:鼠疫 | The Plague [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/10.html]

11:簡 愛 | Jane Eyre [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/11.html]

12:遠大前程 | Great Expectations [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/12.html]

13:霧都孤兒 | Oliver Twist [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/13.html]

14:了不起的蓋茨比 | The Great Gatsby [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/14.html]

15:戴西 米勒 | Daisy Miller [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/15.html]

16:伊凡 伊里奇之死 | The Death of Ivan Ilych [伊凡 伊里奇之死]

17:童年 | Childhood   [童年 | Childhood]

18:吝嗇鬼 | The Miser [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/18.html]

19:卡門 | Carmen [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/19.html]

20:科隆巴 | Colomba [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/20.html]

21:雙重人格 | The Double [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/21.html]

22:黑鬱金香 | The Black Tulip [黑鬱金香 | The Black Tulip]

23:變形記 | The Metamorphosis [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/23.html]

24:秘密花園 | The Secret Garden [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/24.html]

25:教師 | The Professor [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/25.html]

26:地下城 | The Underground City [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/26.html]

27:神秘島 | The Mysterious Island [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/27.html]

28:從地球到月球 | From the Earth to the Moon [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/28.html]

29:水晶蛋 | The Crystal Egg [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/29.html]

30:新型加速劑 | The New Accelerator [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/30.html]

31:時光機器 | Time Machine [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/31.html]

32:三人同舟 | Three Men in a Boat [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/32.html]

33:懶人閑思錄 | Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/33.html]

34:海浪 | The Waves [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/34.html]

35:小人物日記 | The Diary of a Nobody [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/35.html]

36:雅各布哥哥 | Brother Jacob [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/36.html]

37:卡特里奧娜 | Catriona [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/37.html]

38:金銀島 | Treasure Island [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/38.html]

39:英國的文藝復興 | The English Renaissance of Art [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/39.html]

40:石榴屋童話集 | A House of Pomegranates [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/40.html]

41:平凡人和他的妻子 | The Plain Man and His Wife [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/41.html]

42:悠遊度過一天的24小時 | How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/42.html]

43:尋找精神家園 | Letters to a Spiritual Seeker [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/43.html]

44:瑣事集 | All Trivia [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/44.html]

45:芝麻與百合 | Sesame and Lilies [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/45.html]

46:文藝復興 | The Renaissance [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/46.html]

47:漫遊東西世界 | Roving East and Roving West [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/47.html]

48:四季隨筆 | The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/48.html]

49:塞文山驢伴之旅 | Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/49.html]

50:我的知識之路 | Autobiography of John Stuart Mill [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/50.html]

51:我的童年 | My Childhood [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/51.html]

52:凱爾特的薄暮 | The Celtic Twilight [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/52.html]

53:小王子 | The Little Prince [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/53.html]

54:鞋 | Shoes [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/54.html]

55:迷人的側影 | The Enchanted Profile [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/55.html]

56:生活的陀螺 | The Whirligig Of Life [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/56.html]

57:新婚的姊妹們 | Sisters of the Golden Circle [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/57.html]

58:城市佬 | Man about Town [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/58.html]

59:華而不實 | Lost on Dress Parade [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/59.html]

60:二十年後 | After Twenty Years [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/60.html]

61:自然調節 | An Adjustment of Nature [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/61.html]

62:回合之間 | Between Rounds [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/62.html]

63:口信 | By Courier [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/63.html]

64:托賓的手相 | Tobin』s Palm [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/64.html]

65:三葉草和棕櫚樹 | Shamrock and the Palm [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/65.html]

66:愛的犧牲 | A Service of Love [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/66.html]

67:一千美元 | One Thousand Dollars [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/67.html]

68:閃鋅礦的賣主 | A Blackjack Bargainer [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/68.html]

69:黃狗自傳 | Memoirs of a Yellow Dog [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/69.html]

70:紅酋長的贖金 | The Ransom of Red Chief [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/70.html]

71:綠門 | The Green Door [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/71.html]

72:帶傢具出租的房間 | The Furnished Room [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/72.html]

73:鐘擺 | The Pendulum [鐘擺 | The Pendulum]

74:警察與讚美詩 | The Cop and the Anthem [警察與讚美詩]

75:聖賢的禮物 | The Gift of The Magi [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/75.html]

76:失語漫遊 | A Ramble in Aphasia [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/76.html]

77:叢林中的孩子 | Babies in the Jungle [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/77.html]

78:第五個車輪 | The Fifth Wheel [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/78.html]

79:姑娘和騙局 | The Girl and the Graft [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/79.html]

80:閃光的金子 | The Gold That Glittered [閃光的金子 | The Gold That Glittered]

81:詩人與鄉巴佬 | The Poet and the Peasant [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/81.html]

82:安寧的長袍 | The Robe of Peace [安寧的長袍 | The Robe of Peace]

83:哈里發、丘比特和時鐘 | The Caliph, Cupid and the Clock [哈里發、丘比特和時鐘]

84:帶天窗的房間 | The Skylight Room [帶天窗的房間]

85:一個離奇的故事 | A Strange Story [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/85.html]

86:與睡神抗爭 | At Arms with Morpheus [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/86.html]

87:恭賀佳節 | Compliments of the Season [恭賀佳節 | Compliments of the Season]

88:同病相憐 | Makes the Whole World Kin [同病相憐 | Makes the Whole World Kin]

89:決鬥 | The Duel [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/89.html]

90:最後的行吟詩人 | The Last of the Troubadours [??€?????è????èˉ]

91:最後的處方 | Let Me Feel Your Pulse [最後的處方 | Let Me Feel Your Pulse]

92:沙姆羅克 喬爾摩斯歷險記 | The Adventures of Shamrock Jolnes [沙姆羅克 喬爾摩斯歷險記]

93:「干谷」約翰遜的小陽春 | The Indian Summer of Dry Valley Johnson [「干谷」約翰遜的小陽春]

94:公主與美洲獅 | The Princess and the Puma [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/94.html]

95:麥克的贖金 | The Ransom of Mack [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/95.html]

96:巴格達之雞 | A Bird of Bagdad [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/96.html]

97:哈里發和莽漢 | The Caliph and the Cad [哈里發和莽漢]

98:帶磨坊的教堂 | The Church with an Overshot-Wheel [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/98.html]

99:復活日那天 | The Day Resurgent [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/99.html]

100:姑娘與習慣 | The Girl and the Habit [?§『?¨?????1 ??ˉ]

101:靈魂和摩天大樓 | Psyche and the Pskyscraper [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/101.html]

102:新天方夜譚 | A Night in New Arabia [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/102.html]

103:風險家 | The Ventures [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/103.html]

104:篝火旁的紐約 | New York by Campfire Light [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/104.html]

105:最後一片藤葉 | The Last Leaf [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/105.html]

106:瓶中手稿 | Ms. Found in a Bottle [瓶中手稿 | Ms. Found in a Bottle]

107:絕境 | A Predicament [絕境 | A Predicament]

108:言語的力量 | The Power of Words [言語的力量 | The Power of Words]

109:騙術 | Diddling [騙術 | Diddling]

110:跳蛙 | Hop-Frog [跳蛙 | Hop-Frog]

111:同木乃伊對話 | Some Words with a Mummy [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/111.html]

112:焦油博士和羽毛教授的療法 | The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/112.html]

113:眼鏡 | The Spectacles [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/113.html]

114:生意人 | The Business Man [?」????oo]

115:斯芬克司 | The Sphinx [斯芬克司 | The Sphinx]

116:鐘樓里的魔鬼 | The Devil in the Belfry [鐘樓里的魔鬼]

117:氣球騙局 | The Balloon-Hoax [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/117.html]

118:一桶白葡萄酒 | The Cask of Amontillado [一桶白葡萄酒]

119:辛格姆 鮑勃先生的文學生涯 | Literary Life of Thingum Bob [辛格姆 鮑勃先生的文學生涯]

120:紅死病魔的面具 | The Masque of the Red Death [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/120.html]

121:一次電話交談 | A Telephonic Conversation [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/121.html]

122:威廉三世的肖像 | Portrait of King William III [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/122.html]

123:躺在床上的危險 | The Danger of Lying in Bed [躺在床上的危險]

124:第一台打字機 | The First Writing-Machines [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/124.html]

125:時尚一例 | A Fashion Item [時尚一例 | A Fashion Item]

126:歷史重現 | History Repeats Itself [歷史重現 | History Repeats Itself]

127:尊為奇人 | Honored as a Curiosity [尊為奇人 | Honored as a Curiosity]

128:中國人約翰在紐約 | John Chinaman in New York [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/128.html]

129:一隻狗的故事 | A Dog』s Tale [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/129.html]

130:運氣 | Luck [è??°」]

131:競選州長 | Running for Governor [競選州長 | Running for Governor]

132:科學對陣運氣 | The Science vs Luck [科學對陣運氣]

133:殯儀員的閑談 | The Undertaker』s Chat [????]

134:辦公室里的討厭鬼 | The Office Bore [辦公室里的討厭鬼]

135:飼養家禽 | To Raise Poultry [飼養家禽 | To Raise Poultry]

136:「兩歲嬰孩」的妙語 | Wit Inspirations of the 「Two-Year-Olds」 [「兩歲嬰孩」的妙語]

137:我的前參議員秘書生涯 | My Late Senatorial Secretaryship [我的前參議員秘書生涯]

138:聖經故事全景畫家 | The Scriptural Panoramist [聖經故事全景畫家]

139:經過修訂的訃告 | Amended Obituaries [經過修訂的訃告]

140:獵捕狡猾的火雞 | Hunting the Deceitful Turkey [獵捕狡猾的火雞]

141:已故的本傑明 富蘭克林 | The Late Benjamin Franklin [已故的本傑明 富蘭克林]

142:愛爾蘭的「教派口號」 | 「Party Cries」 In Ireland [愛爾蘭的「教派口號」]

143:一位健康的老人 | A Fine Old Man [一位健康的老人]

144:一次神秘的拜訪 | A Mysterious Visit [一次神秘的拜訪]

145:漫談理髮師 | About Barbers [漫談理髮師 | About Barbers]

146:給小女孩的忠告 | Advice to Little Girls [給小女孩的忠告]

147:餐後致辭 | After-Dinner Speech [餐後致辭 | After-Dinner Speech]

148:一篇有趣的文章 | An Entertaining Article [一篇有趣的文章]

149:詼諧自傳 | Burleque Biography [詼諧自傳 | Burleque Biography]

150:人生的五種恩賜 | The Five Boons of Life [人生的五種恩賜]

151:王子與貧兒 | The Prince and the Pauper [王子與貧兒 | The Prince and the Pauper]

152:湯姆 索耶在國外 | Tom Sawyer Abroad [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/152.html]

153:湯姆 索耶探案 | Tom Sawyer, Detective [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/153.html]

154:棕色的沃爾夫 | Brown Wolf [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/154.html]

155:有傷疤的人 | The Man with the Gash [有傷疤的人 | The Man with the Gash]

156:疑犯從寬 | The Benefit of the Doubt [疑犯從寬 | The Benefit of the Doubt]

157:意外 | The Unexpected [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/157.html]

158:在甲板的天棚下 | Under the Deck Awnings [在甲板的天棚下]

159:強者的力量 | The Strength of the Strong [強者的力量 | The Strength of the Strong]

160:太多金子 | Too Much Gold [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/160.html]

161:黃金谷 | All Gold Canon [黃金谷 | All Gold Canon]

162:故事的結局 | The End of the Story [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/162.html]

163:為趕路的人乾杯 | To the Man on the Trail [為趕路的人乾杯]

164:老頭子同盟 | The League of the Old Men [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/164.html]

165:克里斯 法林頓 一等水手 | Chris Farrington, Able Seaman [克里斯 法林頓 一等水手]

166:陳阿春 | Chun Ah Chun [陳阿春 | Chun Ah Chun]

167:圓臉 | Moon-Face [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/167.html]

168:老禿子 | Old Baldy [è€?§??-]

169:帶翅膀的勒索信 | Winged Blackmail [帶翅膀的勒索信]

170:終結 | Fins [終結 | Fins]

171:只是肉而已 | Just Meat [只是肉而已 | Just Meat]

172:叛逆者 | The Apostate [叛逆者 | The Apostate]

173:殺人 | To Kill a Man [殺人 | To Kill a Man]

174:爬上陡坡 | Up The Slide [爬上陡坡 | Up The Slide]

175:兩個騙子 | Two Gold Bricks [兩個騙子 | Two Gold Bricks]

176:在江戶海灣 | In Yeddo Bay [在江戶海灣 | In Yeddo Bay]

177:擊退登船的人 | To Repel Boarders [擊退登船的人]

178:遠在他鄉 | In a Far Country [遠在他鄉 | In a Far Country]

179:女人的剛毅 | Grit of Women [女人的剛毅 | Grit of Women]

180:丟臉先生 | Lost Face [丟臉先生 | Lost Face]

181:基斯,老基斯之子 | Keesh, Son of Keesh [基斯,老基斯之子]

182:在流口水病房裡講的故事 | Told in the Drooling Ward [??¨?μ?£?°′?]

183:生活對我意味著什麼 | What Life Means to Me [生活對我意味著什麼]

184:當世界還年輕的時候 | When the World Was Young [當世界還年輕的時候]

185:英俊的船艙侍者 | The Handsome Cabin Boy [英俊的船艙侍者]

186:光臉熊 | Bald-Face [?…‰è?????]

187:金光 | Flush of Gold [金光 | Flush of Gold]

188:莫基 | Mauki [莫基 | Mauki]

189:世界公敵 | The Enemy of All the World [世界公敵 | The Enemy of All the World]

190:形體的永恆 | The Eternity of Forms [形體的永恆 | The Eternity of Forms]

191:戰爭 | War [戰爭 | War]

192:歌利亞 | Goliah [歌利亞 | Goliah]

193:以活下去為職責的人 | Whose Business Is to Live [以活下去為職責的人]

194:那隻斑點狗 | That Spot [é?£?a?]

195:酒後之勇 | Dutch Courage [酒後之勇 | Dutch Courage]

196:再見,傑克 | Good-Bye, Jack! [再見,傑克 | Good-Bye, Jack!]

197:熱愛生命 | Love of Life [熱愛生命 | Love of Life]

198:北方的奧德賽 | An Odyssey of the North [北方的奧德賽]

199:一塊牛排 | A Piece of Steak [一塊牛排 | A Piece of Steak]

200:業餘愛好者之夜 | Amateur Night [業餘愛好者之夜]

201:扶乩 | Planchette [扶乩 | Planchette]

202:當艾麗斯向上帝告解 | When Alice Told Her Soul [當艾麗斯向上帝告解]

203:拳頭 | Bunches of Knuckles [拳頭 | Bunches of Knuckles]

204:唷!唷!唷! | Yah! Yah! Yah! [唷!唷!唷!]

205:空中冒險 | An Adventure in the Upper Sea [空中冒險 | An Adventure in the Upper Sea]

206:納姆-博克,不誠實的人 | Nam-Bok, the Unveracious [納姆-博克,不誠實的人]

207:塞繆爾 | Samuel [?????a?°」]

208:森珀 艾德姆 | Semper Idem [森珀 艾德姆 | Semper Idem]

209:脛骨骨骸 | Shin-Bones [脛骨骨骸 | Shin-Bones]

210:歧途末路 | Where the Trail Forks [歧途末路 | Where the Trail Forks]

211:在塔斯曼的烏龜旁 | By the Turtles of Tasman [在塔斯曼的烏龜旁]

212:像古代的阿格斯 | Like Argus of the Ancient Times [像古代的阿格斯]

213:拳賽 | The Game [拳賽 | The Game]

214:一千打 | The One Thousand Dozen [一千打 | The One Thousand Dozen]

215:鐵蹄 | The Iron Heel [é「è1?]

216:野性的呼喚 | The Call of the Wild [野性的呼喚 | The Call of the Wild]

217:馬丁 伊登 | Martin Eden [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/217.html]

218:黑人漁夫薩姆歷險記 | The Adventure of Sam, the Black Fisherman [黑人漁夫薩姆歷險記]

219:魔鬼和湯姆 沃克 | The Devil and Tom Walker [魔鬼和湯姆 沃克]

220:強盜首領的故事 | The Story of the Bandit Chieftain [強盜首領的故事]

221:年輕強盜的故事 | The Story of the Young Robber [年輕強盜的故事]

222:神秘畫像的奇遇 | The Adventure of the Mysterious Picture [神秘畫像的奇遇]

223:鬼門關 | Hell Gate [鬼門關 | Hell Gate]

224:海盜基德 | Kidd the Pirate [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/224.html]

225:遲來的旅客 | The Belated Travellers [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/225.html]

226:泰拉奇納的旅店 | The Inn at Terracina [泰拉奇納的旅店]

227:波普金斯歷險記 | The Adventure of the Popkins Family [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/227.html]

228:德國學生的奇遇 | The Adventure of the German Student [德國學生的奇遇]

229:英國人歷險記 | The Adventure of the Englishman [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/229.html]

230:矮小考古家的奇遇 | The Adventure of the Little Antiquary [矮小考古家的奇遇]

231:神秘陌生人的奇遇 | The Adventure of the Mysterious Stranger [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/231.html]

232:英國還是男人的國家嗎 | Is England Still a Man』s Country [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/232.html]

233:作畫 | Making Pictures [????」]

234:回鄉 | Return to Bestwood [回鄉 | Return to Bestwood]

235:真實的自我 | Myself Revealed [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/235.html]

236:性的魅力 | Sex Appeal [性的魅力 | Sex Appeal]

237:牆上的那些畫 | Pictures on the Walls [牆上的那些畫]

238:被文明奴役 | Enslaved by Civilisation [被文明奴役 | Enslaved by Civilisation]

239:出人頭地 | Getting On [出人頭地 | Getting On]

240:諾丁漢礦鄉雜記 | Nottingham and the Mining Countryside [諾丁漢礦鄉雜記]

241:白絲襪 | The White Stocking [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/241.html]

242:生病的礦工 | A Sick Collier [生病的礦工 | A Sick Collier]

243:范妮與安妮 | Fanny and Annie [è???|??????‰?|?]

244:兩隻藍鳥 | Two Blue Birds [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/244.html]

245:洗禮 | The Christening [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/245.html]

246:太陽 | Sun [太陽 | Sun]

247:母與女 | Mother and Daughter [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/247.html]

248:英格蘭,我的英格蘭 | England, My England [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/248.html]

249:阿道夫 | Adolf [阿道夫 | Adolf]

250:美婦人 | The Lovely Lady [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/250.html]

251:吉米和絕望的女人 | Jimmy and the Desperate Woman [吉米和絕望的女人]

252:菊香 | Odour of Chrysanthemums [菊香 | Odour of Chrysanthemums]

253:薩姆森和德萊拉 | Samson and Delilah [è¨?§??£??』???·è?±??‰]

254:輪到她了 | Her Turn [輪到她了 | Her Turn]

255:騎木馬的優勝者 | The Rocking-Horse Winner [騎木馬的優勝者]

256:公主 | The Princess [公主 | The Princess]

257:春天的陰影 | The Shades of Spring [春天的陰影 | The Shades of Spring]

258:你摸了我 | You Touched Me [?? ?『??o???『]

259:肉中刺 | The Thorn in the Flesh [肉中刺 | The Thorn in the Flesh]

260:玫瑰花園裡的暗影 | The Shadow in the Rose Garden [玫瑰花園裡的暗影]

261:狐狸 | The Fox [?????]

262:盲人 | The Blind Man [盲人 | The Blind Man]

263:騎馬而去的女子 | The Woman Who Rode Away [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/263.html]

264:格林童話(一) | Grimms Fairy Tales Ⅰ [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/264.html]

265:伊索寓言(一) | Aesops Fables Ⅰ [伊索寓言(一)]

266:伊索寓言(二) | Aesops Fables Ⅱ [伊索寓言(二)]

267:伊索寓言(三) | Aesops Fables Ⅲ [伊索寓言(三)]

268:伊索寓言(四) | Aesops Fables Ⅳ [伊索寓言(四)]

269:伊索寓言(五) | Aesops Fables Ⅴ [伊索寓言(五)]

270:年輕的古德曼 布朗 | Young Goodman Brown [年輕的古德曼 布朗]

271:小水仙 | Little Daffydowndilly [小水仙 | Little Daffydowndilly]

272:客邁拉 | The Chimera [客邁拉 | The Chimera]

273:西弗爾 埃瑟里奇 | Sylph Etherege [西弗爾 埃瑟里奇]

274:手稿中的魔鬼 | The Devil in Manuscript [手稿中的魔鬼]

275:古老的泰孔德羅加 | Old Ticonderoga [古老的泰孔德羅加]

276:石人 | The Man of Adamant [石人 | The Man of Adamant]

277:威廉 菲普斯爵士 | Sir William Phips [?¨?]

278:遺孀 | The Wives of the Dead [遺孀 | The Wives of the Dead]

279:胎痣 | The Birthmark [胎痣 | The Birthmark]

280:坎特伯雷的朝聖者 | The Canterbury Pilgrims [坎特伯雷的朝聖者]

281:蓓蕾和鳥鳴 | Buds and Bird Voices [è「「è???』?é??é?£]

282:三個金蘋果 | The Three Golden Apples [三個金蘋果 | The Three Golden Apples]

283:得了條明眼狗 | Get a Seeing-Eyed Dog [得了條明眼狗]

284:度夏的人們 | Summer People [度夏的人們 | Summer People]

285:蝴蝶和坦克 | The Butterfly and the Tank [蝴蝶和坦克 | The Butterfly and the Tank]

286:越野滑雪 | Cross-Country Snow [越野滑雪 | Cross-Country Snow]

287:小小說 | A Very Short Story [小小說 | A Very Short Story]

288:貴族之家 | A House of Gentlefolk [貴族之家 | A House of Gentlefolk]

289:春潮 | The Torrents of Spring [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/289.html]

290:木木 | Mumu [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/290.html]

291:羅亭 | Rudin [??—?o-]

292:前夜 | On the Eve [?‰?¤?]

293:初戀 | First Love [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/293.html]

294:戈迪薩爾二世 | Gaudissart Ⅱ [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/294.html]

295:紅房子旅館 | The Red Inn [紅房子旅館 | The Red Inn]

296:神秘的傑作 | The Hidden Masterpiece [神秘的傑作 | The Hidden Masterpiece]

297:新兵 | The Recruit [新兵 | The Recruit]

298:菲爾米亞尼夫人 | Madame Firmiani [菲爾米亞尼夫人]

299:婦女研究 | Study of a Woman [婦女研究 | Study of a Woman]

300:海濱慘劇 | A Drama on the Seashore [海濱慘劇 | A Drama on the Seashore]

301:婦女再研究 | Another Study of Woman [婦女再研究 | Another Study of Woman]

302:長壽藥水 | The Elixir of Life [長壽藥水 | The Elixir of Life]

303:老姑娘 | An Old Maid [老姑娘 | An Old Maid]

304:發明家的苦難 | Eve and David [發明家的苦難]

305:古物陳列室 | The Collection of Antiquities [古物陳列室 | The Collection of Antiquities]

306:歐仁妮 葛朗台 | Eugenie Grandet [歐仁妮 葛朗台]

307:公務員 | Bureaucracy [公務員 | Bureaucracy]

308:婚約 | A Marriage Contract [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/308.html]

309:高老頭 | Father Goriot [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/309.html]

310:莫黛斯特 米尼翁 | Modeste Mignon [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/310.html]

311:夜闌 | Late at Night [?¤?é?『]

312:男爵 | The Baron [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/312.html]

313:幸福 | Bliss [幸福 | Bliss]

314:帕克媽媽的一生 | Life of Ma Parker [帕克媽媽的一生]

315:一杯茶 | A Cup of Tea [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/315.html]

316:鴿子先生和鴿子太太 | Mr. and Mrs. Dove [鴿子先生和鴿子太太]

317:雷金納德的一天 | Mr. Reginald Peacock』s Day [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/317.html]

318:唱歌課 | The Singing Lesson [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/318.html]

319:畫冊的一頁 | Feuille d』Album [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/319.html]

320:陌生人 | The Stranger [陌生人 | The Stranger]

321:男爵夫人的妹妹 | The Sister of the Baroness [男爵夫人的妹妹]

322:心理 | Psychology [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/322.html]

323:花園茶會 | The Garden Party [花園茶會 | The Garden Party]

324:女掌柜 | The Woman at the Store [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/324.html]

401:寓言一則 | A Fable [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/401.html]

402:鬼故事 | A Ghost Story [鬼故事 | A Ghost Story]

403:怪物之母 | A Mother of Monsters [怪物之母 | A Mother of Monsters]

404:一座新比徹教堂 | A New Beecher Church [一座新比徹教堂]

405:魔球小子和壞人 | Ball-Carrier and the Bad One [魔球小子和壞人]

406:喬治·華盛頓外傳 | Brief Biographical Sketch of George Washington [喬治·華盛頓外傳]

407:招供 | Confessing [招供 | Confessing]

408:牢騷父親 | Father Grumbler [牢騷父親 | Father Grumbler]

409:懦夫蓋拉爾德受懲記 | How Geirald the Coward was Punished [懦夫蓋拉爾德受懲記]

410:德國薩根菲爾德的傳說 | Legend of Sagenfeld, in Germany [德國薩根菲爾德的傳說]

411:尼亞加拉 | Niagara [尼亞加拉 | Niagara]

412:猶大老爹 | Old Judas [猶大老爹 | Old Judas]

413:跛子 | The Cripple [跛子 | The Cripple]

414:聰明的兔子 | The Cunning Hare [聰明的兔子 | The Cunning Hare]

415:科蒙戈樹的神聖汁液 | The Sacred Milk of Koumongoe [科蒙戈樹的神聖汁液]

416:被偷的白象 | The Stolen White Elephant [被偷的白象 | The Stolen White Elephant]

417:壞孩子的故事 | The Story of the Bad Little Boy [壞孩子的故事]

418:好孩子的故事 | The Story of the Good Little Boy [好孩子的故事]

419:亞拉的故事 | The Story of the Yara [亞拉的故事 | The Story of the Yara]

420:替身 | The Substitute [替身 | The Substitute]

421:真實的故事 | The True Story [???????????…?o?]

422:我生命的轉折點 | The Turning-Point of My Life [我生命的轉折點]

423:海龜和他的新娘 | The Turtle and His Bride [海龜和他的新娘]

424:白猿 | The White Monkey [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/424.html]

425:脫胎換骨的人 | A Changed Man [脫胎換骨的人]

426:「恐怖統治」時期的一名委員 | A Committee-Man of 『The Terror』 [「恐怖統治」時期的一名委員]

427:一筆買賣 | A Sale [一筆買賣 | A Sale]

428:月光 | Clair de Lune [月光 | Clair de Lune]

429:晚到的騎兵 | Enter a Dragoon [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/429.html]

430:插曲 | Episode [插曲 | Episode]

431:我是如何編輯農業報的 | How I Edited An Agricultural Paper [我是如何編輯農業報的]

432: | [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/432.html]

433:約翰·霍斯利爵士 | Master John Horseleigh, Knight [約翰·霍斯利爵士]

434:我們的信 | Our Letters [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/434.html]

435:自殺事件 | Suicides [自殺事件 | Suicides]

436:銅指環 | The Bronze Ring [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/436.html]

437:奇怪的夢 | The Curious Dream [奇怪的夢 | The Curious Dream]

438:巴倫特雷少爺 | The Master of Ballantrae [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/438.html]

439:學發抖的年輕人 | The Tale of a Youth Who Set Out to Learn What Fear Was [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/439.html]

440:阿斯木得和西格尼 | Asmund and Signy [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/440.html]

441:劊子手 | El Verdugo [劊子手 | El Verdugo]

442:哈博基 | Habogi [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/442.html]

443:帶球人是怎樣完成他的任務的 | How Ball-Carrier Finished His Task [帶球人是怎樣完成他的任務的]

444:弟弟救哥哥 | How the Little Brother Set Free His Big Brothers [弟弟救哥哥 | How the Little Brother Set Free His Big Brothers]

445:一隻名叫基薩的貓 | Kisa the Cat [一隻名叫基薩的貓]

446:十月和六月 | October and June [十月和六月 | October and June]

447:魯貝察爾 | Rubezahl [魯貝察爾 | Rubezahl]

448:想戰勝命運的國王 | Story of the King Who Would Be Stronger Than Fate [想戰勝命運的國王]

449:一隻烏龜的故事和一隻淘氣猴子的故事 | Tale of a Tortoise and of a Mischievous Monkey [一隻烏龜的故事和一隻淘氣猴子的故事]

450:天氣寒暄冠軍 | The Champion of the Weather [天氣寒暄冠軍]

451:我們慶祝的日子 | The Day We Celebrate [我們慶祝的日子]

452:迦梨女神的鑽石 | The Diamond of Kali [迦梨女神的鑽石]

453:四十大盜 | The Forty Thieves [四十大盜 | The Forty Thieves]

454:狐狸和拉普人 | The Fox and the Lapp [狐狸和拉普人]

455:大科尼島 | The Greater Coney [大科尼島 | The Greater Coney]

456:老鼠嫁女 | The Husband of the Rat』s Daughter [老鼠嫁女 | The Husband of the Rat』s Daughter]

457:尤利烏斯·愷撒之死的「本地報道」 | The Killing of Julius Caesar 「Localized」 [尤利烏斯·愷撒之死的「本地報道」]

458:魚騎士 | The Knights of the Fish [魚騎士 | The Knights of the Fish]

459:高高在上的女士 | The Lady Higher up [高高在上的女士]

460:德意志軍團里憂鬱的輕騎兵 | The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion [德意志軍團里憂鬱的輕騎兵]

461:美人魚與男孩 | The Mermaid and the Boy [美人魚與男孩]

462:城市的驕傲 | The Pride of the Cities [城市的驕傲 | The Pride of the Cities]

463:普魯士軍官 | The Prussian Officer [普魯士軍官 | The Prussian Officer]

464:太陽妹妹 | The Sister of the Sun [太陽妹妹 | The Sister of the Sun]

465:林中的睡美人 | The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood [林中的睡美人]

466:偵探 | The Sleuths [偵探 | The Sleuths]

467:邪惡的狼獾 | The Wicked Wolverine [邪惡的狼獾 | The Wicked Wolverine]

468:博妻歡心 | To Please His Wife [博妻歡心 | To Please His Wife]

469:馬丁·伯尼的轉變 | Transformation of Martin Burney [馬丁·伯尼的轉變]

470: | [|]

471:玫瑰對柏樹做了什麼[1] | What the Rose did to the Cypress[1] [玫瑰對柏樹做了什麼[1]]

472:誰的丈夫更蠢 | Which Was the Foolishest [誰的丈夫更蠢]

473:彗星來臨 | In the Days of the Comet [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/473.html]

474:無神論者做彌撒 | The Atheist』s Mass [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/474.html]

475:法西諾·卡內 | Facino Cane [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/475.html]

476:信使 | The Message [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/476.html]

477:地獄之火 | The Plutonian Fire [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/477.html]

478:地下餐館和玫瑰花 | The Rathskeller and the Rose [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/478.html]

479:命運的震蕩 | The Shocks of Doom [命運的震蕩 | The Shocks of Doom]

480:汽車等待的時候 | While the Auto Waits [汽車等待的時候]

481:刎頸之交 | Telemachus, friend [刎頸之交 | Telemachus, friend]

482:丟失的琴弦 | The Missing Chord [丟失的琴弦 | The Missing Chord]

483:不過是插曲罷了 | A Mere Interlude [不過是插曲罷了]

484:拉里爾舞曲的小提琴手 | The Fiddler of the Reels [拉里爾舞曲的小提琴手]

485:牧羊人之所見:四個月夜的故事 | What the Shepherd Saw: A Tale of Four Moonlight Nights [牧羊人之所見:四個月夜的故事]

486:喬治·費希爾案 | The Case of George Fisher [喬治·費希爾案]

487:藍鬍子 | Blue Beard [藍鬍子 | Blue Beard]

488:灰姑娘,或小玻璃鞋 | Cinderrela, or the Little Glass Slipper [灰姑娘,或小玻璃鞋]

489:費利西婭與一盆石竹花 | Felicia and the Pot Of Pinks [費利西婭與一盆石竹花]

490:漢塞爾與格萊特 | Hansel and Grettel [漢塞爾與格萊特]

491:小紅帽 | Little Red Riding Hood [小紅帽 | Little Red Riding Hood]

492:海辛斯王子和可愛小公主 | Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess [海辛斯王子和可愛小公主]

493:侏儒怪 | Rumpelstiltzkin [侏儒怪 | Rumpelstiltzkin]

494:雪白與玫瑰紅 | Snow-White and Rose-Red [雪白與玫瑰紅]

495:諾羅威的黑公牛 | The Black Bull of Norroway [諾羅威的黑公牛]

496:勇敢的小裁縫 | The Brave Little Tailor [勇敢的小裁縫]

497:牧鵝姑娘 | The Goose Girl [牧鵝姑娘 | The Goose Girl]

498:巨人殺手傑克傳奇 | The History of Jack the Giant Killer [巨人殺手傑克傳奇]

499:惠廷頓傳奇 | The History of Whittington [惠廷頓傳奇 | The History of Whittington]

500:穿靴子的貓咪 | The Master Cat; or, Puss in Boots [穿靴子的貓咪]

501:紅色的埃廷 | The Red Etin [紅色的埃廷 | The Red Etin]

502:睡蓮花 | The Water-Lily [睡蓮花 | The Water-Lily]

503:忠實的約翰 | Trusty John [忠實的約翰 | Trusty John]

504:蟾蜍與鑽石 | Toads and Diamonds [蟾蜍與鑽石 | Toads and Diamonds]

505:海水為什麼是鹹的 | Why the Sea is Salt [海水為什麼是鹹的]

506:老福賽特的印第安之夏 | Indian Summer of A Forsyte [老福賽特的印第安之夏]

507:莉齊·利 | Lizzie Leigh [莉齊·利 | Lizzie Leigh]

508:追求至美的藝術家 | The Artist of the Beautiful [追求至美的藝術家]

509:被遺棄的女人 | The Deserted Woman [被遺棄的女人]

510:一個非洲故事 | An African Story [一個非洲故事]

511:有人影的遠景 | Landscape with Figures [有人影的遠景]

512:忠貞的公牛 | The Faithful Bull [忠貞的公牛 | The Faithful Bull]

513:毒藥 | Poison [毒藥 | Poison]

514:陽陽和月月 | Sun and Moon [陽陽和月月 | Sun and Moon]

515:花朵 | This Flower [花朵 | This Flower]

516:「美中不足」 | 「Little Speck in Garnered Fruit」 [「美中不足」]

517:多爾蒂的啟發 | Dougherty』s Eye-Opener [多爾蒂的啟發]

518:各盡所能 | From Each According to His Ability [各盡所能 | From Each According to His Ability]

519:牧場上的博皮普夫人 | Madame Bo-Peep, of the Ranches [牧場上的博皮普夫人]

520:四不像 | Four Beasts In One—The Homo-Cameleopard [四不像 | Four Beasts In One]

521:樵夫的命運 | Fortune and the Wood-Cutter [樵夫的命運 | Fortune and the Wood-Cutter]

522:一些野生動物是怎樣被馴服的 | How Some Wild Animals Became Tame Ones [??€?o?é???」???¨?‰???ˉ?€?? ·è¢?é?ˉ?????]

523:皮維和卡博 | Pivi and Kabo [皮維和卡博 | Pivi and Kabo]

524:純樸真誠的瓦利·戴德的故事 | Story of Wali Dad the Simple-Hearted [純樸真誠的瓦利·戴德的故事]

525:沼澤怪獸 | The Bunyip [沼澤怪獸 | The Bunyip]

526:精靈姑娘 | The Elf Maiden [精靈姑娘 | The Elf Maiden]

527:魔法人頭 | The Enchanted Head [魔法人頭 | The Enchanted Head]

528:四份特別的禮物 | The Four Gifts [四份特別的禮物]

529:三隻狗 | The Three Dogs [三隻狗 | The Three Dogs]

530:六隻飢腸轆轆的動物 | The Six Hungry Beasts [六隻飢腸轆轆的動物]

531:堅強的王子 | The Strong Prince [堅強的王子 | The Strong Prince]

575:燦爛千陽(試讀) | A Thousand Splendid Suns [燦爛千陽(試讀)]

576:美軍第一狙擊手(試讀) | American Sniper [美軍第一狙擊手(試讀)]

577:只是孩子(試讀) | Just Kids [只是孩子(試讀)]

578:鍋匠,裁縫,士兵,間諜(試讀) | Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy [鍋匠,裁縫,士兵,間諜(試讀)]

579:埃德加的故事(試讀) | The Story of Edgar Sawtelle [埃德加的故事(試讀)]

580:論利潤 | An Essay on Profits [論利潤 | An Essay on Profits]

588:小說鑒賞(雙語修訂)(第3版)(試讀) | Understanding Ficition [小說鑒賞(雙語修訂)(第3版)(試讀)]

591:了了(試讀) | Everything Is Illuminated [了了(試讀)]

592:我生命的速度(試讀) | Life at These Speeds [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/592.html]

594:人生要有承擔失去的勇氣(試讀) | Soul Surfer [人生要有承擔失去的勇氣(試讀)]

596:駱駝移動圖書館(試讀) | The Camel Bookmobile [駱駝移動圖書館(試讀)]

597:波斯少年(試讀) | The Persian Boy [波斯少年(試讀)]

598:列儂回憶(試讀) | Lennon Remembers [列儂回憶(試讀)]

599:當上帝是只兔子(試讀) | When God was a Rabbit [當上帝是只兔子(試讀)]

601:被偷走的人生(試讀) | A Stolen Life [被偷走的人生(試讀)]

603:松林(英文試讀) | Pines [????]

608:狗的冒險書(試讀) | The Dangerous Book For Dogs [狗的冒險書(試讀)]

609:下輩子做貓吧(試讀) | The Devious Book For Cats [下輩子做貓吧(試讀)]

611:單身(試讀) | A Single Man [單身(試讀)]

613:假裝的藝術(試讀) | The Art of Faking It [假裝的藝術(試讀)]

614:玻璃村莊(試讀) | The Glass Village [玻璃村莊(試讀)]

617:浪遊之歌(試讀) | Wanderlust [浪遊之歌(試讀)]

618:百鬼夜行:陰(試讀) | [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/618.html]

624:羅傑疑案(試讀) | The Murder of Roger Ackroyd [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/624.html]

625:寓所謎案(試讀) | The Murder at the Vicarage [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/625.html]

626:斯泰爾斯莊園奇案(試讀) | The Mysterious Affair at Styles [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/626.html]

628:思考,快與慢(試讀) | Thinking, Fast and Slow [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/628.html]

629:習慣的力量(試讀) | The Power of Habit [習慣的力量(試讀)]

630:白化士兵 | The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/630.html]

631:薩塞克斯吸血鬼 | The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/631.html]

632:空屋子 | The Adventure of the Empty House [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/632.html]

633:第二塊血跡 | The Adventure of the Second Stain [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/633.html]

634:四簽名 | The Sign of Four [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/634.html]

635:恐怖谷 | The Valley of Fear [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/635.html]

636:巴斯克維爾的獵犬 | The Hound of Baskervilles [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/636.html]

637:駝背男子 | The Crooked Man [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/637.html]

638:最後一案 | The Final Problem [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/638.html]

639:紅髮俱樂部 | The Red-Headed League [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/639.html]

640:銅色山毛櫸 | The Adventure of the Copper Beeches [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/640.html]

641:綠寶石王冠 | The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/641.html]

642:紅圈會 | The Adventure of the Red Circle [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/642.html]

643:布魯斯-帕廷頓圖紙 | The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/643.html]

644:福爾摩斯謝幕演出 | His Last Bow [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/644.html]

646:雷神橋謎案 | The Problem of Thor Bridge [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/646.html]

647:波希米亞醜聞 | A Scandal in Bohemia [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/647.html]

648:白額閃電 | Silver Blaze [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/648.html]

649:暗紅習作 | A Study in Scarlet [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/649.html]

652:時間迴旋(試讀) | Spin [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/652.html]

658:倫敦塔集雨人(試讀) | The Tower, The Zoo, and The Tortoise [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/658.html]

660:佛教常識答問(試讀) | Essentials of Buddhism: Questions and Answers [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/660.html]

662:江村經濟(試讀) | [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/662.html]

664:守門員面對罰點球時的焦慮(試讀) | Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/664.html]

665:哈佛幸福課(試讀) | [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/665.html]

666:中國文明的開始(試讀) | The Beginnings of Chinese Civilization [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/666.html]

667:中國經濟改革發展之路(試讀) | Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/667.html]

669:這個世界會好嗎(試讀) | Has Man a Future [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/669.html]

677:中國士紳(試讀) | Chinas Gentry [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/677.html]

679:清醒思考的藝術(試讀) | [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/679.html]

681:斯皮爾伯格傳(試讀) | Steven Spielberg A Biography [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/681.html]

682:黑蜥蜴(試讀) | [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/682.html]

685:四種愛(試讀) | The Four Loves [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/685.html]

688:存在主義簡論 | Existentialism: A Very Short Introduction [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/688.html]

689:《聖經》縱覽 | The Bible: A Very Short Introduction [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/689.html]

696:你可以幸福(試讀) | [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/696.html]

697:第三大道這間酒館(試讀) | [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/697.html]

699:四種愛 | The Four Loves [http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/699.html]


下面是我使用的程序源碼,Python 3.5,引入包requests

import re, requests

url_host = "http://kidslib.fltrp.com/asset/bilingual/"
url_ext = ".html"
r_str = r(?&<=&)(?!Page).+(?=&) # 使用正則用來截取標題,當頁面不存在時不截取
mode_str = re.compile(r_str)

with open("kidslib.txt", w) as kidslib:
for index in range(0, 1000): # 沒錯,就是暴力循環
url = url_host + str(index) + url_ext
respond = requests.get(url=url)
content = respond.text.encode(latin1, ignore).decode(utf-8, ignore) # 解決字元編碼問題
title = mode_str.findall(content)
if (len(title) != 0): # 判斷當前頁面是否存在
print(str(index) + ":" + title[0] + " [" + url + "]")
kidslib.write(str(index) + ":" + title[0] + " [" + url + "]

我也發現了這個網站 比如下面這個

堅強的王子 | The Strong Prince





我簡單試了一下,一共有531篇。太多了,我手動總結了幾個,如有高手可以得到整套的望賜教1 一個陌生女人的來信

2 覺醒

3 小城畸人 | Winesburg, Ohio

4 都柏林人

5 魯濱遜漂流記

6 走投無路

7 水仙號上的魔鬼

8 蘋果樹

9 勸導 | Persuasion

10 鼠疫 | The Plague

11 簡愛

12 遠大前程

13 霧都孤兒

14 了不起的蓋茨比

15 戴西 米勒 | Daisy Miller

16 伊凡 伊里奇之死 | The Death of Ivan Ilych

17 童年 childhood

18 吝嗇鬼 | The Miser

19 卡門 | Carmen

20 科隆巴 | Colomba

21 雙重人格 | The Double

22 黑鬱金香 | The Black Tulip

23 變形記 | The Metamorphosis

24 秘密花園 | The Secret Garden

25 教師 | The Professor

26 地下城 | The Underground City

27 神秘島 | The Mysterious Island

28 從地球到月球 | From the Earth to the Moon

29 水晶蛋 | The Crystal Egg

30 新型加速劑 | The New Accelerator

31 時光機器 | Time Machine

32 三人同舟 | Three Men in a Boat

33 懶人閑思錄 | Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow

34 海浪 | The Waves

35 小人物日記 | The Diary of a Nobody

36 雅各布哥哥 | Brother Jacob

37 卡特里奧娜 | Catriona

38 金銀島 | Treasure Island

39 英國的文藝復興 | The English Renaissance of Art

40 石榴屋童話集 | A House of Pomegranates 王爾德

41 平凡人和他的妻子 | The Plain Man and His Wife

42 悠遊度過一天的24小時 | How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day

43 尋找精神家園 | Letters to a Spiritual Seeker

44 瑣事集 | All Trivia

510 一個非洲故事 | An African Story 海明威

520 四不像 | Four Beasts In One—The Homo-Cameleopard 愛倫坡

530 六隻飢腸轆轆的動物 | The Six Hungry Beasts

531 堅強的王子 | The Strong Prince


1. 一個陌生女人的來信 | Letter from an Unknown Woman

2. 覺醒 | The Awakening

3. 小城畸人 | Winesburg, Ohio

4. 都柏林人 | Dubliners

5. 魯濱孫漂流記 | Robinson Crusoe

6. 走投無路 | End of the Tether

7. 水仙號上的黑鬼 | The Nigger of the Narcissus

8. 蘋果樹 | The Apple Tree

9. 勸導 | Persuasion

10. 鼠疫 | The Plague

11. 簡 愛 | Jane Eyre

12. 遠大前程 | Great Expectations

13. 霧都孤兒 | Oliver Twist

14. 了不起的蓋茨比 | The Great Gatsby

15. 戴西 米勒 | Daisy Miller

16. 伊凡 伊里奇之死 | The Death of Ivan Ilych

17. 童年 | Childhood

18. 吝嗇鬼 | The Miser

19. 卡門 | Carmen

20. 科隆巴 | Colomba

21. 雙重人格 | The Double

22. 黑鬱金香 | The Black Tulip

23. 變形記 | The Metamorphosis

24. 秘密花園 | The Secret Garden

25. 教師 | The Professor

26. 地下城 | The Underground City

27. 神秘島 | The Mysterious Island

28. 從地球到月球 | From the Earth to the Moon

29. 水晶蛋 | The Crystal Egg

30. 新型加速劑 | The New Accelerator

31. 時光機器 | Time Machine

32. 三人同舟 | Three Men in a Boat

33. 懶人閑思錄 | Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow

34. 海浪 | The Waves

35. 小人物日記 | The Diary of a Nobody

36. 雅各布哥哥 | Brother Jacob

37. 卡特里奧娜 | Catriona

38. 金銀島 | Treasure Island

39. 英國的文藝復興 | The English Renaissance of Art

40. 石榴屋童話集 | A House of Pomegranates

41. 平凡人和他的妻子 | The Plain Man and His Wife

42. 悠遊度過一天的24小時 | How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day

43. 尋找精神家園 | Letters to a Spiritual Seeker

44. 瑣事集 | All Trivia

45. 芝麻與百合 | Sesame and Lilies

46. 文藝復興 | The Renaissance

47. 漫遊東西世界 | Roving East and Roving West

48. 四季隨筆 | The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft

49. 塞文山驢伴之旅 | Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes

50. 我的知識之路 | Autobiography of John Stuart Mill

51. 我的童年 | My Childhood

52. 凱爾特的薄暮 | The Celtic Twilight

53. 小王子 | The Little Prince

54. 鞋 | Shoes

55. 迷人的側影 | The Enchanted Profile

56. 生活的陀螺 | The Whirligig Of Life

57. 新婚的姊妹們 | Sisters of the Golden Circle

58. 城市佬 | Man about Town

59. 華而不實 | Lost on Dress Parade

60. 二十年後 | After Twenty Years

61. 自然調節 | An Adjustment of Nature

62. 回合之間 | Between Rounds

63. 口信 | By Courier

64. 托賓的手相 | Tobin』s Palm

65. 三葉草和棕櫚樹 | Shamrock and the Palm

66. 愛的犧牲 | A Service of Love

67. 一千美元 | One Thousand Dollars

68. 閃鋅礦的賣主 | A Blackjack Bargainer

69. 黃狗自傳 | Memoirs of a Yellow Dog

70. 紅酋長的贖金 | The Ransom of Red Chief

71. 綠門 | The Green Door

72. 帶傢具出租的房間 | The Furnished Room

73. 鐘擺 | The Pendulum

74. 警察與讚美詩 | The Cop and the Anthem

75. 聖賢的禮物 | The Gift of The Magi

76. 失語漫遊 | A Ramble in Aphasia

77. 叢林中的孩子 | Babies in the Jungle

78. 第五個車輪 | The Fifth Wheel

79. 姑娘和騙局 | The Girl and the Graft

80. 閃光的金子 | The Gold That Glittered

81. 詩人與鄉巴佬 | The Poet and the Peasant

82. 安寧的長袍 | The Robe of Peace

83. 哈里發、丘比特和時鐘 | The Caliph, Cupid and the Clock

84. 帶天窗的房間 | The Skylight Room

85. 一個離奇的故事 | A Strange Story

86. 與睡神抗爭 | At Arms with Morpheus

87. 恭賀佳節 | Compliments of the Season

88. 同病相憐 | Makes the Whole World Kin

89. 決鬥 | The Duel

90. 最後的行吟詩人 | The Last of the Troubadours

91. 最後的處方 | Let Me Feel Your Pulse

92. 沙姆羅克 喬爾摩斯歷險記 | The Adventures of Shamrock Jolnes

93. 「干谷」約翰遜的小陽春 | The Indian Summer of Dry Valley Johnson

94. 公主與美洲獅 | The Princess and the Puma

95. 麥克的贖金 | The Ransom of Mack

96. 巴格達之雞 | A Bird of Bagdad

97. 哈里發和莽漢 | The Caliph and the Cad

98. 帶磨坊的教堂 | The Church with an shot-Wheel

99. 復活日那天 | The Day Resurgent

100.姑娘與習慣 | The Girl and the Habit

101.靈魂和摩天大樓 | Psyche and the Pskyscraper

102.新天方夜譚 | A Night in New Arabia

103.風險家 | The Ventures

104.篝火旁的紐約 | New York by Campfire Light

105.最後一片藤葉 | The Last Leaf

106.瓶中手稿 | Ms. Found in a Bottle

107.絕境 | A Predicament

108.言語的力量 | The Power of Words

109.騙術 | Diddling

110.跳蛙 | Hop-Frog

111.同木乃伊對話 | Some Words with a Mummy

112.焦油博士和羽毛教授的療法 | The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether

113.眼鏡 | The Spectacles

114.生意人 | The Business Man

115.斯芬克司 | The Sphinx

116.鐘樓里的魔鬼 | The Devil in the Belfry

117.氣球騙局 | The Balloon-Hoax

118.一桶白葡萄酒 | The Cask of Amontillado

119.辛格姆 鮑勃先生的文學生涯 | Literary Life of Thingum Bob

120.紅死病魔的面具 | The Masque of the Red Death

121.一次電話交談 | A Telephonic Conversation

122.威廉三世的肖像 | Portrait of King William III

123.躺在床上的危險 | The Danger of Lying in Bed

124.第一台打字機 | The First Writing-Machines

125.時尚一例 | A Fashion Item

126.歷史重現 | History Repeats Itself

127.尊為奇人 | Honored as a Curiosity

128.中國人約翰在紐約 | John Chinaman in New York

129.一隻狗的故事 | A Dog』s Tale

130.運氣 | Luck

131.競選州長 | Running for Governor

132.科學對陣運氣 | The Science vs Luck

133.殯儀員的閑談 | The Undertaker』s Chat

134.辦公室里的討厭鬼 | The Office Bore

135.飼養家禽 | To Raise Poultry

136.「兩歲嬰孩」的妙語 | Wit Inspirations of the 「Two-Year-Olds」

137.我的前參議員秘書生涯 | My Late Senatorial Secretaryship

138.聖經故事全景畫家 | The Scriptural Panoramist

139.經過修訂的訃告 | Amended Obituaries

140.獵捕狡猾的火雞 | Hunting the Deceitful Turkey

141.已故的本傑明 富蘭克林 | The Late Benjamin Franklin

142.愛爾蘭的「教派口號」 | 「Party Cries」 In Ireland

143.一位健康的老人 | A Fine Old Man

144.一次神秘的拜訪 | A Mysterious Visit

145.漫談理髮師 | About Barbers

146.給小女孩的忠告 | Advice to Little Girls

147.餐後致辭 | After-Dinner Speech

148.一篇有趣的文章 | An Entertaining Article

149.詼諧自傳 | Burleque Biography

150.人生的五種恩賜 | The Five Boons of Life

151.王子與貧兒 | The Prince and the Pauper

152.湯姆 索耶在國外 | Tom Sawyer Abroad

153.湯姆 索耶探案 | Tom Sawyer\, Detective

154.棕色的沃爾夫 | Brown Wolf

155.有傷疤的人 | The Man with the Gash

156.疑犯從寬 | The Benefit of the Doubt

157.意外 | The Unexpected

158.在甲板的天棚下 | Under the Deck Awnings

159.強者的力量 | The Strength of the Strong

160.太多金子 | Too Much Gold

161.黃金谷 | All Gold Canon

162.故事的結局 | The End of the Story

163.為趕路的人乾杯 | To the Man on the Trail

164.老頭子同盟 | The League of the Old Men

165.克里斯 法林頓 一等水手 | Chris Farrington\, Able Seaman

166.陳阿春 | Chun Ah Chun

167.圓臉 | Moon-Face

168.老禿子 | Old Baldy

169.帶翅膀的勒索信 | Winged Blackmail

170.終結 | Fins

171.只是肉而已 | Just Meat

172.叛逆者 | The Apostate

173.殺人 | To Kill a Man

174.爬上陡坡 | Up The Slide

175.兩個騙子 | Two Gold Bricks

176.在江戶海灣 | In Yeddo Bay

177.擊退登船的人 | To Repel Boarders

178.遠在他鄉 | In a Far Country

179.女人的剛毅 | Grit of Women

180.丟臉先生 | Lost Face

181.基斯,老基斯之子 | Keesh\, Son of Keesh

182.在流口水病房裡講的故事 | Told in the Drooling Ward

183.生活對我意味著什麼 | What Life Means to Me

184.當世界還年輕的時候 | When the World Was Young

185.英俊的船艙侍者 | The Handsome Cabin Boy

186.光臉熊 | Bald-Face

187.金光 | Flush of Gold

188.莫基 | Mauki

189.世界公敵 | The Enemy of All the World

190.形體的永恆 | The Eternity of Forms

191.戰爭 | War

192.歌利亞 | Goliah

193.以活下去為職責的人 | Whose Business Is to Live

194.那隻斑點狗 | That Spot

195.酒後之勇 | Dutch Courage

196.再見,傑克 | Good-Bye\, Jack!

197.熱愛生命 | Love of Life

198.北方的奧德賽 | An Odyssey of the North

199.一塊牛排 | A Piece of Steak

200.業餘愛好者之夜 | Amateur Night

201.扶乩 | Planchette

202.當艾麗斯向上帝告解 | When Alice Told Her Soul

203.拳頭 | Bunches of Knuckles

204.唷!唷!唷! | Yah! Yah! Yah!

205.空中冒險 | An Adventure in the Upper Sea

206.納姆-博克,不誠實的人 | Nam-Bok\, the Unveracious

207.塞繆爾 | Samuel

208.森珀 艾德姆 | Semper Idem

209.脛骨骨骸 | Shin-Bones

210.歧途末路 | Where the Trail Forks

211.在塔斯曼的烏龜旁 | By the Turtles of Tasman

212.像古代的阿格斯 | Like Argus of the Ancient Times

213.拳賽 | The Game

214.一千打 | The One Thousand Dozen

215.鐵蹄 | The Iron Heel

216.野性的呼喚 | The Call of the Wild

217.馬丁 伊登 | Martin Eden

218.黑人漁夫薩姆歷險記 | The Adventure of Sam\, the Black Fisherman

219.魔鬼和湯姆 沃克 | The Devil and Tom Walker

220.強盜首領的故事 | The Story of the Bandit Chieftain

221.年輕強盜的故事 | The Story of the Young Robber

222.神秘畫像的奇遇 | The Adventure of the Mysterious Picture

223.鬼門關 | Hell Gate

224.海盜基德 | Kidd the Pirate

225.遲來的旅客 | The Belated Travellers

226.泰拉奇納的旅店 | The Inn at Terracina

227.波普金斯歷險記 | The Adventure of the Popkins Family

228.德國學生的奇遇 | The Adventure of the German Student

229.英國人歷險記 | The Adventure of the Englishman

230.矮小考古家的奇遇 | The Adventure of the Little Antiquary

231.神秘陌生人的奇遇 | The Adventure of the Mysterious Stranger

232.英國還是男人的國家嗎 | Is England Still a Man』s Country

233.作畫 | Making Pictures

234.回鄉 | Return to Bestwood

235.真實的自我 | Myself Revealed

236.性的魅力 | Sex Appeal

237.牆上的那些畫 | Pictures on the Walls

238.被文明奴役 | Enslaved by Civilisation

239.出人頭地 | Getting On

240.諾丁漢礦鄉雜記 | Nottingham and the Mining Countryside

241.白絲襪 | The White Stocking

242.生病的礦工 | A Sick Collier

243.范妮與安妮 | Fanny and Annie

244.兩隻藍鳥 | Two Blue Birds

245.洗禮 | The Christening

246.太陽 | Sun

247.母與女 | Mother and Daughter

248.英格蘭,我的英格蘭 | England\, My England

249.阿道夫 | Adolf

250.美婦人 | The Lovely Lady

251.吉米和絕望的女人 | Jimmy and the Desperate Woman

252.菊香 | Odour of Chrysanthemums

253.薩姆森和德萊拉 | Samson and Delilah

254.輪到她了 | Her Turn

255.騎木馬的優勝者 | The Rocking-Horse Winner

256.公主 | The Princess

257.春天的陰影 | The Shades of Spring

258.你摸了我 | You Touched Me

259.肉中刺 | The Thorn in the Flesh

260.玫瑰花園裡的暗影 | The Shadow in the Rose Garden

261.狐狸 | The Fox

262.盲人 | The Blind Man

263.騎馬而去的女子 | The Woman Who Rode Away

264.格林童話(一) | Grimms Fairy Tales Ⅰ

265.伊索寓言(一) | Aesops Fables Ⅰ

266.伊索寓言(二) | Aesops Fables Ⅱ

267.伊索寓言(三) | Aesops Fables Ⅲ

268.伊索寓言(四) | Aesops Fables Ⅳ

269.伊索寓言(五) | Aesops Fables Ⅴ

270.年輕的古德曼 布朗 | Young Goodman Brown

271.小水仙 | Little Daffydowndilly

272.客邁拉 | The Chimera

273.西弗爾 埃瑟里奇 | Sylph Etherege

274.手稿中的魔鬼 | The Devil in Manuscript

275.古老的泰孔德羅加 | Old Ticonderoga

276.石人 | The Man of Adamant

277.威廉 菲普斯爵士 | Sir William Phips

278.遺孀 | The Wives of the Dead

279.胎痣 | The Birthmark

280.坎特伯雷的朝聖者 | The Canterbury Pilgrims

281.蓓蕾和鳥鳴 | Buds and Bird Voices

282.三個金蘋果 | The Three Golden Apples

283.得了條明眼狗 | Get a Seeing-Eyed Dog

284.度夏的人們 | Summer People

285.蝴蝶和坦克 | The Butterfly and the Tank

286.越野滑雪 | Cross-Country Snow

287.小小說 | A Very Short Story

288.貴族之家 | A House of Gentlefolk

289.春潮 | The Torrents of Spring

290.木木 | Mumu

291.羅亭 | Rudin

292.前夜 | On the Eve

293.初戀 | First Love

294.戈迪薩爾二世 | Gaudissart Ⅱ

295.紅房子旅館 | The Red Inn

296.神秘的傑作 | The Hidden Masterpiece

297.新兵 | The Recruit

298.菲爾米亞尼夫人 | Madame Firmiani

299.婦女研究 | Study of a Woman

300.海濱慘劇 | A Drama on the Seashore

301.婦女再研究 | Another Study of Woman

302.長壽藥水 | The Elixir of Life

303.老姑娘 | An Old Maid

304.發明家的苦難 | Eve and David

305.古物陳列室 | The Collection of Antiquities

306.歐仁妮 葛朗台 | Eugenie Grandet

307.公務員 | Bureaucracy

308.婚約 | A Marriage Contract

309.高老頭 | Father Goriot

310.莫黛斯特 米尼翁 | Modeste Mignon

311.夜闌 | Late at Night

312.男爵 | The Baron

313.幸福 | Bliss

314.帕克媽媽的一生 | Life of Ma Parker

315.一杯茶 | A Cup of Tea

316.鴿子先生和鴿子太太 | Mr. and Mrs. Dove

317.雷金納德的一天 | Mr. Reginald Peacock』s Day

318.唱歌課 | The Singing Lesson

319.畫冊的一頁 | Feuille d』Album

320.陌生人 | The Stranger

321.男爵夫人的妹妹 | The Sister of the Baroness

322.心理 | Psychology

323.花園茶會 | The Garden Party

324.女掌柜 | The Woman at the Store













































































401.寓言一則 | A Fable

402.鬼故事 | A Ghost Story

403.怪物之母 | A Mother of Monsters

404.一座新比徹教堂 | A New Beecher Church

405.魔球小子和壞人 | Ball-Carrier and the Bad One

406.喬治·華盛頓外傳 | Brief Biographical Sketch of George Washington

407.招供 | Confessing

408.牢騷父親 | Father Grumbler

409.懦夫蓋拉爾德受懲記 | How Geirald the Coward was Punished懦夫蓋拉爾德受懲記

410.德國薩根菲爾德的傳說 | Legend of Sagenfeld, in Germany

411.尼亞加拉 | Niagara

412.猶大老爹 | Old Judas

413.跛子 | The Cripple

414.聰明的兔子 | The Cunning Hare

415.科蒙戈樹的神聖汁液 | The Sacred Milk of Koumongoe

416.被偷的白象 | The Stolen White Elephant

417.壞孩子的故事 | The Story of the Bad Little Boy

418.好孩子的故事 | The Story of the Good Little Boy

419.亞拉的故事 | The Story of the Yara

420.替身 | The Substitute

421.真實的故事 | The True Story

422.我生命的轉折點 | The Turning-Point of My Life

423.海龜和他的新娘 | The Turtle and His Bride

424.白猿 | The White Monkey

425.脫胎換骨的人 | A Changed Man

426.「恐怖統治」時期的一名委員 | A Committee-Man of 『The Terror』

427.一筆買賣 | A Sale

428.月光 | Clair de Lune

429.晚到的騎兵 | Enter a Dragoon

430.插曲 | Episode

431.我是如何編輯農業報的 | How I Edited An Agricultural Paper


433.約翰·霍斯利爵士 | Master John Horseleigh, Knight

434.我們的信 | Our Letters

435.自殺事件 | Suicides

436.銅指環 | The Bronze Ring

437.奇怪的夢 | The Curious Dream

438.巴倫特雷少爺 | The Master of Ballantrae

439.學發抖的年輕人 | The Tale of a Youth Who Set Out to Learn What Fear Was

440.阿斯木得和西格尼 | Asmund and Signy

441.劊子手 | El Verdugo

442.哈博基 | Habogi

443.帶球人是怎樣完成他的任務的 | How Ball-Carrier Finished His Task

444.弟弟救哥哥 | How the Little Brother Set Free His Big Brothers

445.一隻名叫基薩的貓 | Kisa the Cat

446.十月和六月 | October and June

447.魯貝察爾 | Rubezahl

448.想戰勝命運的國王 | Story of the King Who Would Be Stronger Than Fate

449.一隻烏龜的故事和一隻淘氣猴子的故事 | Tale of a Tortoise and of a Mischievous Monkey

450.天氣寒暄冠軍 | The Champion of the Weather

451.我們慶祝的日子 | The Day We Celebrate

452.迦梨女神的鑽石 | The Diamond of Kali

453.四十大盜 | The Forty Thieves

454.狐狸和拉普人 | The Fox and the Lapp

455.大科尼島 | The Greater Coney

456.老鼠嫁女 | The Husband of the Rat』s Daughter

457.尤利烏斯·愷撒之死的「本地報道」 | The Killing of Julius Caesar 「Localized」

458.魚騎士 | The Knights of the Fish

459.高高在上的女士 | The Lady Higher up

460.德意志軍團里憂鬱的輕騎兵 | The Melancholy Hussar of the German 德意志軍團里憂鬱的輕騎兵

461.美人魚與男孩 | The Mermaid and the Boy美人魚與男孩

462.城市的驕傲 | The Pride of the Cities

463.普魯士軍官 | The Prussian Officer

464.太陽妹妹 | The Sister of the Sun

465.林中的睡美人 | The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood

466.偵探 | The Sleuths

467.邪惡的狼獾 | The Wicked Wolverine

468.博妻歡心 | To Please His Wife

469.馬丁·伯尼的轉變 | Transformation of Martin Burney


471.玫瑰對柏樹做了什麼[1] | What the Rose did to the Cypress[1]

472.誰的丈夫更蠢 | Which Was the Foolishest

473.彗星來臨 | In the Days of the Comet

474.無神論者做彌撒 | The Atheist』s Mass

475.法西諾·卡內 | Facino Cane

476.信使 | The Message

477.地獄之火 | The Plutonian Fire

478.地下餐館和玫瑰花 | The Rathskeller and the Rose

479.命運的震蕩 | The Shocks of Doom

480.汽車等待的時候 | While the Auto Waits

481.刎頸之交 | Telemachus, friend

482.丟失的琴弦 | The Missing Chord

483.不過是插曲罷了 | A Mere Interlude

484.拉里爾舞曲的小提琴手 | The Fiddler of the Reels

485.牧羊人之所見:四個月夜的故事 | What the Shepherd Saw: A Tale of Four Moonlight Nights

486.喬治·費希爾案 | The Case of George Fisher

487.藍鬍子 | Blue Beard

488.灰姑娘,或小玻璃鞋 | Cinderrela, or the Little Glass Slipper

489.費利西婭與一盆石竹花 | Felicia and the Pot Of Pinks

490.漢塞爾與格萊特 | Hansel and Grettel

491.小紅帽 | Little Red Riding Hood

492.海辛斯王子和可愛小公主 | Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess

493.侏儒怪 | Rumpelstiltzkin

494.雪白與玫瑰紅 | Snow-White and Rose-Red

495.諾羅威的黑公牛 | The Black Bull of Norroway

496.勇敢的小裁縫 | The Brave Little Tailor

497.牧鵝姑娘 | The Goose Girl

498.巨人殺手傑克傳奇 | The History of Jack the Giant Killer

499.惠廷頓傳奇 | The History of Whittington

500.穿靴子的貓咪 | The Master Cat; or, Puss in Boots

501.紅色的埃廷 | The Red Etin

502.睡蓮花 | The Water-Lily

503.忠實的約翰 | Trusty John

504.蟾蜍與鑽石 | Toads and Diamonds

505.海水為什麼是鹹的 | Why the Sea is Salt

506.老福賽特的印第安之夏 | Indian Summer of A Forsyte

507.莉齊·利 | Lizzie Leigh

508.追求至美的藝術家 | The Artist of the Beautiful

509.被遺棄的女人 | The Deserted Woman

510.一個非洲故事 | An African Story

511.有人影的遠景 | Landscape with Figures

512.忠貞的公牛 | The Faithful Bull

513.毒藥 | Poison

514.陽陽和月月 | Sun and Moon

515.花朵 | This Flower

516.「美中不足」 | 「Little Speck in Garnered Fruit」

517.多爾蒂的啟發 | Dougherty』s Eye-Opener

518.各盡所能 | From Each According to His Ability

519.牧場上的博皮普夫人 | Madame Bo-Peep, of the Ranches

520.四不像 | Four Beasts In One—The Homo-Cameleopard

521.樵夫的命運 | Fortune and the Wood-Cutter

522.一些野生動物是怎樣被馴服的 | How Some Wild Animals Became

523.皮維和卡博 | Pivi and Kabo

524.純樸真誠的瓦利·戴德的故事 | Story of Wali Dad the Simple-Hearted

525.沼澤怪獸 | The Bunyip

526.精靈姑娘 | The Elf Maiden

527.魔法人頭 | The Enchanted Head

528.四份特別的禮物 | The Four Gifts

529.三隻狗 | The Three Dogs

530.六隻飢腸轆轆的動物 | The Six Hungry Beasts

531.堅強的王子 | The Strong Prince











































574.燦爛千陽(試讀) | A Thousand Splendid Suns

575.美軍第一狙擊手(試讀) | American Sniper

576.只是孩子(試讀) | Just Kids

577.鍋匠,裁縫,士兵,間諜(試讀) | Tinker\, Tailor\, Soldier\, Spy








585.小說鑒賞(雙語修訂)(第3版)(試讀) | Understanding Ficition



588.了了(試讀) | Everything Is Illuminated

589.我生命的速度(試讀) | Life at These Speeds


591.人生要有承擔失去的勇氣(試讀) | Soul Surfer


593.駱駝移動圖書館(試讀) | The Camel Bookmobile

594.波斯少年(試讀) | The Persian Boy

595.列儂回憶(試讀) | Lennon Remembers

596.當上帝是只兔子(試讀) | When God was a Rabbit


598.被偷走的人生(試讀) | A Stolen Life


600.松林(英文試讀) | Pines





605.狗的冒險書(試讀) | The Dangerous Book For Dogs

606.下輩子做貓吧(試讀) | The Devious Book For Cats


608.單身(試讀) | A Single Man


610.假裝的藝術(試讀) | The Art of Faking It

611.玻璃村莊(試讀) | The Glass Village



614.浪遊之歌(試讀) | Wanderlust

615.百鬼夜行:陰(試讀) |






621.羅傑疑案(試讀) | The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

622.寓所謎案(試讀) | The Murder at the Vicarage

623.斯泰爾斯莊園奇案(試讀) | The Mysterious Affair at Styles


625.思考,快與慢(試讀) | Thinking, Fast and Slow

626.習慣的力量(試讀) | The Power of Habit

627.白化士兵 | The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier

628.薩塞克斯吸血鬼 | The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire









637.倫敦塔集雨人(試讀) | The Tower\, The Zoo\, and The Tortoise




641.守門員面對罰點球時的焦慮(試讀) | Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter

642.哈佛幸福課(試讀) |

643.中國文明的開始(試讀) | The Beginnings of Chinese Civilization

644.中國經濟改革發展之路(試讀) | Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way


646.這個世界會好嗎(試讀) | Has Man a Future









655.斯皮爾伯格傳(試讀) | Steven Spielberg A Biography

656.黑蜥蜴(試讀) |



659.四種愛(試讀) | The Four Loves



662.存在主義簡論 | Existentialism: A Very Short Introduction

663.《聖經》縱覽 | The Bible: A Very Short Introduction








671.四種愛 | The Four Loves


fltrp是Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press的縮寫,也即外語教學與研究出版社。

kidslib是kids library的縮寫。


詳見: 外語教學與研究出版社




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