Kafka 2017技術峰會摘要(pipeline分類)


Billions of Messages a Day – Yelp』s Real-time Data Pipeline

by Justin Cunningham, Technical Lead, Software Engineering, Yelp

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Yelp moved quickly into building out a comprehensive service oriented architecture, and before long had over 100 data-owning production services. Distributing data across an organization creates a number of issues, particularly around the cost of joining disparate data sources, dramatically increasing the complexity of bulk data applications. Straightforward solutions like bulk data APIs and sharing data snapshots have significant drawbacks. Yelp』s Data Pipeline makes it easier for these services to communicate with each other, provides a framework for real-time data processing, and facilitates high-performance bulk data applications – making large SOAs easier to work with. The Data Pipeline provides a series of guarantees that makes it easy to create universal data producers and consumers that can be mashed up into interesting real-time data flows. We』ll show how a few simple services at Yelp lay the foundation that powers everything from search to our experimentation framework.


Yelp迅速建立了一個全面的面向服務的架構,不久之後擁有了100多個擁有數據的生產服務。在整個組織中分發數據會產生很多問題,特別是加入不同數據源的成本,這會大大增加批量數據應用程序的複雜性。直接的解決方案,如批量數據API和共享數據快照有明顯的缺點。 Yelp的數據管道使得這些服務可以更容易地相互通信,為實時數據處理提供框架,並促進高性能批量數據應用程序 - 使大型SOA更易於使用。數據管道提供了一系列的保證,使創建通用的數據生產者和消費者變得容易,可以將其融入到有趣的實時數據流中。我們將展示Yelp的一些簡單服務如何奠定了從搜索到實驗框架的所有功能的基礎。

Body Armor for Distributed System

by Michael Egorov, Co-founder and CTO, NuCypher

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We show a way to make Kafka end-to-end encrypted. It means that data is ever decrypted only at the side of producers and consumers of the data. The data is never decrypted broker-side. Importantly, all Kafka clients have their own encryption keys. There is no pre-shared encryption key. Our approach can be compared to TLS implemented for more than two parties connected together.



DNS for Data: The Need for a Stream Registry

by Praveen Hirsave, Director Cloud Engineering, HomeAway

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As organizations increasingly adopt streaming platforms such as kafka, the need for visibility and discovery has become paramount. Increasingly, with the advent of self-service streaming and analytics, a need to increase on overall speed, not only on time-to-signal, but also on reducing times to production is becoming the difference between winners and losers. Beyond Kafka being at the core of successful streaming platforms, there is a need for a stream registry. Come to this session to find out how HomeAway is solving this with a 「just right」 approach to governance.



Efficient Schemas in Motion with Kafka and Schema Registry

by Pat Patterson, Community Champion, StreamSets Inc.

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Apache Avro allows data to be self-describing, but carries an overhead when used with message queues such as Apache Kafka. Confluent』s open source Schema Registry integrates with Kafka to allow Avro schemas to be passed 『by reference』, minimizing overhead, and can be used with any application that uses Avro. Learn about Schema Registry, using it with Kafka, and leveraging it in your application.


Apache Avro允許數據是自描述的,但是在與諸如Apache Kafka之類的消息隊列一起使用時會帶來開銷。 Confluent的開源Schema Registry與Kafka集成,允許Avro模式通過「引用」傳遞,最大限度地減少開銷,並且可以與任何使用Avro的應用程序一起使用。了解Schema Registry,將其與Kafka一起使用,並在您的應用程序中使用它。

From Scaling Nightmare to Stream Dream : Real-time Stream Processing at Scale

by Amy Boyle, Software Engineer, New Relic

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On the events pipeline team at New Relic, Kafka is the thread that stitches our micro-service architecture together. We receive billions of monitoring events an hour, which customers rely on us to alert on in real-time. Facing a ten fold+ growth in the system, learn how we avoided a costly scaling nightmare by switching to a streaming system, based on Kafka. We follow a DevOps philosophy at New Relic. Thus, I have a personal stake in how well our systems perform. If evaluation deadlines are missed, I loose sleep and customers loose trust. Without necessarily setting out to from the start, we』ve gone all in, using Kafka as the backbone of an event-driven pipeline, as a datastore, and for streaming updates to the system. Hear about what worked for us, what challenges we faced, and how we continue to scale our applications.


在New Relic的事件管道團隊中,Kafka是將我們的微服務架構縫合在一起的線索。我們每小時接收數十億次監控事件,客戶依靠我們實時提醒。面對系統十倍以上的增長,了解我們如何通過切換到基於Kafka的流媒體系統來避免昂貴的縮放夢魘。我們遵循New Relic的DevOps理念。因此,我們的系統表現如何,我有個人利益。如果錯過了評估的最後期限,我會放鬆睡眠,客戶也會失去信任。從一開始我們就不必一一列出,我們已經全部使用Kafka作為事件驅動管道的骨幹,作為一個數據存儲,以及將更新流式傳輸到系統。聽聽我們的工作,我們面臨的挑戰,以及我們如何繼續擴大我們的應用程序。

How Blizzard Used Kafka to Save Our Pipeline (and Azeroth)

by Jeff Field, Systems Engineer, Blizzard

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When Blizzard started sending gameplay data to Hadoop in 2013, we went through several iterations before settling on Flumes in many data centers around the world reading from RabbitMQ and writing to central flumes in our Los Angeles datacenter. While this worked at first, by 2015 we were hitting problems scaling to the number of events required. This is how we used Kafka to save our pipeline.



Kafka Connect Best Practices – Advice from the Field

by Randall Hauch, Engineer, Confluent

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This talk will review the Kafka Connect Framework and discuss building data pipelines using the library of available Connectors. We』ll deploy several data integration pipelines and demonstrate :

best practices for configuring, managing, and tuning the connectorsntools to monitor data flow through the pipelinenusing Kafka Streams applications to transform or enhance the data in flight.n


本次演講將回顧Kafka Connect Framework並討論使用可用連接器庫構建數據管道。我們將部署多個數據集成管道並進行演示:



使用Kafka Streams應用程序來轉換或增強飛行中的數據。

One Data Center is Not Enough: Scaling Apache Kafka Across Multiple Data Centers

by Gwen Shapira, Product Manager, Confluent

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You have made the transition from single machines and one-off solutions to distributed infrastructure in your data center powered by Apache Kafka. But what if one data center is not enough? In this session, we review resilient data pipelines with Apache Kafka that span multiple data centers. We provide an overview of best practices and common patterns including key areas such as architecture and data replication as well as disaster scenarios and failure handling.


您已經從單台機器和一次性解決方案轉換到由Apache Kafka提供支持的數據中心內的分散式基礎架構。但是如果一個數據中心不夠用呢?在本次會議中,我們將使用跨越多個數據中心的Apache Kafka來審查彈性數據管道。我們概述最佳實踐和常見模式,包括架構和數據複製等關鍵領域以及災難場景和故障處理。


Spark 2017歐洲技術峰會摘要(流計算分類)
Apache Beam: 下一代的大數據處理標準

TAG:Kafka | Hadoop | 流计算 |