
2016.0712 Nudge-self 持續更新


Never compare yourself to other people

Always be yourself

some of the most wonderful people are the ones who don』t fit into the boxes

Take risks maybe i will fall but if I can fly?

Its time to take that leap into the unknown

if you want something you』ve never had,you have to do something you』ve never done

You CAN do it if someone say you can』t prove them wrong

Hard work pays off i never dreamed of success i worked for it

Theres no better time than now you don』t have to be great to start,but you have to start to be great


It doesnt always take much to get ahead-just 20 seconds insane courage

Youll get through this,she stood in the storm when the wind did not blow her away she adjusted her sails


Every girl is a secret princess,always wear your invisible crown

Dont waste your days一種嚴肅的生活態度會成為從所有挫折逆境癒合的偉大城池

Think before you speak your beliefs don』t make you better person your behavior does(臆想觀念世界和客觀現實的分野-我在這裡使用臆想這個詞是為了強調意志的不穩定和其認知真實世界的錯謬潛力,而認知和真實世界的分野只能用行動去檢驗和彌合,不管你願不願意,相不相信這就是事實)

You cant expect everything to be easy,the days you are most uncomfortable are the days you learn the most about your self

Focus on yourself,not caring what other people think is the best choice you will never make 你只需要在乎偉大靈魂的原則和經驗,其他都是垃圾!


Positive body image is key

Things might not be as bad as you think,take a second to think about how blessed you are

Wallowing gets you nowhere:don』t forget that you』re human.it』s okay to have a melt down.just don』t unpack and live there.cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed

How every day should go wake up kick ass be kind re


Be careful how you treat people

Kindness means everything if you have the power to make someone happy, do it ,the world needs more of that


Make the most of every moment,if you 『re always racing to the next moment what happens to the one you』re in




TAG:自我完善 |