What We Learn From A Car

After 10 years, "Lightning" McQueen finally reach the end of his career. He used to be fast, and he used to over speed than all of his opponents, but now he has to use strategies to run with his opponents, because he stuck at 195 miles per hours, while those new models can easily surpass 210. Hero is late in life, beauty is old in age, these are always the two most rotten things, but McQueen has taught us many lessons.

10年過去了,「閃電」麥昆已經不再是最快的車了,英雄遲暮,美人白頭,這真是最大的兩個悲劇, 但麥昆教了我們很多東西.

1. Accept Your Age

For both men and women, the physical strength will be rapidly decreased when reaching middle age, and sadly, there is nothing we can do about it. McQueen did not accept it, like most of the people, he chose to fight back. He did whatever he can to increase his speed, but he failed, his speed did not pass 200 mphs before the final battle. When we all waiting for some miracles happen and he can outdo himself, he chose to accept the fate, he let his friend, a new model to help him finish the game and took the champion. Some day, we will be old, and noncompetitive, we need to accept this fact, and try our best in the one last fight.


2. Dont Look down on anyone

When McQueen first went to the countryside and met his future friends, he did not respect them. McQueen is a star, and they are "bumpkin". However, these "bumpkin" taught McQueen many strategies, and there was one superior hid between those old cars, who then became McQueens coach. Every person you met in you life has a lesson to teach you, respect them, be polite, and learn the lesson.


3. Never ever think of losing

When McQueen was asked whether he was afraid of losing in his first game, he answered, "I never thought of losing." Stay confident, even if it is 0.1%, there is still a chance for you to win, do not give up in the first place.


I was a child when I first saw The Cars, and now I am an grow-up man, thanks for the company and good goodbye, 「Lightning」 McQueen!



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