TE||Blocked transfer





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Blocked Transfer



China』s Ant Financial is obliged to abandon an American acquisition


「THE geopolitical environment has changed considerably since…a year ago.」 That was the explanation given this week by Alex Holmes, chief executive of MoneyGram International, a Dallas-based American money-transfer firm, for Ant Financial abandoning its $1.2bn deal to buy his firm. Ant, the online-payments affiliate of Alibaba Group, a Chinese e-commerce giant, had outbid Euronet, an American rival, in 2017 and secured the approval of MoneyGram』s board for the acquisition. In normal times, Ant would have secured the prize.

「自…一年前地緣政治環境發生了很大的變化。」 這是本周速匯金國際公司(一家位於德拉斯的美國匯款公司)總裁Alex Holmes對螞蟻金服放棄12億美金收購速匯金事件的解釋。螞蟻金服,中國電子商務巨頭阿里巴巴集團旗下的在線支付機構,2017年競標擊敗美國競爭對手Euronet取得了速匯金董事會對收購的認可。在正常時期,螞蟻將得償所願。

PS:MoneyGram International, 速匯金國際有限公司創立於1926年,總部位於美國德州達拉斯,全職僱員2,820人,是一家全球性付款服務公司,也是僅次於西聯匯款的全球第二大匯款機構,服務包括全球匯款、匯票和支付服務,在全球190多個國家和地區擁有近20萬個網點。

But it is up against a rising tide of anti-China sentiment in Washington, DC. Donald Trump has often argued that China does not play fair in global commerce. The sense that China and its companies are not to be trusted is spreading on Capitol Hill, too. Ant』s bid was blocked by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), a government body reporting to the Treasury. It reviews such deals for national-security implications. Two congressmen claimed that approving Ant』s purchase of MoneyGram might allow 「malicious actors」 to get hold of financial data belonging to American soldiers and their families.


註:A malicious actor: is an entity that is partially or wholly responsible for an incident that impacts – or has the potential to impact -- an organizations security.

Alibaba seemed the least likely of Chinese firms to encounter a backlash in America. Alipay, Ant』s online-payment offering, has already entered into partnerships with Verifone and First Data, two American payments firms , and is accepted at some 175,000 locations in the country. In January 2017 Jack Ma, its charismatic boss, met with then President-elect Trump and promised to create a million American jobs through crossborder e-commerce. News of the deal for MoneyGram came shortly afterwards.


註:1. VeriFone(惠爾豐)是全球領先的安全電子支付解決方案的供應商,為金融機構、商戶及消費者提供借記卡、信用卡、智能卡及互聯網交易方面的硬體、軟體和服務。verifone.cn/



This week』s decision is not just a blow for Alibaba. It is another sign of a deteriorating environment for Chinese firms in America. The Ant deal is the most prominent transaction blocked by CFIUS recently, but it is not the only one. In September Mr Trump sided with CFIUS to stop China』s Canyon Bridge Capital Partners, a government-backed investment firm, from acquiring America』s Lattice Semiconductor, a tech firm. In November, China Oceanwide Holdings said that it would delay the deadline for closing its $2.7bn takeover of Genworth Financial, an American insurer, until April due to problems with CFIUS.

本周的決定不僅僅是對阿里巴巴的打擊。這也是中國企業在美國環境惡化的另一個跡象。螞蟻併購事宜是最近被CFIUS封鎖的最重要的交易,但並不是唯一的。去年 9月份,特朗普支持CFIUS(美國外資投資委員會),阻止中國政府支持的投資公司Canyon Bridge Capital Partners(中資背景私募基金峽谷橋)收購Lattice Semiconductor(美國萊迪思半導體公司)。去年11月份,Oceanwide Holdings(中國泛海控股)表示,由於CFIUS(美國外資投資委員會)的問題,它將延遲完成27億美元收購Genworth Financial(Genworth金融)一家美國保險公司的截止日期,這將持續到今年4月份。

A thaw looks unlikely. Bipartisan efforts are now under way in Congress to grant CFIUS broader powers still to block foreign investment in American companies, especially by Chinese investors. Euronet, meanwhile, which hails from nearby Kansas, has seen its warnings about the dangers of handing American data to Chinese companies pay off. It may now rebid for MoneyGram.



Ema, 女,外貿民工,經濟學人粉絲

Tru ,女,金融民工,經濟學人粉絲




Lulu ,女,金融民工,經濟學人粉絲



觀點 |評論|思考




Jack Ma and Alibaba stole Alipay and Ant Financial from Americas Yahoo.com. Yahoo had a 40% ownership and Jack Ma used Chinas lawlessness to rewrite the agreement. He forced Yahoo to take little for their shares and took Alipay with no payment to Yahoo shareholders. If Alibaba was an American company Jack Ma would be put in jail for theft. Lets not forget the past just because Mr. Ma and Alibaba got away with it. I am thrilled by this American decision. More should be done to level the playing field with China. This is what The Economist wrote on the subject in 2011: economist.com/blogs/sch

評論中提及的經濟學人2011年5月份的關於雅虎與阿里巴巴的文章,主要講述的是當年馬大大在大股東不知情的情況下把支付寶轉給了由他自己控股的公司(浙江阿里),最後給出的理由是政府規定只有全內資公司才能申請支付牌照。最後文中說到Chinas politics are complex and either by law or procedure, it appears the payment business is yet another bit of the Chinese market that will be hard for a foreigner to crack. 意味深長,總結一下:出於安全考慮。




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