2/2 【美國歷史上的今天】斯大林邀請杜魯門來蘇聯做客,杜魯門說……


When: Feb 2, 1949

What: In response to Soviet leader Joseph Stalin』s proposal that President Harry S. Truman travel to Russia for a conference, Secretary of State Dean Acheson rejected the idea as a 「political maneuver.」

Why significant: This rather curious exchange was further evidence of the diplomatic sparring between the U.S. and the Soviet Union that was so characteristic of the early years of the Cold War.

Stalin broached the idea of Truman traveling to the Soviet Union and indicated that his health prohibited him from coming to the U.S. However, Stalin』s agenda for the meeting was not concrete. Ultimately, the U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson turned the proposal down.

Stalin』s vague proposal and Acheson』s blistering response were typical of the constant war of words that took place between the Soviet Union and the U.S. during the late-1940s and the end of the 1950s. The verbal sparring illustrated the lack of trust on both sides and the failure to locate any foundation for diplomatic negotiations. Although relations between the two nations warmed slightly during the 1960s and 1970s, the war of rhetoric continued unabated.

Tags: Cold War, President Harry S. Truman, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Joseph Stalin




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