


提到的被討論對象也有三種:人物(指任何一個人)、公眾人物(指在公眾視線下的人物,原文是an individual who is in the light of public attention or who has disclosed information about himself/herself through public media)、政治人物。





Psychiatry Group Says Members Can Comment on Trump』s Mental Health

The decision overturns decades-old norms



By Sharon Begley, STAT on July 25, 2017

作者 Sharon Begley,STAT網站2017年6月25日訊

A leading psychiatry group has told its members they should not feel bound by a longstanding rule against commenting publicly on the mental state of public figures—even the president.


The statement, an email this month from the executive committee of the American Psychoanalytic Association to its 3,500 members, represents the first significant crack in the profession』s decades-old united front aimed at preventing experts from discussing the psychiatric aspects of politicians』 behavior. It will likely make many of its members feel more comfortable speaking openly about President Trump』s mental health.


The impetus for the email was 「belief in the value of psychoanalytic knowledge in explaining human behavior,」 said psychoanalytic association past president Dr. Prudence Gourguechon, a psychiatrist in Chicago. 「We don』t want to prohibit our members from using their knowledge responsibly.」

來自郵件的信息代表著這樣一種趨勢:「相信精神分析知識用於解釋人類行為的價值。」精神分析協會的前任主席、來自芝加哥的精神病學家Dr. Prudence Gourguechon如是說。「我們不希望禁止我們的成員去負責人地使用他們所掌握的知識。」

That responsibility is especially great today, she told STAT, 「since Trump』s behavior is so different from anything we』ve seen before」 in a commander in chief.


An increasing number of psychologists and psychiatrists have denounced the restriction as a 「gag rule」 and flouted it, with some arguing they have a 「duty to warn」 the public about what they see as Trump』s narcissism, impulsivity, poor attention span, paranoia, and other traits that, they believe, impair his ability to lead.


Reporters, pundits, and government officials 「have been stumbling around trying to explain Trump』s unusual behavior,」 from his seemingly compulsive tweeting to his grandiosity, said Dr. Leonard Glass, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School. The rule against psychiatrists offering their analysis of the emotions, thought patterns, and beliefs underlying such behaviors, Glass said, robs the public 「of our professional judgment and prevents us from communicating our understanding」 of the president』s mental state.

記者、專家和政府職員「受困於怎麼解釋川普不尋常的行為」,在這些行為中川普看上去強迫性地炫耀他的威嚴,在哈佛醫學院供職的精神病學家Leonard Glass博士說。Glass博士進一步說,這個規定反對精神病學專家呈現他們對一個人的一些行為背後的情感、思維模式和信念的分析,剝奪了公眾對我們專業性評價的知情權,也阻止了我們向公眾傳播我們的思想。這些專業評價和思想討論的正是川普的精神狀態。

Last week, in an essay in Psychiatric Times, Glass called the prohibition on such communication 「an unacceptable infringement on my right and duty」 to discuss issues 「where the perspective of psychiatrists could be very relevant and enlightening.」 He ended the essay by announcing his resignation from the American Psychiatric Association, which adopted the rule in 1973. He had been a member for 41 years.


Called the 「Goldwater rule,」 the prohibition on offering opinions about the mental state of public figures was adopted after some psychiatrists answered a 1964 survey on whether Sen. Barry Goldwater, the Republican presidential candidate that year, was mentally fit for the Oval Office. The rule states that it is unethical to offer a professional opinion about a public figure』s mental health, including the presence or absence of a disorder, without that person』s consent and without doing a standard examination. In March, the psychiatric association reaffirmed the rule.

被稱為「金水法則」的禁令,禁止人們表達關於公眾人物精神健康狀況的看法,誕生於1964年。在那年精神病學家們答覆了一個關於是否參議員Barry Goldwater——他在那年競選美國總統——在精神上適合任職總統。這個規定的內容是,提供關於公眾人物精神健康狀況的專業的意見不符合倫理道德,「專業意見」具體指在不經過當事人同意且沒有進行過標準化的測評的情況下,說出對一個人有沒有精神疾病的判斷。在今年三月份,精神疾病協會重申了這個規定。

The group acted despite growing criticism that the Goldwater rule is outdated and even unethical for preventing psychiatrists from pointing out behaviors that raise questions about a government official』s mental state. No other medical specialty has such a rule; cardiologists are not prohibited from offering their views of an official』s fainting spell, for instance, as long as they make clear that they have not examined the person.


Although opposition to the Goldwater rule has existed for years, it intensified with Trump』s candidacy and then election. In October, a book titled 「The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President」 will be published.


「When the book comes out, there will be renewed furor about the Goldwater rule, since it is precisely about what is wrong with him,」 said psychiatrist Dr. Lance Dodes, a retired professor at Harvard Medical School who is now in private practice in Los Angeles.

「隨著這本書籍的出版,對金水法則新一輪的抗議將會出現,因為這本書對川普哪裡有問題的討論十分準確。」退休的哈佛醫學院教授、如今在洛杉磯私人執業的精神病學專家Lance Dodes博士如是說。

A number of psychologists have spoken to reporters about what Trump』s statements and actions might reveal about his emotional and cognitive state. Although the American Psychological Association 「prefers」 that its members not offer opinions on the psychology of someone they have not examined, it does not have a Goldwater rule and is not considering implementing one, an official told STAT.


The psychoanalytic association went further. In its July 6 email, it explicitly stated for the first time that the organization does not subscribe to the rule. That position had been implicit for years, but the association』s 「leadership has been extremely reluctant to make a statement and publicly challenge the American Psychiatric Association,」 said one psychoanalytic association member who asked not to be publicly identified criticizing the other group.


One stated rationale for the Goldwater rule is that psychiatrists need to examine patients in order to properly evaluate them. In fact, for decades the State Department and other federal agencies have asked psychiatrists to offer their views on the psychological state of foreign leaders, Glass pointed out, evidence that government officials believe it is possible to make informed inferences about mental states based on public behavior and speech.


「In the case of Donald Trump, there is an extraordinary abundance of speech and behavior on which one could form a judgment,」 Glass said. 「It』s not definitive, it』s an informed hypothesis, and one we should be able to offer rather than the stunning silence demanded by the Goldwater rule.」


The Goldwater rule has long been odd in that violating it carries no penalties. In principle the psychiatric association could file a complaint with a member』s state medical board. That has apparently never happened. Nor has the association ejected a member for violating the Goldwater rule. That is something it, as a private association, would be legally permitted to do.


A state agency, however, is subject to the U.S. constitution, civil liberties experts say, and penalizing psychiatrists for speaking out would likely be a violation of their first amendment rights.


Republished with permission from STAT. This article originally appeared on July 25, 2017





Goldwater rule - Wikipedia



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