TE||Walmart fights back






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Walmart fights back



Walmart fights back


The beast of Bentonville battles Amazon, the king of the e-commerce jungle


A boa constrictor swallowing capitalism. A cyclone dragging the economy into its vortex. If you look back at how people described Walmart a decade ago, it is eerily similar to how Amazon is viewed now. The supermarket chain has 「a scale of economic power we haven』t encountered before」, warned 「The Walmart Effect」, a best-selling book in 2006. But capitalism never stands still. The world』s largest company by sales is now the perceived underdog in an escalating grocery war with Amazon to fill 320m American bellies. The struggle will probably end in a messy stalemate. That will mean mediocre returns for investors—and happy days for consumers.


Just when Walmart』s aura was at its most intimidating, in 2006, stagnation beckoned. Its reputation for bullying its suppliers and staff became toxic. Over the next decade it hit saturation point. About 95% of Americans shop at Walmart at least once a year. It has three square feet of shop space for every adult in the country and has sunk $83bn into a fixed-asset base that is the fourth-largest owned by any American firm. Investors have worried for years that this empire of aisles and tills run from Bentonville, Arkansas, would become obsolete—what did Walmart』s executives, schooled in the arts of beating up baked-beans suppliers, know about the slick world of e-commerce being dreamed up in Silicon Valley and Seattle?


More than you might think. This year Walmart』s shares have risen by40% on hopes that it has more than a fighting chance. It is clear that selling groceries online is very different from selling books. In food, penetration of e-commerce is low, at 2%, compared with 9% for all retail. Food is perishable. People will not Stuffit in their mouths unless they trust its provenance. They also want flexibility—to buy food in a store, to order online and pick it up themselves, or to have it delivered to their homes. So some physical infrastructure is helpful. 「I wouldn』t want another set of assets,」 Doug McMillon, Walmart』s boss, told the Economic Club of New York in November.

他們懂的可能比你想像的多一些。今年沃爾瑪股價上漲了40%,因為它希望得到不止一次的反擊機會。顯然,在網上銷售百貨和線上售書有很大不同。食品在電商業務中佔據的份額很低,只有2%,但在全部零售業務中卻擁有9%的份額。食品很容易腐敗,如果人們不了解食品出處,就不會塞進嘴裡。而且,人們希望購買方式多一點靈活性,既可以直接去門店採購食品,也可以在網上下單,選擇門店自提或送貨上門。所以一些實體店會很有幫助。沃爾瑪的老闆董明倫(Doug McMillon)11月曾向紐約經濟俱樂部表示:「我並不想另外的資產集(實體店)。」

He has run Walmart』s businesses in Europe and Asia, where ecommerce for groceries is more developed. In 2016 Walmart spent $3bn buying Jet.com, an e-commerce firm whose boss,Marc Lore , now runs all Walmart』s online operations. Walmart has launched internet-based services such as 「Easy reorder」 and 「Pickup discount」 and formed a partnership with Latch, which lets its users open and lock their front doors remotely. On September 29th it acquired Parcel, a logistics startup. On December 6th it changed its legal name from Walmart Stores, to just Walmart.

沃爾瑪在歐洲和亞洲的業務都由他管理,百貨的線上銷售在這兩個大洲更為發達。2016年,沃爾瑪斥資30億美元收購電商公司Jet.com,現在它的老闆馬克·勞爾(Marc Lore)負責運營沃爾瑪所有的線上業務。沃爾瑪發布了基於互聯網的服務項目,比如「(便捷重購)Easy reorder」和「(自提折扣)Pickup discount」,並與Latch公司合作,以便用戶可以遠程開關自家的前門。9月29日,沃爾瑪收購了一家物流創業公司Parcel,並於12月6日把法定名稱沃爾瑪百貨(Walmart Stores)改為沃爾瑪(Walmart)。

1.Easy reorder(便捷重購):該服務將消費者線上線下的購買記錄整合,列出消費者最常購買的商品,包括商品的品牌和尺寸,讓消費者在電腦或沃爾瑪App再次訂購時更方便。顧客登錄沃爾瑪網站時,Easy Reorder會自動列出購買記錄及可供購買的商品。

2.Pickup discount(自提折扣):沃爾瑪為了鼓勵用戶線上下單線下取,凡線上下單後選擇門店自提的用戶,都會獲得相應折扣。

There are three reasons to be optimistic. First, Walmart』s performance has improved. In the most recent quarter, same-store sales rose by 2.7% year on year, and store traffic by 1.5%. Food sales increased at their fastest pace in six years. Sales from e-commerce represent only about 2% of the total but are rising at an annual rate of 50% (customers who shop online and in stores typically spend twice as much as those who only go to stores). Walmart has the second-most-downloaded retail app, after Amazon』s.


Second, Amazon』s behaviour is a backhanded compliment. In June it spent $14bn on Whole Foods, a mid-sized grocery chain, The deal brings Amazon more physical locations to sell, sort and dispatch goods. It also gives it trusted private-label brands, of the kind Walmart already has. If you type 「spinach」 into Amazon.com, bags of Whole Foods branded greenery appear.

第二,亞馬遜的行為是一種間接的恭維。今年6月,該公司斥資140億美元收購了一家中等規模的雜貨連鎖店全食超市(Whole Foods),該交易給亞馬遜帶來了更多的實體店來銷售、分類和發貨。這也給了亞馬遜值得信賴的自有品牌,就像沃爾瑪已經擁有的那用。如果你在亞馬遜網站上輸入「菠菜」,就會出現很多全食品牌的綠植。



Lastly, the example of China points to a fusion of the online and physical worlds. In some ways the country is more advanced than America; e-commerce comprises 9% of grocery sales, according to Alliance Bernstein, a research ?rm. On November 20th Alibaba, an e-commerce giant, bought 36% of Sun Art Retail, a hypermarket retailer. Four of the six biggest Chinese supermarket chains have partnerships with e-commerce platforms. (Walmart, which has424 stores in China, has teamed up with JD.com.)

最後,中國的例子指出了線上和線下世界的融合。在某些方面,中國比美國更先進;根據研究公司安聯伯恩斯坦(Alliance Bernstein)的數據,電子商務占食品雜貨銷售額的9%。11月20日,電子商務巨頭阿里巴巴收購了超市零售商高鑫零售36%的股份。中國最大的六家連鎖超市中,已經有四家與電子商務平台建立了合作關係。(沃爾瑪在中國有424家門店,也已經與京東開展合作。)

如何評價阿里巴巴 224億港元入股高鑫零售?


The duel between Walmart and Amazon could go in two directions. It might escalate into a war across America, for both companies hate losing. Or each firm might conquer different geographical areas and demographic groups. Amazon could seize well-to-do cities, where population density is high and home delivery is more efficient. Walmart could continue to rule suburbia.


Either way, margins will probably be squeezed as Amazon throws money at the fight with its customary abandon. Mr McMillon knows this. 「One of the challenges at Walmart is that we don』t have free money—we are expected to make a profit,」 he says. The danger is that it overestimates how much physical presence it needs. If it went back to its position in 2006, it could cut its domestic asset base by34% and still have 90% of Americans within 15 miles of a store. For every dollar of sales, it has twice as many square feet of sales and distribution space as Amazon』s retail operation (including Whole Foods). If Mr McMillon is brave he will sell store sand return capital to investors. Walmart needs to make its balance-sheet leaner.


What』s in store for Amazon


Walmart is probably the most formidable adversary Amazon has ever faced. Disrupting the music, book and media industries, each known for their Corinthian spirit and long lunches, was child』s play compared with taking on Walmart, with its fanatical commitment to low prices.


Walmart』s history is also a warning. If you examine the two companies』 financials, Amazon today looks almost identical to Walmart in 1999. It has annual salesof$160bn or so, low margins, fast growth, a ballooning asset base and massive capital investment. The firm』s managers are on a high and investors have dizzying expectations for the future. But for the ten years after 1999, Walmart』s share price was as flat as a pancake, because all the good news was already baked in. The actual business of world domination turned out to be a long, hard slog.









Lulu ,女,金融民工,經濟學人粉絲

Damon,男,建築民工 ,經濟學人鐵粉


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For Walmart, and many other rivals, the best scenario would be if regulators were to slow Amazon』s expansion. The company accounts for about half of new spending online in America. It has reached into many parts of the economy, from retail to cloud computing and from entertainment to advertising. Yet intervention is improbable. The Whole Foods deal gives Amazon less than one-fiftieth of the grocery market. Walmart, were it to make Whole Foods a higher offer, by contrast, would be very likely to attract regulators』 wrath. In such circumstances, Walmart could be forgiven a severe attack of sour grapes.




儘管騰訊和阿里都布局了新零售,但是始終有一塊領域的新零售增長特別緩慢,生鮮新零售,生鮮最主要的是品質要新鮮。跨境電商火了一年多,但是生鮮國內外相差那麼大,為什麼涉足的企業相對不多呢? 其中除了食品衛生許可以外,運輸是一個大問題,冷鏈物流無法保證這麼長路途的運輸品質等得到保證,而且生鮮價格一般都較貴,所以一旦出問題,損失特別大。


記得很久以前的一次英語角討論的話題就是:商場會被電商取代嗎?當時小編就認為不會被取代, 如果被取代了,那年輕人去哪裡聚餐?當然這是玩笑話,小編預計未來商場生存之道:除了餐飲,遊樂場以外,大多數服裝店都將是體驗店,面積會非常大,主要作用就是體驗而已,因為衣服需要試穿才知道合不合適,而且每件衣服上會有一個二維碼,我們試穿完掃碼支付完成,他們就會在第一時間把衣服給您送到家。





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