
Not just any things. From living in a lighthouse to taming a squirrel, code-cracking to mayonnaise-making, these ideas will keep you busy into your twilight years.[晚年]


101 Impressive Things to Do Before You Die (At Age 101)


The Wall Street Journal


1. Drive cross-country. Any country.

1. 驅車游遍全國,任何國家均可。

2. Run for local office. If its not a good fit, you can always derail[1] yourself with a public scandal.

2. 參加當地政府官員選舉。如果發現職位不合適,你隨時可以通過公開醜聞讓自己落選。


1) [vt] To derail something such as a plan or a series of negotiations means to prevent it from continuing as planned. 打亂 (原定計劃)

The present wave of political killings is the work of people trying to derail peace talks.


2) [vt/vi] If a train is derailed or if it derails, it comes off the track on which it is running. 脫軌

At least six people were killed and about twenty injured when a train was derailed in an isolated mountain region.


3. Pet a cheetah. An old, slow, unhungry one.

3. 養一頭非洲獵豹當寵物。一頭上了年紀、行動遲緩、不會餓紅了眼的獵豹。

4. Rank your neighborhood bakeries. Taste everything they bake. You know, because youre thorough[2].

4. 對小區附近的麵包店進行排名。嘗遍所有產品。你懂的,因為你是個一絲不苟的人。

[2]thorough: Someone who is thorough is always very careful in their work, so that nothing is forgotten. 細心的

Martin would be a good judge, I thought. He was calm and thorough.


5. Investigate a family mystery. If you solve it, keep the answer to yourself.

5. 調查一個家族之謎。查個水落石出後,記得守口如瓶

6. Go to a flea market in Paris and buy something redolent[3] of the 1920s. Celebrate by downing a Pernod. Dont gag.

6. 去巴黎的跳蚤市場買一件上世紀20年代的復古物件。喝一大口法國綠茴香酒(Pernod)以示慶祝。可別被嗆到喉嚨。

[3]redolent: If something is redolent of something else, it has features that make you think of that other thing. 使人聯想到其它事物的

...percussion instruments, redolent of Far Eastern cultures.


7. Ask a friend to scare you thoroughly when youll least expect it. Forgive the friend within five years.

7. 讓一個朋友在你最意想不到的時候給你一次最徹底地驚嚇。在五年內原諒他/她。

8. Wear armor. Someday Nike will make armor.

8. 穿一件盔甲。終有一天耐克(Nike)會生產盔甲的。

9. Learn to cook a dish you can claim to be famous for. Give it a plausibly famous name, such as "Mussels Arrivederci." OK, something better than that.

9. 學著做一道拿手好菜。給它取一個像模像樣的名字,例如Mussels Arrivederci(譯者註:Arrivederci為義大利語,意為「再見」,因此這道菜名意為「貽貝再見」)。好吧,還是取個比這好點的名字吧。

10. Sing while lounging[4] atop a grand piano, but stop short of writhing.


[4]lounge: If you lounge somewhere, you sit or lie there in a relaxed or lazy way. 懶洋洋地坐著; 懶散地躺著

They ate and drank and lounged in the shade.


11. Quit a terrible job. If you get fired before you summon the courage to quit, silently thank your terrible boss.

11. 辭掉一份糟糕透頂的工作。如果你在鼓起勇氣辭職前就被開除了,那就默默地感謝你的黑心老闆。

12. Every town has an outdated law. Break one.

12. 每個地方都有過時的法律規定。去犯一條。

13. Rescue a horribly named dog (e.g. Oreo, Flower, Piddles) and compassionately rename it. Then, inevitably, start adding "y" to the name (Hucky, Bethy, Watsony), making it horrible again.

13. 拯救一條名字很爛的狗(例如,奧利奧、小花、噓噓),滿懷熱情地給它取一個新的名字。然後,再次不可避免地在名字末尾加上「y」,淪陷為例如Hucky 、Bethy 、Watsony 等俗不可耐的名字。

14. Drive down an entire street backward, even if its a remote country lane.

14. 一路倒著開一次車,哪怕是在一條偏遠的鄉間小道上。

15. Pick a book that youve lied about having read and read it. Unless its "Ulysses" or "Middlemarch." Then youre exempt.

15. 挑一本你一直吹噓自己已經看過的書,然後真正地看完。《尤利西斯》或者《米德爾馬契》是例外。

16. Sleep outside and not in a tent. Possibly in a hammock.

16. 在外露宿,並且不能用帳篷。或許可以嘗試一下吊床。

17. Eat camel hump at a souk[〔阿拉伯國家的〕露天市場] in Fez. Try, unsuccessfully, to determine how many Weight Watchers points a serving of camel hump is.

17. 在摩洛哥菲斯市(Fez)的一個露天市場吃駝峰肉。然後,試著猜猜一道駝峰肉相當於多少慧優體棒點(譯者註:全球第一體重管理品牌慧優體Weight Watchers獨創的專利技術,只要將每天攝入的棒點值控制在預算範圍內,不需要忍飢挨餓就可以達到特定減重效果),然後接受無法猜中的事實。

18. Catch a dozen fireflies. Release.

18. 抓十幾隻螢火蟲。然後把它們放走。

19. Appreciate the gift of "never having done hot yoga." Some things cannot be unsmelled.

19. 感謝那位提醒你「絕對不要做高溫瑜伽」的人。有些氣味讓你避之不及,卻又讓你生不如死。

20. Attempt a cartwheel. To avoid injury, take care to avoid landing on your walker.

20. 試著做一個側手翻。為避免受傷,不要撞在助行架上。

21. Emerge victorious from a battle of wills while milking a cow.

21. 擠牛奶時取得這場意志較量的勝利。

22. Wear a large and interesting hat.

22. 戴一頂又大又有意思的帽子。

23. Since haters of pumpkin spice now rival its defenders in number, decide once and for all where you stand.

23. 南瓜味食品厭惡者的人數已經與捍衛者相當,所以請你一次性決定自己到底站在哪個陣營。

24. Redecorate your least favorite room. Preferably one in your own home.

24. 重新裝修你最討厭的一個房間。最好是自己家裡的一間房。

25. Do something youre petrified of doing. See No. 56.

25. 做一件害怕做的事情。參考第56條。

26. Teach a baby chimpanzee sign language. Take care not to teach him the word "insurrection."

26. 教一隻黑猩猩寶寶手語。注意不要教 「造反」這個詞。

27. Try Biologique Recherche P50—the 1970 version—and deliberate: Is it really the best skin care product of all time?

27. 試一試1970年版的碧妍(Biologique Recherche)P50水,然後仔細想想這款史上最佳護膚品是否名副其實?

28. Bluff, successfully, during a negotiation.

28. 在一次談判中成功地"忽悠"對方。

29. Jump off a becalmed sailboat into the Aegean Sea. Diving is showier.

29. 從一艘停在水面的帆船上跳入愛琴海。若直接跳水則更加炫酷

30. With this Jonathan Franzen quote in mind, identify one of your recent insights: "When the event, the big change in your life, is simply an insight—isnt that a strange thing?"

30. 心裡默念喬納森·弗蘭岑(Jonathan Franzen)的名言:「當改變你生活的這件事情僅僅是一種心得體會時——這難道不是一件很奇怪的事情嗎?」,總結出你最近的心得。

31. Mentor someone, even if he or she didnt ask you to.

31. 指導某個人,即便他/她並未主動要求。

32. Buy a round for the entire bar—preferably on a mellow weeknight.

32. 為酒吧全場買單——最好選擇一個愜意的工作日晚上

33. Move to a place with bragging rights. A lighthouse would do.

33. 搬到一個能讓你獲得炫耀資本的地方。燈塔是一個選擇。

34. Discover Copenhagen by having what many (including dispensers of Michelin stars) say will be the best meal of your life at Geranium.

34. 去被眾人(包括米其林評審員)譽為「此生最美味餐廳」的Geranium餐廳發現哥本哈根。

35. Tame a squirrel.

35. 馴服一隻松鼠。

36. Reintroduce yourself to the comfort that is corduroy.

36. 讓自己重新認識燈芯絨,接受其舒適性。

37. Make friends on Facebook with someone with your name.

37. 在Facebook上和一個與自己同名的人交朋友。

38. With eyes shut, spin a globe and point your finger. Then visit the destination. If your finger lands on a body of water, take a drink and try again. If your finger lands on a war zone, violently kick the globe across the room and try again. If youd really rather just go to Australia, peek.

38. 閉上眼睛,轉動地球儀,用手指著地球儀。指到哪裡就去哪裡。如果你的手指指向水域,喝口水再嘗試一遍。如果手指停在戰爭地帶,在屋裡用力猛踢地球儀,然後再試一遍。若你一門心思想去澳大利亞,那就偷看一眼。

39. Buy a watch your grandson will be proud of. Or, for that matter, your gender-fluid granddaughter.

39. 買一隻能讓你孫子,或者風格中性的孫女引以為榮的手錶。

40. Crack the code.

40. 破譯一個密碼。

41. If the 1960s meant something to you, and youre in Hollywood, and you happen to need breakfast, go to the 101 Coffee Shop and order the waffles.

41. 如果1960年代對你意義頗深,而你恰好身在好萊塢,需要吃早餐,那就去101 Coffee Shop (好萊塢知名復古餐廳,裝修風格讓人彷彿重回1960年代)點一份華夫餅。

42. Swim with the turtles.

42. 和海龜一起游泳。

43. Swim with the elephants.

43. 和大象一起游泳。

44. Swim with the dinosaurs, after collaborating with Elon Musk to build an ingenious, battery-powered time-travel machine.

44. 和技術天才埃隆·馬斯克(譯者註:Elon Musk,現任SpaceX太空探索技術公司CEO兼CTO、特斯拉公司CEO兼產品架構師) 合作,建造一個設計獨特、由電池驅動的時光穿梭機,然後和恐龍一起游泳。

45. Hide something valuable in your house or bury it in the backyard. Make a treasure map for future generations.

45. 把家裡值錢的一樣東西藏起來,或者埋在後院。然後為後世子孫製作一張藏寶圖。

46. Call a family meeting to create a logo based on your familys strengths. Combative and chaotic can be considered strengths.

46. 召集一次家庭會議,基於家族的強項設計一個logo。好爭好鬥和吵鬧無序也可以算作強項。

47. Challenge yourself culinarily: Roast a turkey, bake a cherry pie with a lattice crust, make french fries from scratch and whip up[快速製作] your own mayonnaise.

47. 向自己發起一項美食調挑戰:烤一隻火雞、烤一個網格狀外皮的櫻桃派,從零開始自己烤薯條,以及自製蛋黃醬。

48. Confront your resistance, if you have any, to a clothing-optional setting.

48. 若是遭遇反對,仍然不顧一切地去一次可裸體海灘。

49. Fly over Mt. Everest in a propeller plane.

49. 乘坐螺旋槳飛機飛躍珠穆朗瑪峰。

50. Perfect the casual invite as in: "Just stay for dinner. Cmon, I need help with the salad."

50. 改進一下諸如「留下來吃飯吧。別走了!我需要人幫忙做沙拉。」這種聽上去漫不經心的邀請。

51. Consider that "Robinson" is not a particularly Swiss-sounding name for a family.

51. 想一想,「魯濱遜」(Robinson)聽上去並沒那麼像一個瑞士家庭(譯者註:有一部著名的家庭喜劇片名為《海角樂園》,英文名Swiss Family Robinson,即瑞士家庭魯濱遜)。

52. Explore and improve your relationship to trees. Lean on one; nickname one; eat under one; plant one with a kid.

52. 探索並改善你與樹的關係。靠在一棵樹上;為一棵樹起小名;在一棵樹下吃東西;和孩子一起種一棵樹。

53. What message would you skywrite[(以飛機放煙火等)空中寫字(或繪畫)] to a beloved? Whisper it to him or her instead.

53. 飛機傳情時你會為摯愛寫下那幾個字?不妨轉而輕身地說給他/她聽。

54. Swim in a moat, as in Dodie Smiths 1948 novel "I Capture the Castle."

54. 像道迪·史密斯(Dodie Smith) 1948年在小說《我的秘密城堡》(I Capture the Castle)中寫道的那樣,在護城河裡游泳。

55. Make lists of things being done by people 20 years younger and 20 years older than you. Pick three from each and give them a shot.

55. 把比你年長20歲及年輕20歲的人所做之事列在清單上,然後選擇三件,進行嘗試。

56. Use a bidet.

56. 使用坐浴盆。

57. Use a bidet correctly.

57. 正確地使用坐浴盆。

58. If you have a day to kill in downtown Detroit, experience at least two of the four floors of John K. Kings used and rare bookstore. Engage the staff.

58. 如果可以在底特律市中心打發一天時間,至少去John K. King』s Used and Rare Books書店(譯者註:坐落在底特律的一個舊手套工廠內,店內藏書100萬本,種類超過900種)四層樓中的兩層逛一逛。和書店員工打打交道。

59. Write an impassioned letter to the editor. Get your facts straight.

59. 給編輯寫一封慷慨激昂的信。直言不諱地陳述你的觀點。

60. Cross the Atlantic Ocean in a ship. Become briefly, violently seasick so that, once you gain your sea legs, you can enjoy being blissful and somewhat cocky.

60. 坐船橫跨大西洋。經歷來勢洶洶的短暫暈船期,這樣一旦你習慣了海上的顛簸,就可以享受這種輕鬆暢快、怡然自得的感覺。

61. Learn how to knit your own sweater. Okay, scarf. Okay, single mitten.

61. 學會如何給自己織毛衣。好吧,圍巾就行了。行,那就單只手套吧。

62. Cascades, Sunset Limited, Empire Builder: Pick a train route, a companion, and just go.

62. 美鐵瀑布號(Cascades)、日落列車號(Sunset Limited)、帝國建設者號(Empire Builder):敲定一條火車路線,選擇一個同伴,來一次說走就走的鐵路旅行。

63. Peel out.

63. 開著車疾馳而去。

64. Have an actual potluck dinner. Themes are good: a color, a country, a decade. Avoid assignments—if there are seven desserts, there are seven desserts.

64. 來一次實實在在的百樂餐(譯者註:參加者各自帶一個菜或其它食品、飲料,放在一起讓大家自由取食)。設置一個好的主題:一種顏色、一個國家或者一個年代。避免安排菜品任務——如果共帶了七份甜品,那就吃七份甜品好了。

65. Take a nighttime boat ride down the Ganges in Varanasi, past the burning pyres.

65. 在瓦拉納西(Varanasi) 划船夜遊恆河,經過熊熊燃燒的柴堆。

66. Experience the intense physical collaboration that is volleyball, either on grass, in a gym, or on a beach.

66. 體驗排球運動時高強度的體力協作,場地可以選擇草地、體育館或者沙灘。

67. Have a photo of you and your family/spouse made into a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle and assemble it together. Dont overthink the psychological subtext of the teardown.

67. 把你和家人/配偶的一張照片做成一張包含500個小塊的智力拚圖,然後試著拼到一起。不要在拆解拼圖時給自己過多的心理暗示。

68. Experience both love and squalor, even if there is no Esme in your life.

68. 同時體驗愛與污穢凄苦,即便你的生命中沒有埃斯米。(譯者註:《麥田守望者》作者塞林格著有短篇小說《為埃斯米而作——既有愛也有污穢凄苦》,英文書名For Esme—with Love and Squalor)。

69. Stop by your lonely-seeming neighbors place and say "hello."

69. 順路去你看起來孤獨落寞的鄰居家坐坐,說一聲「你好」。

70. Use a porch properly: to people-watch; to read; to drink gin and Bitter Lemon; to have a directionless conversation. A stoop will do in a pinch.

70. 正確地使用走廊:打量來往人群、看書、喝點杜松子酒和苦檸檬飲料,或者漫無目的地聊天。必要時可以俯下身。

71. Memorize at least one quotation. Our go-to comes from Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923), the New Zealand short-story writer: "Come, my unseen, my unknown, let us talk together."

71. 記住至少一句名言。信手拈來的一句是紐西蘭短篇小說家凱瑟琳·曼斯菲爾德(Katherine Mansfield, 1888-1923)的那句,「來吧,我的未見,我的未知,讓我們促膝而談」。

72. Interview your mother to find out what her favorite recipe was as a child. Make it for her.

72. 採訪一下你的母親,弄清楚她兒時最愛的菜肴是什麼。為她做這道菜。

73. Ignore your abysmal record at matchmaking and try once again with those two people you just know would hit it off[合得來]. If nothing else, youll maintain your abysmal record at matchmaking.

73. 忘掉你在做月老方面的糟糕記錄,找兩個你覺得男才女貌的人再試一次。別的不說,至少你肯定會保持在牽線搭橋領域的糟糕記錄。

74. Pour yourself a glass of Wild Turkey 101. As in 101 Proof[5].

74. 給自己倒一杯Wild Turkey 101威士忌,酒精度50.5%。

[5]Proof: is used after a number of degrees or a percentage, when indicating the strength of a strong alcoholic drink such as whisky. (用於度數或百分比之後) 標準酒精度的

...a glass of Wild Turkey bourbon: 101 proof.


75. Watch all eight hours and five minutes of Andy Warhols movie "Empire," a continuous slow-motion shot of the top of the Empire State Building.

75. 把安迪·沃霍爾(Andy Warhol)時長8小時5分鐘的電影《帝國大廈》(Empire)從頭到尾看一遍,電影全程只有一個連續慢動作鏡頭——帝國大廈樓頂。

76. Accept that there is nothing you can do about the traffic.

76. 接受你無法改變交通狀況的事實。

77. When the opportunity comes along to take the second or third step in making a new friend, take it.

77. 當有機會邁出結交新朋友的第二步或第三步時,抓住機會去嘗試。

78. Go skinny-dipping under a moonlit sky. Choose a pool so as not to inadvertently reenact the opening scene in "Jaws."

78. 在月色下裸泳。選擇一個泳池,這樣就不會由於一時疏忽而重演電影《大白鯊》(Jaws)的開場一幕。

79. Finally get your due the way 102-year-old artist Carmen Herrera did at New Yorks Whitney Museum last year.

79. 像去年在紐約惠特尼博物館舉辦回顧展的102歲藝術家Carmen Herrera一樣,守得雲開見月明。

80. Attempt to skip double-Dutch.

80. 試著玩一次花式跳繩(Double Dutch)

81. When in Southern California, ignore your skepticism and hire an alternative healer to address your most persistent issue: an intimacy expert, an acupuncturist, a cranial sacral massage therapist, a psychic.

81. 身處南加州的時候,放下懷疑,僱用一個新的救治者來解決你長期以來最受困擾的問題,可以選擇一位親密關係專家、針灸師、按摩治療師或者通靈師。

82. Adopt a fawn, as Audrey Hepburn did.

82. 像奧黛麗·赫本一樣,領養一隻小鹿。

83. Climb the stairs in a building with 101 floors. Four such buildings exist, two in Dubai, naturally.

83. 在一座101層樓的建築里爬樓梯。實際上全世界只有四座這樣的建築,其中兩座在迪拜。

84. When you replace your kitchen appliances, resist the intense peer pressure to buy stainless steel ones. Somebodys got to take the lead.

84. 更換廚具時,在大家紛紛勸說自己購買不鏽鋼產品的情況下,頂住壓力。總要有人第一個做出反抗。

85. Give a eulogy.

85. 寫一篇悼詞。

86. Spend time in a developing country, the kind of place where you need to bring Cipro[環丙沙星(環丙氟哌酸)].

86. 在一個你必須攜帶抗菌葯前往的發展中國家待一段時間。

87. Take measures to avoid becoming one of those people who, in their dotage[6], walks around town with a parrot on their shoulders, smiling broadly despite the fact that its claws are really digging into their flesh.

87. 採取措施,避免成為那種肩上放著一隻鸚鵡還到處晃悠的老人,即便鸚鵡爪子真的刺入肉里,還硬生生擠出一副滿臉堆笑的樣子。

[6]in ones dotage: in ones old age 在某人衰老之年,在某人年老糊塗時

88. Record an iPhone video of yourself singing a love song and send it to your partner, even if you go off-tune. Cheesy suggestion: "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?"

88. 用iPhone錄一段唱情歌的視頻,發給你的愛人,哪怕自己五音不全。一個俗得掉渣的選歌建議:《最近我有沒有告訴過你:我愛你?》(Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?)

89. Go to a drive-in[7] with homemade popcorn and watch a movie from the roof of a car. Even better with children.

89. 去一家供應自製爆米花的汽車電影院,坐在車頂看一部電影。和孩子們一起就更好不過。

[7]drive-in: A drive-in is a restaurant, film theatre, or other commercial place which is specially designed so that customers can use the services provided while staying in their cars. 汽車餐廳、影院等商業場所

...a small neat town, uncluttered by stores, petrol stations, or fast food drive-ins.


90. Go see what all the fuss is about.

90. 去看看到底有啥大驚小怪的事情。

91. Sail a toy boat, available for rent, in New Yorks Central Park.

91. 劃一艘玩具船,紐約中央公園可以租到。

92. Ride a horse around the Egyptian pyramids. Once around is plenty.

92. 圍著埃及金字塔騎馬。一次就夠了。

93. Visit 101 countries. Congratulations, youre eligible to join the 1,400 members of the Travelers Century Club.

93. 遊覽101個國家。祝賀你,你可以成為世紀旅行傢俱樂部(Travelers Century Club)的1,400名會員之一了。

94. Purge the word "semblance" from your vocabulary. Also: "unprecedented."

94. 將「表裡不一」(semblance)一詞從你的辭彙庫中清出。還有「前所未有」(unprecedented)這個詞。

95. If at all possible, have a house built to your specifications, tower room and all.

95. 可能的話,完全按照自己的標準建造一座房屋,包括塔樓和所有細節。

96. Buy a leather jacket. Over the course of the next 20 years, break it in.

96. 買一件皮夾克。在未來二十年時間內,把自己塞進去,慢慢撐大到適合自己。

97. Look at the moon and consider that Virginia Woolf, Harry Houdini and Jesus all looked at the same moon.

97. 看著月亮,想一想英國女作家Virginia Woolf、魔術師Harry Houdini和耶穌都曾望向同一輪明月。

98. Outwit a bully.

98. 智勝一個欺凌弱小的人。

99. One summer, simply lift all the carpets off your floors so you feel like youre vacationing in a Caribbean bungalow. Of course, if you have wall-to-wall carpet[8], youll really need to put your back into it.

99. 在某個夏天直接把所有地毯從地板上收起來,讓自己感覺像在加勒比地區的一個平房裡度假。當然,如果整個房子鋪滿了地毯,祝你好運。


1)covering the whole floor 鋪滿整個地板的

wall-to-wall carpeting


2)filling all the space or time available, especially in a way you do not like〔尤指令人討厭地〕佔滿所有空間[時間]的,無所不在的,無孔不入的

wall-to-wall advertising on TV


100. Make peace with your ex.

100. 與你的前任和平相處。

101. Dance with Maasai warriors in Kenya. Failing that, dance with aggressive retirees in Connecticut.

101. 與肯亞的馬賽勇士共舞。做不到的話,那就與康涅狄格州不達目的誓不罷休的退休鬥士們共舞。

—Contributors: Jessica Coen, Terrance Flynn, Tim Gavin, James Hitchcock and Off Duty staff






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