[設計異聞錄]Week12: IBM設計紀錄片,wikiGalaxy, 微交互動效,RadicalMedia,創意編程人分享,日本藝術島

Content ( Scan the blog in 30s)

  1. [Design Thinking] IBM Design Documentary
  2. [WebGL & Data Viz] Wiki Galaxy
  3. [MG] Micro-interaction inspirations & an article
  4. [Interactive Studio] Radical Media
  5. [Portfolio Slam] Motion Designer, Generative art technologist(Big Screen), creative technologist in IDEO (processing tutorials links)
  6. [Reading] The parallax effect in web design
  7. [Art sightseeing] Benesse Art Site Naoshima Island

Design Documentary

A documentary about IBM』s inspirational.

什麼是design thinking?怎麼讓這種thinking linked to actual business?

WebGL & Data Viz

Explore Wikipedia in 3D

Wiki Galaxy - 維基百科的在線3D數據可視化,一整個星辰世界啊

Motion Inspirations [Micro Interactions]

  1. [Micro Interaction/ Motion Design]: Dog Cute by Peffy

2.InVision Studio?—?Media app prototype by Andy Orsow for InVision


講了動效設計在functional design里的作用。有些動效真的太可以讓人會心一笑了(:3



Experimental & Interactive Agency - Radical Media


今天Radical Media的人來我們公司做show n tell。看了他們的project!好棒啊啊啊。

他們有給紐約的Museum of Feelings做一整個展覽,旨在全面運用人們的five senses來interact with the object, interact with the world. 整個展覽都很美,很觸動人。重點是我覺得和我們學的做的期盼的挺一致啊!都是tangible interaction design。

還有給Chanel做了brand experimental exhibition - Chanel No5 In a New Light。我看的真的是激動的不要不要的。對我來說,體驗交互設計不止於屏幕,探索新的交互方式,fully use of peoples sensories才是創造全新極致體驗的前提啊。

同時他們也有做過VR, AR, interaction installations等。傳統廣告也做。遺憾的是上海的點貌似還是挺traditional的。。。

啊對了,還看了他們給李宇春做的music video 「Intel 」,給我的noc 提供靈感嗷。

Portfolio Slam

  1. Peffy: 可愛的動效設計師。有些動效很可愛啊啊啊啊!上面的狗狗,和鯨魚loading animation都很有delightful 的feel。

2. Animishmish



3.Matthew Epler - creative technologist in IDEO.org

Have Processing for Design and Processing for Data Viz on vimeo!

His pinterest: pinterest.com/matthewep


1. 10 must-see examples of parallax effect websites

The parallax effect in web design creates a 3D scrolling effect as the user scrolls down or across the page. It』s one of the many scrolling patterns that allows you to adjust how your content is received by your users.

2. 非理想主義的響應式柵格

說到這些酷炫的網頁動效,也離不開實際應用場景。最近看了響應式柵格。也和公司里一個ux姐姐討論了Responsive Design和Adaptive Design. 這篇文章講了通常情況下的響應式解決方法。

  • 擺不下就換行
  • 彈性伸縮填滿(這個講了詳細的how,怎麼設計嗷)
  • 定製類響應式布局


Vladimir Kudinov on Behance - A lot of html/css framework or code for web presentation/portfolio building

My Next Year Destination [Travel Wishlist]

Benesse Art Site Naoshima

Creative Director 想我介紹他馬上要做的project時向我分享的日本的一個藝術島!一整個島都關於art and creativity。太令人嚮往了,還有個小village, 外觀是traditional woody feeling Japanese styled houses, 但每個內部都是一個單獨的installation project. 有交互的,digital的,也有tangible的。old merged with new。Really wanna go and have a look.

The Art Island




TAG:设计 | WebGL | 交互动效 |