
FDA Taking New Steps to Better Inform Physicians about Biosimilars Through Education about these Potentially Cost-Saving Options


Posted on October 23, 2017 by FDA Voice

2017年10月23日發表在FDA Voice

By: Scott Gottlieb, M.D., and Leah Christl, Ph.D.


The cost of prescription drugs is an ongoing concern, however, a growing market for potentially lower-cost biological products called biosimilars can offer more competition and options for patients.


Biosimilars can potentially reduce costs for consumers by creating price competition for products that previously faced few market competitors. FDA wants to ensure that health care providers have the information they need when considering prescribing biosimilars when these products are available.


An FDA-approved biosimilar is highly similar to — and has no clinically meaningful differences in terms of safety, purity and potency (safety and effectiveness) from — an already FDA-approved biological product, called the 「reference product.」 In general, biological products are highly complex and are often used to treat patients with serious and life-threatening conditions.


FDA』s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) has approved seven biosimilars to date. As more biosimilars are approved by FDA, we want health care providers to understand what these drugs are, and how they can help patients. So we are taking new steps to make sure providers are properly informed about biosimilars by launching an educational campaign today.


We planned and researched extensively prior to developing the materials for this education and outreach effort. Through this process, we learned the specific areas that health care providers had questions about. These include questions about the data and information FDA reviews when it』s making decisions to approve a biosimilar.

在為這項教育和推廣工作開發材料之前, 我們進行了廣泛的計劃和研究。經歷這個過程,我們了解了健康保健提供者在特定領域存在的問題。這些問題包括,當決定批准一個生物類似葯時,FDA審評的數據和信息。

Based on that feedback, FDA has developed educational materials to help health care providers gain a better understanding of these important products and the approval process they undergo. This includes fact sheets and graphics for health care professionals, as well as materials for organizations to use in disseminating this information to their interested members.


  • These resources:


  • Provide the basic definitions of terms like: biological product, reference product, biosimilar,interchangeable; and other terms to facilitate understanding of the relationship between biosimilars and their reference products;


  • Describe the rigorous standards any biosimilar must meet prior to approval and explain how the FDA approval pathway works for these products; and,


  • Provide easily accessible information about the data and information FDA reviews to determine biosimilarity, and how to find more resources.


The new website also highlights information about an important reference for biosimilars known as the 「Purple Book」. This reference can help prescribers and patients learn which biological reference products currently have one or more approved biosimilar or interchangeable product approved by FDA.


Next, FDA plans to embark on additional research with health care professionals to learn more about the types of information prescribers need to properly communicate with their patients about biosimilars. An increase in market competition, offered by a growing complement of biosimilars, may lead to meaningfully reduced costs for both patients and our healthcare system.


As with the significant savings that we』ve seen through the introduction of generic drugs in the United States, biosimilars could also lead to substantial savings, thereby potentially improving access and promoting better public health outcomes. Understanding the rigorousprocess FDA uses to evaluate biosimilars can help prescribers and patients maximize the benefits from these products.


Scott Gottlieb, M.D., is Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Scott Gottlieb, M.D.,美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)局長

Leah Christl, Ph.D., is the Associate Director for Therapeutic Biologics in the Office of New Drugs, at FDA』s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

Leah Christl, Ph.D.,美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)藥品審評與研究中心(CDER)新葯辦公室(OND)治療生物學副主任


Associate Director 副主任

Commissioner 局長

generic drug 仿製葯

biosimilar 生物類似葯

basic definitions 基本定義

interchangeable 可互換

extensively 廣泛的

to date 到目前為止

launch an educational campaign 發起教育活動

is highly similar to 與...高度相似

in terms of 在...方面;依據...

reduce cost 降低成本

gain a better understanding of 獲得對...更好的理解

An increase in market competition 市場競爭的加劇

is an ongoing concern 是一個持續關注的問題

So we are taking new steps to make sure 所以我們正採取新措施以確保


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