買了上校的《新托福110必備辭彙》托福書, 看到這句話,還是被感動了。下面的文字摘錄書中,希望對你也有幫助:)
閱讀真題文章(節選):The most widely accepted theory, championed by anthropologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, envisions theater as emerging out of myth and ritual.
例題1:The word 「championed」 in the passage is closest in meaning to ○Changed ○Debated○Created○Supported
分析:這道題問championed在文章里和哪一個單詞意思最接近。一般來說,考生背champion的意思是冠軍的,但在這裡,champion為動詞,而且根據文章的意思,應該選D。但考生如果在備考期間,背的辭彙書籍是根據考試考點出發,那麼應該給出該詞的同義詞:support,而不是僅僅讓考生去背「冠軍;支持」這些中文釋義。因此,本書在編寫的時候,尤其注重結合新托福考試的本質,提供常考的辭彙的同義詞。事實上,背下一個辭彙的中文釋義基本可以說不是在學英語這個語言本身,而是在學習翻譯。 該題答案是最後一個supported.
champion [t??mpj?n] v. 支持, 擁護to act as militant supporter of : uphold, advocate
【近】back, endorse, support
閱讀真題文章(節選):Having little understanding of natural causes, it attributes both desirable and undesirable occurrences to supernatural or magical forces, and it searches for means to win the favor of these forces.
例題2: The word 「attributes」 in the passage is closest in meaning to ○Ascribes○Leaves○Limits○Contrasts
attribute [?tr?bju?t] v. 歸於, 屬於to relate to a particular cause or source; ascribe
【近】accredit, ascribe
閱讀真題文章(節選):But neither the human imitative instinct nor a penchant for fantasy by itself leads to an autonomous theater.
例題3:The word 「penchant」 in the passage is closest in meaning to ○Compromise○Inclination○Tradition○Respect
penchant [pent??nt] n. 傾向; 嗜好a definite liking; a strong inclination
【近】 proclivity, propensity, tendency
1、 EXCEPT題目:
閱讀真題文章(節選):In addition to exploring the possible antecedents of theater, scholars have also theorized about the motives that led people to develop theater. Why did theater develop, and why was it valued after it ceased to fulfill the function of ritual? Most answers fall back on the theories about the human mind and basic human needs. One, set forth by Aristotle in the fourth century B.C., sees humans as naturally imitative—as taking pleasure in imitating persons, things, and actions and in seeing such imitations. Another, advanced in the twentieth century, suggests that humans have a gift for fantasy, through which they seek to reshape reality into more satisfying forms than those encountered in daily life. Thus, fantasy or fiction (of which drama is one form) permits people to objectify their anxieties and fears, confront them, and fulfill their hopes in fiction if not fact. The theater, then, is one tool whereby people define and understand their world or escape from unpleasant realities.
例題1: All of following are mentioned in paragraph 5 as possible reasons that led societies to develop theater EXCEPT:○Theater allows people to face that they are afraid of.○Theater gives an opportunity to imagine a better reality.○Theater is a way to enjoy imitating other people.○Theater provides people the opportunity to better understand the human mind.
注意題目」 reasons that led societies to develop theater」等於文章裡面的」 motives that led people to develop theater」。因此,定位到文章相對應的地方,即可知道第一個motive應該是關鍵詞「imitative」;第2個motive的關鍵詞應該是「fantasy」。但如果考生在備考新托福期間,背fantasy的釋義為「幻想」基本對做題是沒有太大的幫助的,考生應該清楚fantasy的釋義為「an imagined event or sequence of mental images」,那麼就可以快速的識別選項「Theater gives an opportunity to imagine a better reality」中的「imagine」對應文章裡面的fantasy,即可快速排除該選項。
同理,第一個選項「Theater allows people to face that they are afraid of」中的「face 」,「afraid of」對應文章中的「confront」以及「fears」。這時候考生應該清楚筆者編著該書時,confront一詞,為何用心良苦地給出如下釋義「to face ;to meet face-to-face encounter」,並且加粗突出「face」一詞。
閱讀真題文章(節選) On the other hand, air turbulence increases because of the effect of skyscrapers on airflow. Rainfall is also increased in cities. The cause appears to be in part greater turbulence in the urban atmosphere as hot air rises from the built-up surface.
例題1:. According to paragraph 5, which of the following is a factor responsible for the greater air turbulence in urban environments?A. The high speed of the winds travelling above citiesB. The greater rainfall totals recorded in citiesC. Attempts to reduce urban air pollutionD. The effects of tall buildings on airflow
分析:通過題目關鍵詞「air turbulence」定位和「factor」得知,題目考查原因,因此答案應該是「the effect of skyscrapers」。該書給出的意思如下:skyscraper :n. 摩天大樓a very tall building。 需要提醒的是,並非是筆者故意根據考題而杜撰skyscraper一詞的英文釋義為:」a very tall building」 而是該詞在筆者選擇的字典里就是這個意思。這樣說,只是想提醒廣大考生,備考期間,多看辭彙的英文釋義很重要,而選擇一本正確的辭彙書籍更加重要!
閱讀真題文章(節選)The proportion of empty space in a rock is known as its porosity. But note that porosity is not the same as permeability, which measures the ease with which water can flow through a material; this depends on the sizes of the individual cavities and the crevices linking them.
例題1:11. What is the main purpose of paragraph 7? ○To explain why water can flow through rock○To emphasize the large amount of empty space in all rock○To point out that a rock cannot be both porous and permeable○To distinguish between two related properties of rock
分析:根據題目問第7段的寫作目的。通過文章里的第2句「But note that porosity is not the same as permeability…」出現轉折知道該句為這段的主題句,也就是答案所在。該句說porosity 和permeability並不是一碼事。因此可以知道答案是去區別porosity 和permeability。但考生按照傳統的備考方式,背下porosity和permeability的中文釋義分別為「多孔性」和「滲透性」基本對考試沒有任何幫助,而要清楚porosity為岩石多孔的一種特性(property),英文釋義為:「the state or property of being porous.」,而permeability也是岩石的滲透性的一種特性(property ),英文釋義為:「the property or condition of being permeable.」,那麼不難得出該題答案為最後一個「To distinguish between two related properties of rock」。
閱讀真題文章(節選)One, set forth by Aristotle in the fourth century B.C., sees humans as naturally imitative—as taking pleasure in imitating persons, things, and actions and in seeing such imitations. Another, advanced in the twentieth century, suggests that humans have a gift for fantasy, through which they seek to reshape reality into more satisfying forms than those encountered in daily life.
分析:在該篇文章里,advanced並非是考生平時熟悉的「先進的」的意思,而是動詞 「提出」的意思,相當於「propose」或者「set forth」,考生此時應該清楚,為何該書的釋義要給出「set forth」並且加粗和劃橫線,因為在文章前一句,也出現了「set forth」。而熟悉國外的文章的同學應該都清楚,在表達同一個意思或者概念時,作者一般是會強調辭彙的多樣性的,如果考生在備考時,背一個辭彙的時候,熟悉該詞的同義詞和英文釋義,即可做到既可以幫忙理解文章上下文之間的聯繫,也可以幫助考生準備寫作,做到一舉多得。
該書中給出的釋義:advance v. 提出to bring forward for consideration, or acceptance :propose,set forth
例2:閱讀真題文章(節選):Under this theory, relating and listening to stories are seen as fundamental human pleasures
分析:分析:在該篇文章里,relating並非是考生平時熟悉的「相關的」的意思,而是動詞 「說」的意思,相當於「tell」,考生此時應該清楚,為何該書的釋義要給出「relating」並且加粗和劃橫線: relate v. 敘述,說to give an account of:tell
T:OG 無老師鎮魂單詞(這個不算書吧,pdf合集)TPO(這個也不算書吧)單詞書這個太多了,我說我的吧,無老師7天搞定單詞(好像叫這個)G:OG,magoosh。講真,我準備TG的時候貌似沒怎麼用到紙質書籍。都是電腦
講道理的話 我覺得托福和gre自學完全沒有必要 報一個班提升的效果完全大於自己看 這個性價比非常高 當然 不建議報大眾化的幾十個人的班 最好是有課前課後鞏固 上課人數比較少的班