
下交叉綜合症Lower-Crossed Syndrome(LCS)也被稱作遠端或骨盆交叉綜合症。LCS在姿勢上的變化可分為兩種類型:A和B ,A類在姿勢上的表現為輕微的髖關節屈曲、輕微的膝關節屈曲、骨盆前傾、腰椎前凸增加;B類涉及下背部和胸腰椎部分,腰椎前凸極少,從而產生代償,使胸椎過度後凸、駝背,頭部過度向前牽引,膝關節過度伸展,以維持身體重心。



1- Pelvic tilt exercises:

Lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat on floor. Flatten the small of your back against the floor, without pushing down with the legs. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds.

2- Partial sit-ups:

The athlete lies in "hooklying" position (supine with knes bent and feet flat). With hands behind his or her head, the athlete elevates the upper torso until the scapulae clear the resting surface and stress is placed on the rectus abdominus. After returning to the start position, the sit-up is repeated for a prescribed number of repitions.

3- Knee-to-chest:

Single Knee to chest. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Slowly pull your right knee toward your shoulder and hold 5 to 10 seconds. Lower the knee and repeat with the other knee.

Double knee to chest. Begin as in the previous exercise. After pulling right knee to chest, pull left knee to chest and hold both knees for 5 to 10 seconds. Slowly lower one leg at a time.

4- Hamstring stretch:

Lying supine, the athlete places both hands around the back of one knee. The athlete straightens his or her knee and pulls the thigh toward his or her head so the hip goes into flexion. Williams believed that flexible hamstrings are necessary to accomplish full flexion of the lumbar spine. Although tight hamstrings limit lumbar flexion in standing with knee straight, we now know that tight hamstrings actually tilt the pelvis posteriorly and promote trunk flexion.

5- Standing lunges:

This exercise actually results in some extension of the lumbar spine when performed properly. Nonetheless, it is a good stretching exercise for the entire lower extremity, especially the iliopsoas, which may be a perpetrator of low back pain if it is abnormally tight or in spasm.

The athlete begins the forward lunge in a standing position with the feet shoulder width apart. He or she then takes a big step forward with the right leg and plants the foot out front, keeping the body relatively straight. The knee should stay over your ankle and not extend out over the toes to minimize stress on the knee joint.

6- Seated trunk flexion:

This exercise is performed by sitting in a chair and flexing forward in a slumped position. Maximum trunk flexion is obtained and direct stretching of the lumbosacral soft tissue structures occurs.

7- Full squat:

Williams squat position is with the feet placed shoulder width apart, the hip and knees are flexed to the maximum available range of motion, and the lumbar spine is rounded into flexion. Upon reaching maximum depth, the athlete "bounces the buttocks up and down" 15 to 20 times, with 2 to 3 inches of excursion on each bounce, then repeats 3 to 4 times.


預告:上海長征醫院 郭永飛教授《降"腰"伏魔》
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