What is the most important action for the government to take for the protection of environmental problems?
1. fund researches on new energy sources such as solar and wind power;
2. protect forests and natural wildlife species
3. pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution
佳峰私塾一直建議同學們採用中立立場解決所有題目。過去是,現在亦是。針對這一道題,我們可以在中間兩段(body paragraphs)這樣提出分觀點:
對於發達國家(developed countries),最好的保護環境措施莫過於鼓勵學者開發新能源(第一個觀點)。因為一方面國家資金雄厚,另外一方面國家公民有很強的環保意識樂於接受新能源。舉例特斯拉轎車(tesla)在歐美市場的流行。
對於發展中國家,保護環境則是最優選項(第二個觀點)。千萬不要因為過分強調經濟發展而對森林河流產生破壞,先污染後治理(treatment after pollution)只會事倍功半。可以將中國的環境治理作為反例(PM 2.5 等)。
最後,在結尾時提一句,任何情況下通過施加法律減少污染都不是最好的辦法,因為相比較前兩個,第三個是外界施壓。如果企業或者公民根本沒有意識到環境的重要性,那麼知法犯法或者鑽法律漏洞(find a loophole in the law)也是可能的。
Which of the following jobs or careers do you think would be most rewarding? University professor, Environmental scientist, Newspaper journalist
For teenagers aged between 15 to 18, what is the most important to the teacher?
1. the ability to help students plan for future
2. the ability to recognize which student needs help and offer that help
3. the ability to encourage students to learn on their own outside of the classroom
Out of the following three things, which one would you prefer to regulate in order to improve your health?
1. The kind of food you eat
2. The amount of exercise
3. The amount of stress in your life
If school has limited funding, which of the following three should school spend money on?
1. sports
2. arts
3. volunteering
佳峰私塾 吳老師