SCI論文寫作之Experimental Section(二)



1. SCI論文寫作的三重境界

2. What makes a good publication? :從文章結構開始談起

3. 題好一半文:Science, Nature的論文標題是什麼樣子的?

4. 好話不說第二遍:論文寫作中的重述語意

5. SCI論文寫作(五): 寫論文一定要有提綱

6. What makes a good publication? :從文章結構開始談起

7. SCI論文寫作之Experimental section(一)


之前跟大家介紹過Experimental section裡面的Characterizations部分,今天接著來講講Experimental裡面最核心的一個部分——實驗過程,包括Materials synthesis和Activity measurement等。為什麼說這一部分是Experimental裡面最核心的部分呢?因為如果別人對你的論文感興趣,需要重複你的論文,所能參考的最主要的就是這個部分。而你的實驗過程寫得是不是清晰,是不是詳細,很大程度上能夠體現出你的科研素養。這裡鼓勵大家將實驗細節寫得儘可能清楚,因為真正的科研工作者從來不是因為在論文中隱瞞關鍵技術而牛逼的!



參考文獻:J. Am.Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 6744?6753,來自University of Oregon的Shannon Boettcher group.

Film deposition. Prior to film deposition, substrates were cycled three times in 1 M KOH from 0.0?0.8 V vsHg/HgO. Substrates were rinsed with 18.2 MΩ·cm H2O before being transferred to the deposition solution. Films of Ni(OH)2 were cathodically deposited from unstirred solutions of 0.1 M Ni(NO3)2·6H2O (Sigma Aldrich, 99.999% trace metals basis) in 18.2 MΩ·cm H2O. As deposited Ni(OH)2 films showed no XPS signal for Fe (see discussion below). For films containing codeposited Fe, the total metal content in the deposition solutionwas held at 0.1 M, and FeCl2·4H2O (Sigma Aldrich,>98%) was added. The solutions were purged with N2 gas for at least 20 min before adding FeCl2·4H2O to prevent precipitation of insoluble FeOOH. Typical depositions at ?0.1 mA cm?2 for 120 s gave effective film thicknesses of ~40 nm (see Figure S1 in the Supporting Information for a typical deposition profile and QCM frequency measurement). After deposition, films were rinsed by dipping in H2O before being transferred to the electrochemical cell. The Fe/Ni ratio in the films was higher than that in the deposition solutions; however, any given Fe content insolution consistently produced films with the same Fe content (< ± 4%) asdetermined by XPS. All film Fe contents reported here are those measured by XPS.



Prior to film deposition, substrates were cycled three times in 1 M KOH from 0.0?0.8 V vs Hg/HgO.這一句話交代了製備電極前載體是如何處理的,請注意紅色標記的文字,特別是數字。這些文字指明了處理次數,溶液(包括濃度),循環伏安處理的電壓範圍。

注意:數字是Experimental section裡面最重要的內容,要特別注意。


All substrates were cycled in KOH solutionprior to film deposition.



Substrates were rinsed with 18.2 MΩ·cm H2Obefore being transferred to the deposition solution.這句話交代了substrate轉移到電沉積溶液之前的處理過程。如果粗糙一些,這句話可不可以刪除呢?其實好像問題也不大,不過從嚴謹的科研態度以及對讀者負責任的角度來說,作者有義務提醒讀者注意這些操作細節方面的問題。


Films of Ni(OH)2 were cathodically deposited from unstirred solutions of 0.1 M Ni(NO3)2·6H2O (Sigma Aldrich, 99.999% trace metals basis) in 18.2 MΩ·cm H2O.這一句簡單地交代了一下電化學沉積的方法,還是提醒大家注意下紅色文字。數值,細節值得關注!

備註:在Experimental section裡面,對試劑出處的交代有兩種方法,一種是像這裡列出來的一樣,在第一次出現這個試劑的時候註明廠家,純度等關鍵信息;還有一種方式,以加一個Reagents部分,將本文中所有用到的試劑統一交代,註明廠家,純度以及有無特殊處理等等。


As deposited Ni(OH)2 films showed no XPS signal for Fe (see discussion below). 這句話對製備的Ni(OH)2樣品進行了簡單的說明。這句話可以不寫,因為在正文中還會討論,不過加上會讓讀者讀起來更加容易一些。


For films containing codeposited Fe, the total metal content in the deposition solution was held at 0.1M, and FeCl2·4H2O(Sigma Aldrich, >98%) was added. 這句話特別交代了NiFeOOH樣品的製備條件,還是提醒大家注意紅色字體部分。


The solutions were purged with N2 gas for at least 20 min before adding FeCl2·4H2O to prevent precipitation of insoluble FeOOH.這一句話很重要,因為這是實驗操作中很重要的一個細節,在溶解FeCl2之前一定要充氮氣,而且最好要充20 min來趕跑溶解的O2,否則FeCl2很有可能被氧化成FeOOH,進而影響電化學沉積的效果。再次提醒:基於對讀者負責任的角度,實驗中重要的細節一定要交代,不要藏著掖著。請記住:你對科研的貢獻不是你會而別人不會,而是有一天你能教會大家之前所不會的


Typical depositions at ?0.1 mA cm?2 for 120 s gave effective film thicknesses of ~40 nm (see Figure S1 in the Supporting Information for a typical deposition profile and QCM frequency measurement).這句話對具體的電化學沉積條件進行了說明。數字!!!


After deposition, films were rinsed by dippingin H2O before being transferred to the electrochemical cell.第八句跟第四句一樣,還是提醒讀者注意一些細節。如果在轉移之前不潤洗的話,電極上殘餘的FeCl2溶液就會跟1 M KOH在電解池中反應,影響測試結果。


The Fe/Ni ratio in the films was higher than that in the deposition solutions; however, any given Fe content insolution consistently produced films with the same Fe content (< ± 4%) as determined by XPS. All film Fe contents reported here are those measured by XPS.這句話告訴讀者結果中可能會存在的一些細節問題。寫到這,我只能說Shannon太貼心了,真是手把手教讀者做實驗,任何在實驗中可能會出現的細節問題都有交代。鼓勵大家向Boettcher group學習,盡量讓實驗過程具體一點(具體跟啰嗦是兩回事哈,語言還是要緊湊,廢話不要寫)。


做一個嚴謹和負責任的科研工作者,從Experimental section開始!共勉,我的朋友們!



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