

Transportationnis changing. You still need a vehicle to get from point A to point B butnwhat type of vehicle is in question. Electric is in our future and so isna lot more.

One of thengreatest things about city life is that you don』t need to own a car. Thenpublic transportation system is good and could be better but it existsnunderground and above ground. Citibike announced a huge expansion thisnweek in and around the boroughs of NYC. Then of course there is Uber.n There is also Hailo, Lyft, Sidecar and a few others but Uber seems tonhave taken NYC by storm. There is something brilliant about being able tonorder a cab or black car from your phone, get the information on the driver andnthen track their trip to pick you up.

I would hopenthat the next Presidential administrations will take a hard long look atninvesting huge amounts of capital on transportation. As urbannareas become more expensive there is a need for high speed trains. Whyncan』t someone live two hours outside of the city and still work in the city.n It shouldn』t take two hours to get from one location to the other, itnshould take 30 minutes tops. That is a game changer.

The citiesncan not afford to build underground but with less cars on the road but they canncertainly afford to build rails above ground. Why isn』t there a railwaynthat moves freely around Brooklyn and Queens. It would also be a gamenchanger for the neighborhoods that have already changed dramatically where thentransportation is far from seamless.

Cars.n Zip-car changed the need to rent a car or even own a car in the city.n It was the beginning of the shared economy although the cars are owned bynZip-car they are shared by many with the ease of entering your info into yournphone and finding a car near you.

I am anninvestor in Scoot. Scootnis the zip-car of electric scooters. When you travel in Europe scootersnare everywhere. They make a lot of sense for large cities when peoplenneed to get from point A to point B without a car or a bus or a subway.n Basically a motorized bike.

Here is thenfuture. You live 2 plus hours outside a major urban area, let』s make itnNYC. Financially it makes more sense for you to live there and younactually prefer the solitude and community. You jump on the bus or sharena car or take your bike down to the train station in the morning. You getnthere around 8am, jump on the train and you are in the city by 830. Yournoffice is on the other side of town and you much prefer being above ground andnbeing solo. So you walk over to the 40 Scoots parked right outside thentrain station and jump on one. You choose the Scoot onnWednesdays because you generally move around a lot on Wednesdays for meetingsnand it is the most efficient way to get around the city. Thursdays yountake a Citibike because you just go to the office and back and you like thenexercise. You run your errands and at the end of the day instead of goingnhome you decide to go meet a friend for dinner just outside of the major citynhub, let』s say Brooklyn. You park your Scoot and leave it there for thennext rider and jump on the ferry to get across the river. Once you arenthere you jump on the railcar and go a few stops into Brooklyn where there usednto be zero transportation. You have dinner and get back on the railwaynwhich takes you into Queens where you can pick up the train that hooks up withnthe train that takes you home for the night. Although if you are reallynnot in the mood you might just Uber it to the train in the new fleets ofnelectric vehicles that have been deemed mandatory in the city because there arenno longer any gas stations. Or you decide to just stay in Brooklyn fornthe evening and had planned ahead by booking an Airbnb the night before andnpacking a small bag for the night. If you forgot something you couldnalways get Postmates (driving their Scoot) to get it for you and meet you atnthe restaurant before getting to your Airbnb.

This is notnso far around the corner. It might be bumpy getting there but I believenthat we will get there sooner than we think.

KEYS Shanghai Shared


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