

How do you make a banana milk shake?


will + 動詞原形 將要做

fewer/more + 可數名詞複數 更少/更多…

less/more + 不可數名詞 更少/更多

try to do sth儘力做某事

have to do sth 不得不做某事

agree with sb.同意某人的意見

such + 名詞(片語) 如此

play a part in doing sth 參與做某事

make sb do sth 讓某人做某事

help sb with sth 幫助某人做某事

There will be + 主語 + 其他


There is/are + sb. + doing sth 有…正在做…

It is + 形容詞 + for sb + to do sth


2.every 與 each 的區別

every 用來表整體,each 用來表個別。each 最低需是兩,every 最低需是三。every adj.

every 作主用單數,each 可單也可復,作主、作定用單數,其他情況用複數。 each adj./ pron.

Every teacher knows her.

There are lots of trees on each side of the road.

Each of the road has a dictionary.

3. on the earth 與on earth 的區別

on the earth 在地球上,作地點狀語,位於句首或句末。 on the earth 究竟,到底。用於疑問句或副詞後,加強語氣。

All the living things on the earth depend on the sun.

What on earth do you mean?

4. human, 指包括男人女人孩子的「人,人類」,有別於動物,自然景物,機器等的特殊群體,也可指具體的人。

person, 無性別之分,常用於數目不太大,而且數目比較精確的場合。

people, 泛指「人們」,表示複數概念。

man,前不帶冠詞而且單獨使用時,指「男人」,a man 可指「一個人/ 一個男人」,複數形式為men.

He was the only human on the island.

There are only three persons in the room.

There are many people there.

Man is stronger than woman.

5. seem 連繫動詞,好像,似乎,看來。


seem + 名詞 看起來。He seems a nice man.

seem like 好像,似乎。 It seemed like a good idea at the time.

seem to do sth. 似乎/看起來/好像做某事。 I seem to have left my book at home.

It seems/seemed that 看起來好像…, 似乎…. He was very happy.

seem to be + 形容詞/名詞 = seem + 形容詞/名詞。 She seems to be happy.= She seems happy.

6. probably ad. maybe 相當於 perhaps. 也許,大概,可能。作狀語.

probably 用於句中,可能性最大。

He will probably come tomorrow.

maybe/perhaps 用於句首。

Maybe/Perhaps you are right.

7. during / for / in 介詞,在……期間。

說到某事是在某一段時間之間發生的用during; 說到某事持續多久則用for; 說到某事具體發生的時間用in.

We visited many places of interest during the summer holiday.

I』ve been here for two weeks.

They usually leave school in July.


肯定式: 主語 + will/shall + 動詞原形 + 其他 will 用於各種人稱,shall 用於第一人稱。

主語 + be going to + 動詞原形 + 其他 be 隨人稱、數和時間的變化而變換。

否定式: 在will/shall/be 後面加 not. will not = won』t

一般疑問句: 將will/shall/be 提到主語前面。

9.There be 句型的一般將來時:

There will be + 主語 + 其他 ,意為 :將會有。

一般疑問句形式為: Will there be + 主語 + 其他。

肯定回答是: Yes, there will.

否定回答是: No, there won』t.

否定形式是:There won』t be + 主語 + 其他, 將不會有……

特殊疑問句是: 疑問詞/ 片語 + 一般疑問句?

When will there be a nice basketball match?





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