October, 2017 — Be Decisive and Be Bold

What you do everyday more than what you do once in a while.

本文原本發在我個人的Newsletter上。厭煩了太多太雜的公眾號,也想每周末收到我定製給你的郵件直接閱讀?點擊這裡,即可訂閱:Zake Zhang

Welcome to the No.23 Edition of


This email was originally posted on my newsletter.

October, 2017 — Be Decisive and Be Bold

Be decisive means I should take more ownership and responsibility at work, and be bold means I should challenge myself more to learn new things and skills.

First thing first, I need to show you the video I shot and edited for my Japan trip at the beginning of this month. If you cannot see the youtube link below, I also successfully become an Eyepitzer video producer and have my own channel, you can watch this here.

人生不是一場旅行_騰訊視頻 https://v.qq.com/x/cover/u0558w03gv9/u0558w03gv9.html

The process of shooting all the footages and editing is fun but dull sometimes, mostly because my mac is running slow on rendering edited footages.


As I mentioned, my mentor and CPO went out for business meetings at most of the time, which gives e a lot of space to organize things around at office and push the development forward. And on last week』s monthly review meeting, they are surprised and content with my work, and wish to push me even harder to discover more potential.

I』m pretty excited for the challenges in the following 2 months of 2017, and I think it should be a great wrap up.


After the trip to Japan, I was actually excited to get back on work, chasing new goals and achieving more. But the pressure and trivial stuff drove me crazy so I was feeling a little down in the middle of the month.

I went to office even on weekends, but cannot get my side project done. I know I spend too many hours indoors and want to hang out more but I don』t have the energy or reason convincing me to go myself.

However, I set my monthly goal for November to shoot video for others, which means I need to meet a lot of people, travel a lot in the city and communicate a lot. Hopefully I can also turn video shooting and editing into a small business next year.

Oh, I also got my wisdom tooth kicked out. Feeling good! ??

What I』m Reading

1. The Tipping Point — Malcolm Gladwell

I』ve recommend his Outliers years ago for you, it』s definitely a MUST read for all the college students. And this book I recommend to those who work in media, advertising and marketing.

The Tipping Point means the point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change.

It won』t happen automatically or with great luck, but you can create one with all the scientific approaches discussed in this book.

He also mentioned an Affective Communication Test by Howard S. Friedman, PhD to see how charismatic you are. You can try with this link:

How Charismatic Are You?

Its not hard to pick out the most magnetic person in the room, and its easy to spot the shrinking violet in the…oprah.com

The highest score of the test is 117, and 71 on average.

For those who are curious, my score: 96

「People at this level are magnetic. You are extroverted and a natural leader, though you tend to attract enemies, too, precisely because you stand out from the crowd. You may sometimes feel burdened by the attention and the responsibility of having followers.」

2. Want more?

I just brought Letters from a Stoic by Lucius Annaeus Seneca and Man』s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. These 2 books have been recommended by a lot of world first class performers. If you are a fan of Ryan Holiday and Tim Ferriss, you definitely are familiar with these books.

What I』m Learning

1. 30-Day Freestyle Rap Challenge

Inspired by a guy practicing freestyle rap video, as well as a guy successfully launching a job at GaryVee Media with a rap video. I decided to take on a journey of 30-day freestyle rapping.

I practice every day when I got home from office for at least 30 mins. Randomly pick a song from a hiphop instrumental list, and just keep talking shit in front of my camera. So you have this funny highlights video.

30 Day Freestyle Rap Challenge_騰訊視頻 https://v.qq.com/x/cover/f0564plmdd4/f0564plmdd4.html

At the end of the journey, I also write my first rap song, and post it on my blog:


2. Film-making

So I post a activity on douban shenzhen page, and a lot of people are adding me on WeChat. But the results is not that ideal. I want someone who are either extremely pretty, or she has something to say or story to tell.

And most of the time, they have nothing. You might say why not let them try to express what I want to say, just like what film director does to a actor?

That』s not what I really want to do. First, we are not professional, it could be a mess when we try to do like professionals. Second, I really want to use video to help other people express their feelings and story, and it』s my November』s monthly challenge.

But at the end I found someone to shoot with, so let』s see what we come up with next month.

What I』m Watching

1. Contratiempo (2016)

This is so far the best movie I』ve watched in 2017. At the beginning of the movie, I was a little bit bored and thought I』ve already know the whole storyline, but then the plot turns again and again, which give me huge bliss at the very end.

I』ve watched it 3 times now. Great to watch the first time, learn how director show you the story bit by bit the second time, bored to watch the third time.

2. Mulholland Dr. (2001)

This is an old film, I watched it twice but still could not put every parts together. Try yourself.

Thanks for reading and continuous support. Hope you find this email helpful, and I』m looking forward to hearing from yours!

「What you do everyday more than what you do once in a while.」

Warm Regards,


本文原本發在我個人的Newsletter上。厭煩了太多太雜的公眾號,也想每周末收到我定製給你的郵件直接閱讀?點擊這裡,即可訂閱:Zake Zhang


To Be A Product Manager | Week 30

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