


The One Where They』re Gonna PARTY!


Written by: Andrew Reich & Ted Cohen

Transcribed by: Eric Aasen

409 參加派對!






4.09 The One Where Theyre Going to PARTY!

Phoebe and Monica buy a van (with a mural[n.壁畫 壁飾], flashing nipples, and other "extras") for their catering business;

Monica fills in for a food critic in a small local newspaper;

after she gives a restaurant a scathing(adj.嚴厲的) review, they offer her a job as the new head chef;

she has to chose between it and the catering business.

Ross and Chandler make plans to party with Gandolf, the party wizard;

Gandolf cancels and Ross and Chandler are left bored, until Joey convinces them that they can party themselves.

Rachel tries for(v.爭取 謀求) a new position at work, but her boss doesnt quite cooperate.


[Scene: Outside Central Perk, Monica and Phoebe are showing everyone the van they bought for the catering business. It』s an old Dodge van, that has a cartoon woman riding on a dragon painted on the side of it.]

van n.大蓬貨車/Dodge n.道奇(美國產轎車品牌名)/on the side of adv.在…一邊

Phoebe: Okay!

Monica: Come on, no peeking! (They are leading the gang out with their hands over their eyes.)

Chandler: Our eyes are closed and we』re about to cross the street. Very good.

Phoebe: Okayyyyy, open up!

(They open their eyes and are stunned at the van.)

Ross: What did you want to show us? Because all I can see is this bitchin van!

bitching<俚>a.extremely good b.excessive complaining

Phoebe: Yeah, it』s for our catering business!

Joey: I think I know that girl.

Monica: All right, umm, we』re not gonna really keep it this way though.

keep it this way讓它這樣

Rachel: No?

Phoebe: No, we』re gonna paint over the sword, and replace it with a baguette.

baguette n.法國棍子麵包

Rachel: Oh! my God, I think I lost my virginity in that van.

lose one』s virginity 失去貞操

Phoebe: And also, we don』t know what to do with this. (She turns on a switch and the girl』s nipples light up.)

Joey: Oh yeah, I definitely know her.


[Scene: Monica and Rachels, the gang is all there.]

Monica: (to Phoebe) Remember that guy from cooking school I told you about that put cilantro with everything?

cooking school n.烹飪學校/cilantro n.芫荽葉

Phoebe: Oh sure, Cilantro Larry.

Monica: Well, I』m gonna fill in for him as food critic for the Chelsea Reporter.

fill in v.代替/critic n.評論家/food critic n.美食鑒賞家/Chelsea Reporter:莫尼卡答應為之寫餐廳評論的報紙《切爾西報道》,是紐約切爾西區的一張小報紙,基本沒有什麼人看,所以老友們說:這是多麼好的影響一小撮人的辦法。菲比在大街上流浪時還拿《切爾西報道》當做被子,所以劇情發展到後來,菲比看到《切爾西報道》會有一種溫暖的感覺。

Monica: Wow, Monica! What an amazing opportunity to influence… dozens of people.

dozens of adj.二三十多

Phoebe: How could you say yes, what about our catering business?

Monica: Oh no-no-no, it』s only one night a week, and plus I get to take all of you out for a lot of free dinners.

All: Yay!!

Phoebe: Oh, in that case—(hops up and down in joy)—Yay! (Monica looks confused) That was me hopping on board.

in that case如果是那樣的話/on board 上(船等)交通工具

Monica: Oh.

Chandler: (entering) Hey, you guys! Hey, Ross, quick question for ya. Are you ready to party?

Ross: I don』t know, I could maybe go out for a couple of beers, but there』s this thing about bumblebees on The Discovery Channel that I was planning to watch.

bumblebee n.<動>大黃蜂

Chandler: No-no, I don』t think you heard me明白我的意思. Are you ready to party?!

Ross: Nooo!! Gandolf?! Gandolf is coming to town?

Chandler: Kathy』s with her parents, I have nothing to do, so tomorrow we are partying with Gandolf dude!

Ross: Dude, we are sooo gonna party!

Phoebe: Wow! Okay, dude alert兄弟們注意! And who is this guy?

Ross: Mike "Gandolf" Ganderson, only like the funniest guy in the world.

Chandler: I』m gonna call and get off work tomorrow!

call and get off work v.打電話請假

Ross: I』m gonna call after you!

Chandler: This is gonna be soo cool, dude, we never party anymore!

Chandler and Ross: Woooo!!!

Monica: All right, were you guys smoking something in the back of our van?

Joey: Really. And what do you mean you never have fun anymore? You have fun with me, remember that time we saw those strippers and you paid me 50 bucks to eat that book?

stripper <口>脫衣舞女

Ross: Joey, you are gonna love this guy. Gandolf is like the party wizard!

wizard n.男巫

Joey: Well, why do you call him Gandolf?

Gandolf :是個灰袍巫師。(魔戒2里升級為白袍,法力大增)是護送戒指隊伍里的嚮導人物。 ROSS和CHANDLER把衫辦宴會的人稱為Gandolf,一是因為巫師有法力(磨戒里另一個出場較多的白袍巫師是個壞人,不算),二是Gandolf為人和善,召人待見。(進矮人村還有小孩跟在後面跑),三,可能來自磨戒1里的一段,Gandolf為百歲小矮人慶生,各種奇逸的煙火,十分有手段。

Ross: Gandolf the wizard. (Joey is still confused) Hello! Didn』t you read Lord of the Rings in high school?

Joey: No, I had sex in high school.

Gandof, the wizard, Lord of the Rings :羅斯和錢德勒共同的朋友「甘道夫」要來了,這個人的名字源於神幻小說《魔戒》裡面的「巫師甘道夫」,因為他像「巫師甘道夫」一樣有趣和神出鬼沒。但喬伊對此一無所知。羅斯問:「難道你在高中里不看《魔戒》嗎?」喬伊回答:「我在高中里只做愛。」

[Scene: Rachel』s office, Rachel and Sophie are sitting at their desks working as Joanna walks in.]

Rachel: Oh, uh, Joanna I was wondering if I could ask you something. There』s an opening for an assistant buyer in Junior Miss…

opening n.空缺/Junior Miss n.少女/assistant buyer n.採購助理

Joanna: (interrupting) Okay, but that would actually be a big step down for me.

Rachel: Well, actually, I meant for me. The hiring committee is meeting people all day and…

Joanna: Oh. Well, I wish I could say no, but you can』t stay my assistant forever. Neither can you Sophie, but for different reasons.

Rachel: God, I am so glad you don』t have a problem with this, because if you did, I wouldn』t even consider applying.

Joanna: Really? Well, in that case…

in that case adv.如果是那樣的話

Rachel: (interrupting) And that』s I』m so glad… there』s no problem.

Joanna: That』s fine, actually I』m on the hiring committee, so there』ll be at least one friendly face.

Rachel: Ohh! That』s great!

Joanna: You know, Junior Miss is where I started. Oh, I had to sleep with the ugliest guy to get that job.

Rachel: Really?!

Joanna: No-ho-ho! (pause) Yeah. (pause) I mean, no-no-no-no-no, don』t you worry, I』m sure with your qualifications you won』t need to sleep with some guy to get that job. Although, I might need some convincing.

convincing adj.有論據證實的 有說服力的

Rachel: Well, I, umm…

Joanna: Kidding! God, I feel wild today!

[Scene: Chandler and Joeys, Chandler is getting ready to party.]

Chandler: Oh man! I am so excited—I may vomit!

Joey: Will you calm down?! he』s just a human guy.

Chandler: Look you don』t understand, Gandolf is amazing. Y』know you』re never know what』s gonna end up happening, you go out for a couple of beers and end up on a fishing boat to Nova Scotia!

Nova Scotia n.新斯科舍(加拿大省名)/Nova Scotia :羅斯和錢德勒共同回憶甘道夫的有趣事迹,說他永遠有很多新鮮的主意,每一次他們 都不知道甘道夫會把他們帶到哪裡去。有一次聚會,他們喝了幾杯啤酒後,最後來到了加拿大的新蘇格蘭省(Nova Scotia)釣魚了。這是加拿大東南的一個半島,風景優美,適合閑雲野鶴們遊玩。後面一集里,羅斯坐火車坐過了頭,最終到了加拿大蒙特利爾,他碰上一 個很漂亮的姑娘,他擔心地問她:「你是否就住在蒙特利爾?」答案比他想像地還要糟糕,姑娘住在離蒙特利爾還有兩小時車程的新蘇格蘭。

Joey: Really?!

Chandler: Oh yeah, it』s beautiful country up there.

Ross: (entering) Hey! Okay! I got my passport, fresh socks, and a snake bite kit!

kit n. 成套工具(或物件)

snake bite kit n. 毒液吸取器

Chandler: It』s not gonna be exactly like last time.

Joey: All right, I』ll see you guys.

Chandler and Ross: Whoa-whoa-whoa!

Chandler: Whoa-wh-wh-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa!

Joey: I have an audition, but I』ll definitely hook up with you later. Where are you gonna be around noon?

hook up with sb v.把某人介紹同…認識,再…與見面/where…be around 在哪

Ross: Somewhere maybe along the equator?

equator n.赤道

Joey: Okay. (leaves as the phone rings)

Chandler: (answering it) Hello. (listens) (to Ross) It』s Gandolf!!! (on phone) So, are you in town? (listens) (disappointed) Oh, well, well maybe next time then. (Hangs up)

in town adv.在城裡

Ross: What happened?

Chandler: He』s not gonna make it, he』s stuck in Chicago.

make it v.及時到達/be stuck in v.困在

Ross: Ohh, man! Chicago, is sooo lucky!

Chandler: Stupid, useless Canadian money!

Canadian money n.加元

[Scene: Bloomingdale』s, Rachel is meeting with Mr. Posner, Mrs. Lynch, and Joanna the hiring committee.]

Mr. Posner: You have a very impressive resume, Ms. Green. I especially like what I see here about implementing a new filing system.

impressive resume 令人印象深刻(令人欽佩的)的履歷/implement vt.貫徹 實行/file system n.[計] 文件系統

Rachel: Thank you.

Joanna: Filing system? Oh-oh! You mean those-those little colored labels you put on all the folders? (to the committee) It certainly did brighten up the inside of the filing cabinets.

folder n.文件夾/brighten up v.發亮 增色/inside of adv.在……之內的/filing cabinet n.檔案櫥櫃

Rachel: Well, they uh, they-they do more than that.

Mrs. Lynch: I notice that you』ve been trusted with a lot of rather important responsibilities.

trust with v.委託 託付 存放

Rachel: Yes, Joanna really has been an incredible mentor to me.

mentor n.良師益友/Mentor<希神>門特(Odysseus的忠實朋友,又為其子的良師)/incredible mentor n.貴人

Joanna: Oh. And Rachel has been really incredible in getting my morning bagel for me. It』s amazing how she gets it right almost every time!

Rachel: I-I-I of course, I have more responsibilities than that.

Joanna: Oh yes, well there』s the coffee too. (to the committee) Rachel can carry two things at once一次兩樣!

Mr. Posner: Yes, that』s very good. Now a uh, big part of this job is cultivating personal relationships, especially with designers.

cultivate vt建立 加強(友誼) 結交(朋友等).

Rachel: Yes, I realize that…

Joanna: (interrupting) And Rachel shouldn』t have any problem with that. The only problem might be getting a little too friendly, if you know what I mean.

Rachel: I love working with designers!

Joanna: With them, under them, what』s the difference? Eh, Rach?

[Scene: Monica and Rachels, Phoebe is there as Monica enters carrying a huge stack of newspapers.]

stack n.堆/a huge stack of一大堆

Monica: Hey! My first review is out!

review n.評論

Phoebe: Ohh! Oh, the Chelsea Reporter, ohh, this used to keep me so warm.

Monica: All right, look at mine on the back page.

Phoebe: Oh, okay! (reading) "Would I go back to Allesandro』s? Sure, but I』d have to order two meals, one for me and one for the guy pointing the gun to my head." (to Monica) Wow! You really laid into this place.

lay v.把(懲罰等)加於/lay into this place 將這地方貶得一文不值

Monica: Hey, they don』t pay me a penny a word to make friends.

Phoebe: Ooh, I gotta go. I found a guy that who could fix up the van for catering.

fix up v.修理 解決

Monica: Oh! Do you need me to go with you?

Phoebe: No-no, it』s okay. But are we sure we don』t want the waterbed? Because it would be silly to take it out if were just gonna put it back in again.

waterbed n.電熱充水床墊 水床

Monica: Haven』t we made this decision?

Phoebe: Yeah, all right. (starts to leave)

Monica: Bye!

Phoebe: Bye!

(The intercom buzzes.)

Monica: (answering it) Who is it?

Allesandro: It』s Allesandro, from Allesandro』s.

Monica: Oh my God.

Allesandro: I want to talk to you about your review.

Monica: Oh my God, oh my God. (on intercom) Call me on the phone!

Allesandro: Why? So you could hang up on me?

Monica: Look, I-I』m never gonna let you up so you may as well just go away.

may as well 最好

Allesandro: Just give me a chance to…

Phoebe: (on intercom) Hey, do you need to get in? Here you go.

Monica: No! Phoebe!

Phoebe: Hey, Monica!


[Scene: Monica and Rachels, continued from earlier.]

Allesandro: (entering) I want a retraction! Our food is not inedible swill!

retraction n.收回/inedible adj.不可食的 不適合食用的/swill vi.大口喝 痛飲/inedible swill 難以下咽的

Monica: I couldn』t eat it! I had five friends who couldn』t eat it, and one of them eats books.

Allesandro: Well our service is not grossly incompetent.

grossly <貶>非常 很/incompetent adj.不合格的 不能勝任的

Monica: The waiter carried the breadsticks in his pants!

breadstick n.麵包棒

Allesandro: Well, you said that we accept the Discover Card, which we do not!

Discover Card:華爾街摩根士丹利旗下的發現卡(Discover Card) 已能於中國銀聯網路中通用,其在美國的網路也已向銀聯卡持卡人開放

Discover Card is one of the four major credit card brands issued primarily in the United States, with over 50 million cardholders

Monica: All right, that I』ll retract. But I stand by my review, I know food and that wasn』t it比起廣告介紹差遠了. You』re marinara sauce tasted like tomato juice! You should serve it with vodka and a piece of celery.

retract v.收回 取消/stand by v.幫助 與...合力 支持to捍衛/marinara n.(義大利烹飪用的含西紅柿、大蒜、洋蔥等調製成的)海員式沙司/vodka n.伏特加酒/celery n.芹菜 (可供食用的)芹菜莖

tomato juice n.番茄醬

Allesandro: Hey! I』m proud of that sauce, it』s delicious.

Monica: Oh my God! You own an Italian restaurant and you think that tastes good?! Where are you even from?

Allesandro: (shyly) Lebanon.

Lebanon n.黎巴嫩

Monica: Hand me those tomatoes, I』m gonna show you what it should taste like! Come on, hand me them.

Allesandro: How long is this gonna take? 『Cause I got another critic to go yell at.

[Scene: Rachel』s office, Rachel is confronting Joanna about her interview.]

Rachel: (entering Joanna』s office) Umm, Joanna? I wanna talk about that interview.

Joanna: I thought it went very well.

Rachel: No! It didn』t! That』s what I want to talk to you about. (starts to break up) Now, just to brief you… (starts to cry) I may cry, but they are not tears of sadness or of anger, but just of me having this discussion with you.

break up v.崩潰/brief sb 想某人簡要聲明

Joanna: Rachel, please, don』t make a scene.

make a scene v.吵架 (當眾)大吵大鬧

Rachel: There』s nobody here!

Joanna: Sophie, get in here! (Sophie enters) You see! Now you』re making Sophie uncomfortable!

Sophie: She』s not making me uncomfortable.

Joanna: Congratulations! You now just crossed the line into completely useless. Get out. (Sophie starts to cry and leaves)

Rachel: Do you want me to quit?

Joanna: What?! What would make you think that?

Rachel: Well of those things that you said in the interview, I mean if you believe any of them, I must not be a very good assistant. Y』know what? I am just gonna pack up my desk, (She goes over to get all of her belongings from the desk, which amount to a muffin and a pen) and I will be gone by the end of the day! (Realizes she has nothing.) Well, I guess there』s no use to me sticking around 『til the end of the day! (Starts to leave.)

pack up v.把...打包 整理/muffin n.鬆餅/amount to v.總計/by the end of the day今天一結束/stick around v.逗留

Joanna: Wait-wait-wait-wait! You can put your sad little muffin back in it』s drawer. If you must know the truth, I didn』t want to lose a perfectly good assistant.

Rachel: What?

Joanna: That』s why I said all those things about your flirting and your drinking…

flirting n.調情

Rachel: My drinking?

Joanna: Oh, I must』ve said that after you left.

Rachel: Said what? Exactly.

Joanna: That you enjoyed the occasional drink…ing binge.

binge n.狂飲 狂鬧 狂熱

Rachel: Oh my God!! Ohh, that is it! I』m leaving! You are just a horrible person!

Joanna: Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait-wait-wait-wait!! If you』re gonna get all sensitive about it! I don』t want to lose you. What if I, create a position for you? I』ll make you an assistant buyer in this department.

be sensitive about 神經過敏的 易怒的

Rachel: Say more things like that.

Joanna: You can have your own office, and a raise! Effective tomorrow.

effective adj.(法律等)生效的 起作用的

Rachel: I』d need an expense account.

expense account n.報銷單 公關費

Joanna: Done成!

Rachel: And an assistant.

Joanna: Sophie, get in here! (Sophie peeks in around the corner)

around the corner adv.在拐角處

[Scene: Chandler and Joeys, Ross and Chandler are watching TV as Joey enters.]

Joey: Hey! What are you guys doing here? I thought you』d be out partying with Gandel-worf.

Ross: It』s Gandolf, and he』s not coming.

Joey: So you』ve been sittin』 around here all mornin』?

sit around v.無所事事

Ross: No! I balanced my checkbook.

balance vt.結算 使收支平衡/checkbook n.支票簿

Chandler: Yeah, and I-I gave first names to all of the foosball players.

Ross: I can』t believe he didn』t come!

Joey: So what if he didn』t come! We can still go out and party ourselves!

Chandler: Oh-no, y』know with Gandolf we』d be out all night!

Ross: Yeah! We』d meet, we』d meet total strangers, and hang out with them!

Joey: Well, we could do that!

Ross: There』s other stuff too.

Joey: We』ll do it all, and better! Look, after tonight, Gandolf will want to party with us, dude! Come on!

Ross: Yeah!

Joey: Yeah!

Ross: Yeah!!

Joey: Yeah!!

Ross: It』s not like we don』t know how to party!!

Joey: Yeah! All right? Let』s go!

Chandler: And may-maybe we could end up on a boat again?

Joey and Ross: Yeah!!!

Chandler: All right!!

Ross: (to Chandler) Hey-hey-hey, when uh, when were we on a boat?

Chandler: Remember that really cold morning, you woke up and those dogs were licking your face?

Ross: Yeah.

Chandler: Well, those were seals, man.

seal n.海豹

[Scene: Monica and Rachels, Rachel is entering, excited.]

Rachel: Hey Mon, little question for ya! How do you think this suit will look on an assistant buyer?

Monica: Okay, the owner of Allesandro』s came over to yell at me, but instead I made him some sauce, and he offered me the job as head chef!!

Rachel: Oh my God!! You just ruined the thing I was practicing the whole way home, but I』m soo happy!

Monica: Can you believe it? I finally get to run my own kitchen!

Rachel: Ohh, you』ve waited soo long.

Phoebe: (entering) Hey!

Rachel: Hey, Pheebs, quick question for ya快問快答.

Phoebe: Yeah.

Rachel: How do you think this suit would look on an assistant buyer at Bloomingdale』s?

Phoebe: I don』t know, it would totally depend on her coloring and… (realizes) You got the job!!

coloring n.臉色 氣色

Rachel: Yes!!!

Monica: You got the job?! Why didn』t you tell me?

Rachel: Ohh, it』s gonna be so great! I』m gonna get to help decide what we sell, I』m gonna have an office with walls and everything. (turns to Monica) I』m gonna have walls!

Phoebe: Okay, is this the day of good news or what? I got us a job! The wedding reception.

Monica: Ohh! Umm, Phoebe, I kinda need to talk to you about that. (Rachel excuses herself) Umm, well I-I-I think it might be time for me to take a step back from catering.

it might be time for me to容我再考慮一陣

Phoebe: But we』ve only had one job.

job n.零工

Monica: I know, but now we have this second one and it just, it feels like it』s snowballing, y』know?

snowball v.滾雪球般增大

Phoebe: Yeah! What are you saying?

Monica: I got offered the head chef job at Allesandro』s.

Phoebe: What?

Monica: It』s okay, 『cause yknow what? You don』t really need me for the business.

Phoebe: You』re the cook! With out you it』s just me driving up to people』s houses with empty trays and asking for money!

drive up to v.開往

Monica: All right. But umm, I-I-I』ll pay you back all the money you invested, and you can keep the van.

pay back v.償還(借款)

Phoebe: For what? I can』t believe this! I gotta get out of here. (leaves)

Monica: Phoebe, wait a minute! (runs after her, leaving Rachel alone)

Rachel: I』m an assistant buyer!!

[Scene: Central Perk, Joey, Ross, and Chandler are making a pit stop on their party tour.]

make a stop v.停止 休息 停留/pit n.坑

Joey: All right, so we』ll get a little coffee, and get energized, and we』ll head back out.

energize vt.使活躍 給予精力/head back v.回去

Chandler: Yeah, all right.

Ross: Okay.

Joey: So, we』re having fun, right?

Chandler and Ross: Yeah.

Joey: We don』t need that wizard guy. We hit a couple of clubs, talked to some strangers, and uh, after this, we』ll head down to the docks and see about that boat thing.

dock n.<美>碼頭/see about v.料理 處理 注意<口>考慮

Ross: I』m kinda beat.

beat adj.<口>筋疲力盡的 垂頭喪氣的

Chandler: Actually, me too.

Joey: Are you serious?!

Chandler and Ross: Yeah.

Joey: Thank God! I』m exhausted!

Gunther: So you guys want coffees?

Joey: Yeah, but uh, I don』t want to be up too late, so uh, I』ll have a decaf.

decaf n.脫咖啡因咖啡

Ross: Yeah, me too.

Chandler: Actually, can I get some hot water with a little lemon? I think I strained my voice screaming in there. Does it have to be so loud?

strain v.竭力喊

Joey: I can』t hear a word you』re saying, my ears are ringing so bad.

Ross: I』m just glad I brought that extra pair of socks, y』know? I used them as mittens, I didn』t want to touch a thing in that last place.

mitten n.連指手套


Ross: How sad are we?

Joey: Yeah, I know.

Chandler: Y』know what? We』re not sad, we』re not sad, we』re just not 21 anymore. Y』know? I』m 29 years old, damn it! And I want to sit in a comfortable chair, and watch television and go to bed at a reasonable hour!

Joey and Ross: Yeah!

Joey: Yeah! And I like to hang out in a quiet place where I can talk to my friends.

Chandler and Ross: Yeah!

Ross: And so what if I like to go home, throw on some Kenny G, and take a bath!

throw on v.匆匆穿上 依賴 委身於/take a bath v.洗個澡

Kenny G :著名的薩克斯演奏家,但女性比較喜歡。玩累了的羅斯向喬伊和錢德勒提議回家邊聽肯尼基的音樂便洗澡,喬伊回答他:「我們二十九歲了(老了),但並等於我們就是女人」

Joey: We』re 29, we』re not women.

[Scene: Central Perk, the next day, Phoebe is there.]

Monica: (entering) Ohh, here you are. Y』know, I』m-I』m glad you decided to hear me out.

hear sb out v.聽某人說完 聽某人解釋

Phoebe: Okay, I』m hearing.

Monica: I』ve been doing a lot of thinking. A lot! And umm, well, I came up with a whole bunch of businesses you can do with your van. Okay umm, you could be flower delivery person.

Phoebe: What?!

Monica: Or! A bakery delivery person.

Phoebe: I wa-I wa-I wa…

Monica: Pizza?!

Phoebe: Monica!

Monica: All right, I』ve got a whole bunch of uh-uh, stuff in this area, but umm, I』m getting the feeling that you don』t want to deliver.

Phoebe: No.

Monica: Okay. I』m guessing that if you don』t want to deliver, you probably don』t want to pick stuff up either.

pick up v.運載

Phoebe: No.

Monica: Y』know what, let』s do the catering business.

Phoebe: Really?! Are you sure?

Monica: Yeah, yknow I-I made a commitment to you. Y』know what, it』d be, it』d be fun.

Phoebe: Oh! It will be fun! Ohh! Yay! Oh! Okay, ooh, let』s plan the wedding reception. (She grabs the notebook which Monica used for her ideas and starts flipping page after page after page after page after page to find a blank one.) Wow! You really wanted me to do something with this van. (pause) Y』know what, I want you to take the chef job.

flip vt.快速翻動(書頁等) 翻閱

Monica: Really?!

Phoebe: Yeah. That』s what you really want. Yeah, I don』t want to be the reason you』re unhappy, that would just make me unhappy, and I really don』t want to be the reason I』m unhappy.

Monica: Thank you.

Phoebe: Besides, it might be kinda fun to form the new A-Team.

A-Team: In 1972, a crack commando(n.突擊隊) unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didnt commit. These men promtly escaped the maximun security stockade(n.柵欄 防護線) to the Los Angeles Underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune(n. 追求財富或享樂的冒險家). If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-team. [1983年的電影 中文譯名:天龍特攻隊]

[Scene: Rachel』s office, she is coming in for the day carrying a picture for her new office. Mrs. Lynch is coming out of Joanna』s office, carrying a box.]

coming in for the day v.早上來上班

Rachel: Oh, hi Mrs. Lynch! Is Joanna in already?

Mrs. Lynch: Oh my goodness! You haven』t heard!

Rachel: Heard what?

Mrs. Lynch: Joanna passed away last night.

pass away v.去世

Rachel: Oh my God! How?!

Mrs. Lynch: Well, she was leaving work and she was hit by a cab.

Rachel: Oh my God! Oh, I cannot believe it!

Mrs. Lynch: I know!

Rachel: Oh, God. Oh, God. (gets worried) Oh God.

Mrs. Lynch: I didn』t realize that you were so close.

Rachel: Yes, so close. Mrs. Lynch, I know that this is an emotional and difficult time, for all of us. But by any chance did Joanna send any paperwork your way before… it happened.

by any chance adv.萬一 也許/paperwork n.日常文書工作

Mrs. Lynch: No. Nothing. Imagine, if she had just stepped off that curb a few seconds later.

Rachel: Yes-yes, just a few seconds and she』d still be with us—nothing about an assistant buyer?

Mrs. Lynch: (starting to cry) No, I』m sorry. I have to go. (She leaves as Sophie arrives.)

Sophie: (happily) Good morning!

Rachel: Oh, Sophie, I guess you didn』t hear about Joanna…

Sophie: I sure did! (smiles)


[Scene: Monica』s new kitchen, Allesandro is introducing her to her new employees.]

Allesandro: I』m so excited about having Monica come on board with us. Although I do feel bad about having fired chef Emillio, it』s like losing a member of the family. Of course, that literally is the case for several of you. Tony, Carlos, Marie, please, tell your father how much we』re gonna miss him. Now, I know that Monica has a lot of great ideas for this place, well, you all read the review. So without much further ado, I present to you our new head chef.

come on board with sb v.與某人一起共事/literally adv.實在地,不加誇張地 正確地/case n.實情/ado n.忙亂 麻煩/ without (much) further ado不再羅嗦地 沒有再費周折 乾脆痛快/present to A B:向A隆重介紹B

Monica: Umm, I just wanna say, uh (reads from a 3 X 5 card) that with a pinch of exictement, a dash of hard work, a dollop of cooperation, we can have the recipe... (Looks up and sees eveyone glaring at her) Are you gonna kill me?

pinch n.(一)撮 少量[eg:Put a pinch of sugar in the soup]

a dash of adj.少許 一點兒/dollop n.塊 團/recipe n.本店烹飪菜色




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