Miguel Nicolelis - 杜克大學神經工程研究中心 Founder
- A Brain Machine Interface
- joystick control mode - for testing on a monkey (joystick - robot - juice) ( robot, brain signal to the robot and the robot do the movements for the monkey. Training first, then conducting)
- in real life practice - Cortical Neuroprosthesis for Restoring Motor Functions. Control the body just by thinking
- Wireledd Brain-Machine interface for whole body navigation ( WIRELESS tech needed. I saw Rasberry Pi !)
- Project - Walk Again. ( skeleton machine controled directly by the brain)
- Strong & solid user testing database ( 156 people from 25 countries in 5 continents)
- Artificial Skin for Foot Contact. 腳部人工皮膚
- Perceiving Different Floor Surfaces Using VR Coupled to a Haptic Display. ( 通過vr, 看到腳在走(braininterface)又感受澆在地面走的感覺)
- "After one to two week, they don;t think its machine anymore. Because the brain stimulate the movements through the wireless brain interface. They think the skeleton is part of their own body" - 恐怖啊
- Walking without Exoskeleton: Non-invasive Functional Electrical Stimulation. 無機械戰甲行走
- Brainet: Multiple monkeys collaborating to move a virtual arm ( 這樣以後vr遊戲,全系遊戲將不是動畫啊)
- 我的天,可以social: "neuronal populations of the driver and observer exhibited transient correlations" ------> human brainet 人類腦聯網
- Other notes:
- 易懂的圖麗 + 視頻 + 測試數據 + 迭代來說服人
Curious and Creative Machine
Hod Lipson 哥倫比亞大學
- Big Question: what is creativity? How we get innovation?
- Ai takes a lot of dat anad analysis to learn and study to make a decision
- creativity involves starting from nothing, stuff doesnt exist (我存疑)
- Analysis VS Synthesis
- analysis - from great amount of data
- synthesis - starting from nothing
- natural evolution can help understand creativity
- My notes: 讓我想到storytelling書里的brainstorming 聯繫。 完全不相關的元素塑造故事,思考需求,發現痛點,從而有了新的需求和產品
- ( Resource: computer generate new forms for you to help you to see more possibilities and finally help you on your design)
- Emergent Self-Model (機器人認識到自己???4條腿,並學會怎麼動)
- Design Process: AI focused
- 1. Logic and Search
- 2. Predictive Analytics (big data) (90s - 10)
- 3. Cognitive Computing (10 - now) - ex: Google recognize things from a img
- my notes; 周五的分享會。 從一張圖導出又標度和規範的codes
- 4. Creative Machine
谷歌大腦: 從 Tensorflow 到最新深度學習成果
劉小兵 - google谷歌大腦深度學習研究員
- What is deep learning:
- finds the best parameters
- 神經網路,學習神經的強度
- My notes
- 知乎上我???收藏一個ai deeplearning的
- natural of code 的 deep learning
- 深度卷積網路(好多levels)
- Has a long history from 1980s and 1990s
- tech restrictions: 1. lack big data 2. hardware limitations
- Google: AI FirstL Tensorflow(opensource) 的基石上構建AI大廈
- pixel
- audio
- code
- language
- 通過深度學習來提高用戶體驗
- Build a right tool. --- TensorFlow
- why: wanted system that was flexible, scalable, and production-ready
- Goal: open source - for everyone
- Performance Matters:
- Research:
- Iterate quickly
- train models faster
- run more experiments in parallel
- Production
- Server farms and embedded
- CPUs, GPUs. TPUs, and more
- Low-latency serving
- 摩爾定律時代即將結束
- Where are we trying to go?
- Large model, but sparsely activated
- Single model to solve many tasks ( 100s to 1Ms)
- Dynamically learn and grow pathways through large model
- via. specialized ML supercomputing and ML efficient mapping hardware
Facebook關於AR & VR的未來構想
濮冠楠 技術佈道師&工程師
- facebook 未來10年發展規劃 (大圖)
- real life practice on ar:
- put info directly on img <INFORMATION>
- 3d model in real life <數字對象> - POKEMON GO
- <強化>
- facebook camera - ar platform
- 1. 相機 照片上有可愛動畫的特效,定位在頭上或臉上
- 2. Frame Studio //// AR Studio(特效製作工具軟體)
- meitu 現已可用於facebook相機
淺雪 - 阿里巴巴人工智慧實驗室 負責人
- 1。人工智慧是基礎科學
- 市場真正需要的是人工智慧產品
- 2。用戶預期管理
- 對機器超越人的恐慌心理
- 用戶期望值太高
- 手機壁壘 - 強大的習慣
- 技術創新中的交互創新
- keyboard - mouse - touch screen ( now) - Voice (we are here)
- Chance, not change (Ai makes more leisure time.
- 3. 團隊組成不光需要科學家
- 大數據時代,用戶缺少體感?
- therefore。團隊的組建至關重要
- 場景分析,research?,define,design
- 4。開疆闢土的暢想 - 人工智慧剛開始
- AI是個高投入的產業
- 在招人,阿里AI labs
李志飛 - 出門問問
- Key points
- 語音識別
- 語義理解
- search engine
- 情感模型
- 對話系統
- 用戶模型
- 推薦系統
- 2015-2017 軟硬結合+多場景聯動
- 你好問問 的宣傳片好贊贊贊贊贊。
- 情感化交流:聲音,擬人,「喜歡」你的每一次喚醒。
- 功能與用戶需求滿足:餐館預訂,日曆,etc
- 本質介紹:「大腦在雲端」,無處不在
- motion graphic
- 技術挑戰 - 自然語言理解
- 解決方案 - 對物理世界和常識的建模
- 用戶習慣的培養
宋少鵬 - Sugr米唐科技 Founder & CEO
- start with self-introduction, 名字縮寫ssp=sound
- VUI - voice user interface
- why: 交互成本的降低
- sugr:輕拍一次,拍兩次喚醒語音服務,左轉45度,右轉45度
- 用戶
- 中美音樂消費者的行為習慣很大不同。DNA 不同
- 美國:汽車上的收音機,被動推送歌單和流媒體 (成長環境)
- 中國:卡帶專輯,歌手,歌曲 80年代初期改革開放。主動選擇:點播式。
- 兩地app體現了dna的不同:
- spotify:首推歌單,二級菜單才有搜索
- qq音樂:一級菜單是搜索-點播式
- 消費習慣不同,對音響的需求不同
- 在北美,智能音響可以以MVP的形態開始,然後快速迭代。
- 因為音響是剛需,習慣流媒體推送,語義理解要求不高
- a smart speak ... to extend usage beyond audio playback. (使用場景)
- 不能複製亞馬遜的echo,因為dna不同,要有自己的解決方案
- 聯想到我們自己,不能照抄競品。我們的用戶不同,需求不同,對產品平台的期望不同,需求就不同。我們要有自己的基因和創新。
- my notes: 我去啊 拍的實體類交互,和左轉右轉 就是我們學的啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
劉宗儒 BroadLink Founder & CEO
- 發展演進
- pc - 移動互聯網 - AI 時代
- 各大智能音響
- 國內echo級產品?
- 完整的內容生態、銷售渠道
- 解決語言問題:中文同音字、多義詞、方言口音多
- 遠場訓練語料的積累
- Broadlink如何連接智能家居和ai
- Broadlink DNA 連接
- 連接 家電設備 + 雲平台 + 增值服務
- 鏈接家居和微信,淘寶等雲平台
- AI + IoT結合 (IoT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 【設備 --- broadlink --- 智能終端】
- 價格低:99元
- 真正的智能家居 - 意圖雲 機器學習模型 (圖片)
- my notes:
- 工業設計的力量 +iot科技
- different point of view and insight can find new needs - broadlink發現了新的需求,選擇成為鏈接者
How to define us, as a member of IMA
IMA is focused on exploring the expressive possibilities brought about by emerging forms of technology, media, and communication.
※《人工智慧》第二周問題集4 uninformed search - dfs/iterative deepening search
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