
黃金模板Crash SAT小說歸納題








This passage is adapted from Elizabeth Gilbert, Stern Men. ? 2000 by Elizabeth Gilbert. Ruth Thomas spent her childhood on Fort Niles Island with her father and now, as a teenager, attends a boarding school arranged for by her mother.

It was Ruth Thomas』s firm position that she belonged nowhere but on Fort Niles Island. This was the position she took with her mother: she was truly happy only on Fort Niles; Fort Niles was in her blood and soul; and the only people who understood her were the residents of Fort Niles Island. None of this it must be said, was entirely true.

It was important to Ruth in principle that she feel happy on Fort Niles, although, for the most part, she was pretty bored there. She missed the island when she was away from it, but when she returned, she immediately found herself at a loss for diversion. She made a point of taking a long walk around the shoreline the minute she came home (「I』ve been thinking about this all year!」 she would say), but the walk took only a few hours, and what did she think about on the walk? Not much. There was a seagull; there was a seal; there was another seagull. The scenery was as familiar to her as her bedroom ceiling. She took books down to the shore, claiming that she loved to read near the pounding surf, but the sad fact is that many places on this Earth offer better reading environments than wet, barnacle-covered rocks. When Ruth was away from Fort Niles, the island became endowed with the characteristics of a distant paradise, but when she returned to it, she found her home cold and damp and windy and uncomfortable.

Still whenever she was on Fort Niles, Ruth wrote letters to her mother, saying, 「Finally I can breathe again!」

More than anything, Ruth』s passion for Fort Niles was an expression of protest. It was her resistance against those who would send her away, supposedly for her own good. Ruth would have much preferred to determine what was good for her. She had great confidence that she knew herself best and that, given free rein, would have made more correct choices. She certainly wouldn』t have elected to send herself to an elite private school hundreds of miles away, where girls were concerned primarily with the care of their skin and horses. No horses for Ruth, thank you. She was not that kind of girl. She was more rugged. It was boats that Ruth loved, or so she constantly said. It was Fort Niles Island that Ruth loved. It was fishing that Ruth loved.

In truth, Ruth had spent time working with her father on his lobster boat, and it had never been a terrific experience. She was strong enough to do the work, but the monotony killed her. Working as a stern man meant standing in the back of the boat, hauling up traps, picking out lobsters, baiting traps and shoving them back in the water, and hauling up more traps. And more traps and more traps. It meant getting up before dawn and eating sandwiches for breakfast and lunch. It meant seeing the same scenery again and again, day after day, and rarely venturing more than two miles from shore. It meant spending hour upon hour alone with her father on a small boat, where the two of them never seemed to get along.

On one of their early trips, Ruth warned her father about a barrel drifting up on his 「port side,」 and he laughed in her face.

「Port side?」 he said. 「This isn』t the Navy, Ruth. You don』t need to worry about port and starboard. The only direction you need to worry about is staying out of my way.」

Ruth seemed to get on his nerves even when she wasn』t trying to, although sometimes she did so on purpose, just to pass the time.

The passage as a whole presents Ruth as the type of person who( )

A) realizes clearly what she really likes in life.

B) prefers to live in a close-knit community.

A) greatly enjoys spending time in nature.

D) prizes independence and self determination.

第二題是基於全文內容的提問,雖然題干具體指向某個人物特點,但這道題顯然是屬於「抓大問小」的提問方式,要把握好主旨和寫作傾向性,就能夠更快更好地得出答案。因此,我們把這樣的題設都叫做 「歸納題」,做題時要注意綜合信息的運用。



第三人稱(third-person narrator)。


Ruth堅信只有Fort Niles才是自己的家。




說明雖然Ruth在Fort Niles是她的家(首段),實際上她在Fort Niles時卻感到很無聊;轉折的作用是突出這種矛盾。


第四段narrator分析Ruth對Fort Niles情感,認為是其抗拒他人將她送走的抵抗。


第五段至第七段再次講在Fort Niles,Ruth與其父在船上的經歷並不精彩,很枯燥。




選項A:與全文主旨相反。全文描寫Ruth對Fort Niles自相矛盾的態度 暗示其並不知道「what she really likes in life"。

選項B:文章的中心是Ruth並不知道她真正的傾向。是否喜歡close-knit community並不清楚。


選項D:對Ruth性格行的描寫集中在第四段。 從30行到42行傾向描寫可知, Ruth "preferred to determine what was good for her","She had great confidence that she knew herself best and…"可以說明Ruth重視independence 和self-determination



  1. 文章用第幾人稱敘述(一般第三人稱比較常見,因為更方便使用情感傾向詞);
  2. 首段核心內容一句話概括;
  3. 圍繞首段核心而展開的後續段落與首段的關係(因果/順承/轉折);
  4. 上述段落的核心內容一句話概括;
  5. 圍繞主人公情感/性格/觀念等個人因素而展開的段落(或描寫區間)在哪;
  6. 點出主人公特點之後的展開段落(或正面敘事,或反面映射支持主人公的特點)說了啥。





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