有關Illini Shuttle歧視言論的legal research

事件回顧請看這篇:Illini Shuttle歧視中國人事件



  • 學校很給力的發表了支持我們的statement,並且密切關注此事
  • Illini Shuttle又發了特別過分的郵件(和五刀折扣碼),大致意思是「我們超級無辜的,是中國學生自己不乘我們的車所以我們才寫了這種郵件」
  • 學生會在積極聯繫學校各部門發聲
  • 香檳本地和芝加哥本地的媒體都報道了這件事情

很多人問了我這件事情,在法律方面有什麼可以做的。介於我是一個憲法學的特別差的人,我儘力做了一部分的legal research(這是我這學期第一次做legal research…)所以如果大家覺得有用的話請儘管引用,但是建議再讀一下細節確認一下。我可能會用很多法律術語和我不知道怎麼翻譯的英文,如果有看不懂的請留言我盡量解釋一下。

首先對於第一修正案權利,我昨天文章裡面提到的今年高院對於平權和第一修正案權利討論的案子全名是Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission。因為我沒有讀過全文所以不清楚可以引用性是多大。第一修正案是一個很複雜的領域,但是我自己的感覺是,在現在的政治環境下法院與之前相比相對限制第一修正案的權利。當然這方面還是期待專業人士探討。

對於我引用的Civil Rights Act Title II和Heart of Atlanta案子,留言區和朋友都和我討論了一下在這裡適用度的問題。因為Heart of Atlanta和大部分我們看到的Title II案子都是「拒絕提供服務」,而此處僅僅按照「郵件」來說可以說僅是廣告而不是服務。


Whether this was intended to be a selling point that Suburban Express will make you feel like you are in America, surrounded by Americans (not to get into the finer points of Suburban Express』s idea of who would belong to the American race) when you are on their buses (because they don』t serve Chinese international students?); or this was intended to be a threat against Chinese international students that riding Suburban Express would be an experience that will constantly remind them that they are unwelcomed in someone else』s country, this line is offensive and threatening. I can understand why this upsets the Chinese student community at the university.


而根據這個思路我稍微搜索了一個案子叫Charity v. Dennys, Inc., 1999 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 11462,其中的holding是,也就是說即使餐館沒有拒絕提供服務,但是他們的行為和排斥顧客無異。

the court reasoned that while plaintiffs were never asked to leave the restaurant, nor were they outright denied service, the treatment that they suffered was tantamount to asking or forcing them to leave. Hence, plaintiffs were not given an opportunity to experience the full and equal enjoyment of their dining experience.

同時我覺得可以作為證據的是昨天Illini Shuttle發的郵件中的一句「We mentioned bus riders would not encounter Chinese exchange student on our buses」(指那封挑釁信中指出他們沒有中國乘客這件事),完全可以作為基本證據提供給法庭。

從實際意義上來說,我覺得只要案子不被dismiss掉,相信以這個公司的德行在調查階段肯定能有更多驚喜。而現在有幾種比較好的思路,一種是去尋求ACLU的幫助,因為他們對這類案子非常的有經驗,律師的水平也很高。第二種是找Illinois Human Rights Department,根據知乎用戶Jason答案中提供的法條,感到比Civil Rights Act好用。





In Illinois Human Right Act, Article 5 stated, "It is a civil right violation for any person on the basis of unlawful discrimination to 1) Enjoyment of the facility, good, or service; 2) WRITTEN COMMUNICATION:As the operator of the place of public accommodation publish, circulate, display or mail any written communication which the operator knows is to the effect that any facility of the place of public accommodation will be denied to any person, or that person is unwelcome, objectionable, or unacceptable because of unlawful discrimination."

而且因為這個法案是State Action,就是說舉報的人只需要負責file the complaint(網站在閱讀原文裡面),而後續這個部門會進行調查和取證(權利蠻大的)。對於普通人來說,這是最省時省力的一種方式。

昨天有人問我關於relief/damage應該要什麼,我印象中好像只能要declaratory relief,也就是法院承認原告的權利,沒有實質性的好處。當然如果有這方面更熟悉的朋友歡迎留言。



Illinois attorney general launches civil rights inquiry into bus company



TAG:法律 | 歧视 | 留学美国 |