


2、寫通用段子(比如互聯網,在 11、12、16、17、26、30 和 32 題中皆可用到)。如果不能夠把每個問題全寫出來,則每個題至少要想好 3 個回答的論據,論據應可以在多個題中通用。



5、把握幾個要點:邏輯嚴密 ,語言連貫, 語調恰當,語速適中,時間利用充分。



地方: (準備一個地方就行)

1. Describe a place you have never been to but like to gosomeday. (你最想去的地方)

I would prefer to go to a seashore townsomeday. When I was a child,the sea I watched on TV gave me a nice memory, since then I have a desire to goto the seashore some day. I consider the life near the seashore is comfortable,for

the sky there is blue and always full of sunshine,seabirds are singing and the ocean breeze is blowing. I』m willing to swim inthe sea or just lie on the beach for a rest, which I could never enjoy inmetropolis. Moreover, I could taste sea foodsuch as lobsters and crabs. Therefore, if I can goto a seashore town someday, it must be awonderful memory in my life.

2. If your friends from other country are going to visityour country, where do you suggest them to go?(可以展現國家特色,也可以談談其他方面)

I would like them to go to a seashoretown in my country. I believe they can』t find seashoreas wonderful as the seashore I want them to go. The life near the seashore iscomfortable, for the sky there is blue and always full of sunshine, seabirdsare singing and the ocean breeze is blowing. They can swim in the sea and lieon the beach for a rest, which they could never enjoy in their country. Moreover, they could taste sea food that onlyproduce in that seashore such as local lobsters, crabs and fish. So if they cango to a seashore town someday, it must be a goodmemory in their life.

3. Features of cafe or restaurant you like?(喜歡具有什麼特點的餐廳/場所)

Well,I prefer a cafe or a restaurant that is quietand clean. First of all, a quiet placeis good for me to enjoy a comfortable meal and I won』t be bothered by a noisysurrounding. And I am able to have a conversation or a talk with friends if itis quiet near by, that we won』t have to shout to each other. Second, a clean place to eat could make me have agood appetite and I could eat more when the tables and plates are clean. Iconsider a clean restaurant can be also excellent in making food. So in conclusion, Ilike a restaurant or a cafe has the features of clean and quiet.

4. Keep or not the old building in the city?(是否該保留古老建築)

Ihold the opinion that we should keep most of the old buildings in the city.

I admit that some of theold buildings are a bit dilapidated right now. But the issue is bigger thanthat. If we destroy the old buildings, we will be destroying an important pieceof the history. The buildings many experienced many events and famouscelebrities might live in it. They are the memory of the things in the past.And it wouldnt be all that difficult to fix them up either. However, there are some old buildings which haveless value could be torn down for the city development.

5. 描述你經常去的地方。(公園、景點)

The place Iusually go to is a seashore park in my city. When I was a child,

my parents always bring me there and I hada lot of enjoyments. Then I grew up, but I still consider it a wonderful place.The life near the seashore is reallycomfortable, for the sky there is blue and always full of sunshine,seabirds are singing and the ocean breeze is blowing. I swam in the sea and lieon the beach for a rest. Moreover, I tastedsea food such as lobsters, crabs and fish there. Themoment I have at sea shore is reallyimpressive, and because of this, I would like to go there.

6. 說說最喜歡的一個房間/空間,可以是自己家的或者是其他地方。

Well, one of my important places is my room.First of all, I have a lot of enjoyment in myroom. I enjoy using computer in myroom. Ihave a lot of fun playing computer games and chat online with my e-pals. I alsoread magazines and other publics and sometimes cut down the pictures on them tothe wall, these make my room a place full of enjoyment. Second, I study and read books. These make me moreknowledgeable and experienced. So you see, Iobtain enjoyment and gain ability in my room. Basingon these factors I say that I enjoy the time spend in my room and I like it somuch.


7. Important gift, why important? (一件重要的禮物)

An important gift I have ever received isa Nike basketball from my parents on my 16 years old birthday. The gift is important to me because I really like playingbasketball and I never have a high quality basketball before. So after I receive this gift, I always bring it tosport stadiums and play with teammates. It has a high quality that we haveplayed it for such long time and not only I and also my friends obtained a lotof enjoyment. Furthermore, it is important because I get to know that myparents are always thinking of what I like to do, andthis really makes me moved and I gain a lot of power to study better and repaythem.

8. Describe one of your challenging experiences (描述你的一個刺激 / 驚險 / 難忘的經歷)

One of my challengingexperiences is to prepare for the TOEFL test.I am a high school student and Ifind TOEFL test is lot more difficult than the text in my school, so it isreally a challenge for me. Some times I try to recite a hundred words ina day. Sometimes I read long articles and just don』t know what they are talkingabout. However, when facing with thesedifficulties, I never give up. What I have done is to keep recitingwords and read more articles in order to have a better understanding of them. After a month, I find that I have improved my ability inEnglish, and I am more confident now facing TOEFL test.

9. 描述你的一件作品

I took a group of pictures that has shown the huge change in my cityBeijing. Our city is going to hold the 2008 Olympic Games and because of this,the city is changing big day by day. Therefore, I use my camera and took a group of pictures, the grouphas 8 pictures, I called them 「8 aspects of Beijing change」, I took pictures in parks, in sport stadiums, in mycommunity and other places, through the 8 aspectto show the huge change of Beijing, and show our harmonious daily life. I alwaysshow them to my teachers and friends, and I am really proud of this work.

10. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration 或者moment

The most impressivemoment in my life is my going to a seashore town before. When I was a child, the sea I watched on TV gave mea nice memory, since then I have a desire to go to the seashore some day. I went there after few years, the life near theseashore is really comfortable, for the sky there is blue and always full ofsunshine, seabirds are singing and the ocean breeze is blowing. I swam in thesea and lie on the beach for a rest, which I could never enjoy in big cities. Moreover, I tasted sea food such as lobsters,crabs and fish there. So I consider the moment Ihave at sea shore is really impressive.


11. 你通過什麼方式了解新聞,信息,知識?

I am willing to get information though the internet.First, I think getting news from internet is aneasy way, what we need to do is just move the mouse, which means wedon』t need to go out to buy newspaper. Second,internet can provide us news faster, when anevent take place somewhere in the world, the news webs could provide the news quickly, which unlike newspapers, they have toprint out and then sell to us. Third, usinginternet to get the information is also benefit toour environment, because it doesn』t need papers and ink, so fewer treeswith by cut down and fewer rivers will be polluted.

12. 媒體(TV, internet...)和人(家長,老師,朋友,同學)從哪方面你能學到更多的東西?

I considergetting information through the internet is the best way to learn moreknowledge. First of all, I think getting news from internet is easy, what we need to do is just move the mouseand type the letters, which means we don』t need to go out. This makes me veryefficient in getting information.Second, internetcan provide us a large amount of information, forthere are so many websites and they don』t need to worry about paper using, sothey will write many things, and I can obtain much knowledge. Therefore, using internet I can learn more knowledge.

13. 喜歡直奔目的地還是喜歡兼顧遊覽沿途景觀?

Well,I prefer also enjoying the view on our way. First of all, I think my purpose totravel is to enjoy the beautiful scenery, whatever atthe destination or on the way, so we should also spend time of the scenery onthe way if they are beautiful and worth to see. Second,we could make our trip full of surprise, because we can』t predictwhether there is beautiful scenery on the way, and if we find some placewonderful on our way, it must be a huge surprise to me, and it must be better than only go to the destination. All in all,I prefer also enjoying the view on our way.

14. Choose profession that need you study independentlyor profession require you to work as a group?(單幹還是合作)

I prefer choosing a profession thatrequires me to work as a group. First of all, I believe work as a group can give birth to excellentidea and solutions, because more people are thinking on a project, morepeople are doing on project, this can make a project work out better andadvance. Second, I believe working as agroup can make us more efficient, and we cansolve the problem faster and easier. More over, we cansolve more problems. So basing on these factors I draw a conclusion that aprofession which needs working as a group is better.

15. 你更願意根據興趣還是薪水選擇專業(工作)?

Well, as for me, I would like tochoose a major by interest. First ofall, we may have more knowledge on the major we are interested in, andthis makes us easier to learn the major and we can have a better understanding.Second, choose a major we interested in willlet us gain more power to study and work on it, we are more willing to spendtime on it, and we can increase our ability more and faster. This is benefit to our study career as well as workingcareer. And it will lead us to an enjoyable life. So...

16. 在這一百年之內有很多發明,你覺得什麼對你生活改變最大?

I believe that the invention changedmy life most is internet. First of all, I am able toread a lot of information on the internet, this help me to know more about ourworld and things happened, which makes us always keep in touch with the outsideworld. Second, I can use internet to searchfor what I want, and this would help me solve the problems and find thesolutions quickly. Third, internet providesenjoyment, through the internet I』m able to chat with relatives or evenstrangers, and I could play internet games. So Ibelieve the internet is making the biggest changed of the way I live.

17. Which of the following study method do you prefer? 喜歡哪種學習方式? (online courses,traditional classroom)

For me, I am willing to take onlinecourses instead of being in traditional classroom. First of all,if we study online then we won』t have to go to school, this is reallyconvenient especially when it is raining or snowing outside. What is more, if we study online, the pressure ofpublic traffic given by student will be lower, other citizens will spend lesstime on road, thus the city will be more efficient. Third,online courses wont be limit by teachers which means teacher in othercities are able to teach us, and we can enjoy a high quality of education.

18. Describe a painting you have seen before. Why do youlike it or dislike it? (12.10, question1)

I have seen a painting that hasshown the athletes training in a basketball gymnasium. Our city is going tohold the Olympic Games in August and because of this, the athletes are traininghard in order to compete in the Olympic Games. The painting is actually showingthe daily exercise of the basketball athletes. It shows a scene in the nationalbasketball training center, the players are having a match. Through thepainting I have seen Yaoming, a player I prefer most, the painting drew himvividly and it is even like a true Yaoming, so I really like the painting.

19. 喜歡朋友具有哪些特點(Characteristic),與自己相同否?

I think a character friends shouldhave is humor. Becausehumorous friends bring us good mood and harmonious atmospheres so we can have agood condition to study. Then we might give birth to great ideas and solutions.I think a friend should also be outgoing. Becauseoutgoing friends can communicate with me ina better way, through this I can become more outgoing, and I am able toincrease my ability to communicate with others. This is really important whenwe work. I don』t think a friend should havecharacteristics as I do, because our different characters make us be able tolearn from each other, and gain our ability.

20. 喜歡按照爸媽或朋友的建議行事還是自己經歷? (Makeimportant decision)

I prefer doing things follow theadvices given by my parents and friends. I consider I am notexperienced and knowledgeable toward some of the big challenge, and then Imaybe make wrong decisions. However, myparents have faced these challenges when they were young, so they are able toprovide me valuable advices. This makes me succeed easier. Also, it iswonderful if my friend could help me consider things before I do it. Because more people consider on one issue will make lessmistakes, and this is benefit to my life.

21. What do you like to read in your free time?(Novels, poems or magazines) (業餘愛好是做什麼?)

I would like to read magazinesduring my leisure time. First ofall, magazines have high quality printed paper; the pictures on thepaper are vivid, I enjoy looking these pictures. I even cut down some of them Ilike and put them in my book. It is so amazing.Second,the magazines always provide beautiful posters to their readers, I received twoposters, one is Yaoming』s picture and the other one is Jordan』s. I like postervery much so I like the magazines very much. Also,the information provided in the magazines is interesting and comprehensive; Ican know a lot of things though it. So I likereading magazines.

22. Do you like to live with roommates or live alone? (獨住還是與室友一起住?)

Well, for me, I would like to livewith roommates. First of all, we are able to help each other bothon study and our daily life, so we will have fewer difficulties, and throughthis we gain our relationship, so we can have more good friends. Also, my roommates can always communicate with me,through this I can become more outgoing, and I am able to increase my abilityto communicate with others. This is really important when we work. And my roommates could have different characteristics,because of our different characters, we are able learn from each other, andgain our ability.

23. 有人在拿到新書時喜歡把一本新書讀完,有人則不喜歡,你呢? 表明看法並說明原因。

I would like to finish reading abook at several times. First ofall, finish reading a book at one time is really a huge job that canmake me very tired, and it』s also harmful to my eyes if I spend long timereading. I consider health is more importantthan reading a book. Second, I』d like toseparate my happiness to several parts and enjoy them in different time. Also, the meaning and some of the truth of thebook needs me to realize for a long time, if we finish reading them quickly,then we loose an opportunity to study writers』 deep thinking. So I read the book in several times.

24. 如果有人到你家吃飯,你打算拿什麼招待?說明理由。

I would like to serve them theChinese traditional food, dumplings. First, dumpling is aspecial food in China, so they can only eat in Chinese families. Second, family and I can all make dumplings and weconsider the food we cook is delicious, especially dumplings. So if people eatdumplings in my families, they can have a pleasant time. Third, dumplings are easy to make and cook, so wewon』t spend much time on cooking, therefore, we can have chat with friends thatwon』t make them bored. So in conclusion, I considerI will treat people dumplings.

25. 描述你喜歡的一首歌曲、詩歌或電影(物件)。並解釋為什麼你喜歡.

One of the songs I like is 「weare the champion」. I like it because I won arunning competition after I listened to it. But this is not the only reason. I like it because I always feel energetic afterlistening, and I can do better on playing basketball or other sport events. Also, I like the lyric; it tells me never give up. WhenI am frustrate and upset, I will listen to the song, then I feel a strongemotion in my body, and I won』t be upset anymore. Thesong really helps me to be positive, so l like it.

26. 學生努力學習的同時需要休息,你推薦relax 的方式是什麼?

Well, for me, I would like to playbasketball with my friends during my leisure time to relax. First of all, Iconsider it is an appropriate way to get away from the study pressure and relaxboth my body and mood. Second, I am able tochat with my friends during this time; we talk about sports, stars and currentevents, so I will have a lot of enjoyment and this gain my relationship withfriends. Also, it』s a useful way to make mestronger and I won』t often be tired. So I considerplaying basketball a good way for me to relax.

27. 有些人用書本收集信息,有些人則喜歡用網路,你呢?具體說明理由。

Well, I would like to collectinformation via the internet. First of all, internetbrings us a huge amount of information from all over the world, we are able viewall of them. This is really a gigantic benefit since the internet is just anextremely large library opened for everyone; we can view the things not only inour community, but also outside world as well. Thenwe won』t go out any more since all the things can appear on our computerscreen. This is a huge convenience especially when it is raining or snowingoutside, or the library is far from my home. Third,some websites provide search system like Google that makes me findinformation quickly and easily.


28. 一個人在團隊工作中最重要的quality

I consider the most important spirit ishumor. Because humorous teammembers bring us good mood and harmonious atmospheres so we can have a goodcondition to work so we can give birth to excellent ideas and solutions. Also, humorous people can communicate with othersin a better way; make us more efficient in working, through this we can workout a problem easier and faster. Basing on thesefactors I draw a conclusion that the most important quality a person shouldhave in the team is humor.

29. Do you agree that childhood is the happiest (orprecious) time in life? (童年最快樂)

Yes, I deeply agree that childhoodis the happiest time in life. First, childhood provide no pressurewhich we have to face after grown up. When I was a child, I had little pressureas I have now. For instance, I rarely worried about exams when I was a kid, butnow exams really give me a lot pressure. Second,a child often has much time to develop his or her own hobbies. For example, Ipossessed more time to develop my own interests, such as painting and singing. However, I hardly have time to do what I want todo now. So in conclusion, I think childhood is thehappiest time in life.

30. 大學教育於一個人重要與否?

As far as I am concerned, theuniversity education is really significant for a person. First of all,the knowledge we learn in U is the most difficult through our study career, soit is vital for us to increase our ability in thinking, talking and studying.These abilities are quite essential for us when we work. Second, U education is the advanced form ofeducation, it need us to communicate, to corporate, these are the things wecan』t learn deeply in primary school and high school. Soif we don』t join the U education, we will lose opportunities to develop,I consider this is really a huge regret.

31. Is Life easier or harder than our grandparents』?(12.10 independent writing)

I deeply agree that our life is easier thanour grandparents』. First of all, we are able to enjoy the conveniencebrought by internet. We can use internet to learn knowledge, get a variety ofinformation from outside world. What is more,we can enjoy many online entertainments such as chat and internet game. These are the things our grandparents can』t do in theirperiod. Second, we are able to travel to foreign countries easier viaairplanes or even private cars. Unlike our grandparents, it』s a lot moredifficult for them to travel abroad since the personal vehicles were not highlydeveloped in their period. So basing on this I saythat our life is easier than our grandparents』.

32. Someone focuses on one job throughout his life;others like to change from one job to the other. Which one do you think isbetter, why?


I consider people should change their jobin different age. First of all, changing the job through life willmake us more experienced and knowledgeable for we are able to study things indifferent aspects and communicate with people in different fields. Basing on this I consider people should sometimes changetheir job. Second, changing the jobwill make us less tired. For instance, when we are young, we could work like asells manager; it brings a lot of income but also needs much energy. So when weare old, we may not work in a perfect condition, then we could change a job.


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