




Howard給Bernadette唱的《If I Didnt Have You》

If I didnt have you 我如果沒有遇見你

Life would be blue 生活將會很憂鬱

Id be Dr. Who without the TARDIS 我就像沒有電話亭的《神秘博士》

A candle without a wick 沒有燈芯的蠟燭

A Watson without a Crick 沒有克里克的沃森

Id be one of my outfits without a dick-ie. 我就像沒有領結的外套

Id be cheese without mac 沒有通心麵的乳酪

Jobs without the Wozniak 沒有沃茲尼亞克的喬布斯

Id be solving exponential equations 我就像在解指數方程

That use bases not found on your calculator 卻用了沒有底數的計算器

Making it much harder to crack 難度大得解不出來

Id be an atom without a bomb 我就像原子沒有彈

A dot without the com 點沒有「com」

And Id probably still live with my mom. 我可能還和媽媽一起住

And hes probably still live with his mom. 他可能還和媽媽一起住

Ever since I met you,you turned my world around. 自從我遇見你,你徹底改變了我的世界

You supported all my dreams and all my hopes. 你支持著我所有的夢想、所有的希望

You are like Uranium-235 and I am Uranium-238 你就像鈾235,而我就像鈾238

Almost inseparable isotopes~ 難以分離的同位素

I couldnt have imagined 我永遠想像不到

How good my life would get 我的生活會變得多麼美妙

From the moment that I met you 自從我遇見你的那一刻


If I did』t have you 如果我沒有擁有你

Life would be dreary 生活將會很沉重

I』d be string theory without any string 我就像沒有弦的弦理論

I』d be binary code without a one 沒有1的二進位碼

A cathode ray tube without an electron gun 沒有電子槍的陰極射線管

I』d be Firefly, Buffy and Avengers withoutJoss Whedon 沒有導演喬斯韋登的《螢火蟲》《巴菲》《復仇者聯盟》

I』d speak a lot more Klingon 我會說一大堆克林貢語

Heghlu』me H QaQ jajvam 「今天就是你的忌日」

And he』definetely still live with his mom(together) 他肯定還會和媽媽一起住

Ever since I met you ,you turned my world around 自從我遇見你,你徹底改變了我的世界

You』re my best friend and my lover 你是我最好的朋友、我的愛人

We』re like changing electric and magneticfields 我們就像電場和磁場相互激發

You can』t have one without the other 沒有了誰都不行

I could』t have imagined 我永遠想像不到

How good my life would get 我的生活會變得多麼美妙

From the moment that I met you 自從我遇見你的那一刻


Oh, we couldn』t have imagined 我們永遠想像不到

How good our lives would get 我們的生活會變得多麼美妙

From the moment that we met you 自從我們遇見你的那一刻



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