This is MY LIFE

Two years has passed since I arrived in Zhejiang Province and I am getting used to living aside the sea. People here come from various countries yet they all work for one project, to work for the world first AP1000 nuclear power plant, which is a magnificent project I think. Sometimes I need to communicate with the people from other countries and I enjoyed this chance.

We live in the rural area, it is distant from the big city, therefore, what we see is not prosperous, yet it is quiet to some extend, it can make people to be concentrated on job without disturbance.

The style of the life here can be described by the word 「simple」, every morning I get on the shuttlebus to the office and every evening I come back to the dormitory, just like the horologe, which works regularly as time goes by.

Sometimes I walk alone the sea wall and enjoy the sunset when I am duty off, the sky

turns purple, and I see the purple clouds just like appreciating the paintings in the gallery. Indeed, the air here is pure so I have a wide sphere of vision, I like to overlook aside the sea, it can generate some feelings such as inner peace.

I hear the rhythm of music played by the guitar once in a while, it is from my workmate. He goes to the downtown when he has the holiday. The life here is

simple, like I mentioned before we need to find some ways to kill the time, and the music is good medicine to cure the illness from my mind, and it let me to explore the

world where there is no pain and sorrow.

This is my life here, peaceful and simple. I share it to you, and I am glad to acquire

yours feelings on life. Exchanging the experience of our lives can let both of

us have a new recognition of the world.



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