MBTI, Socionics, 九型人格及其副型理論的交叉點


Those who have spent some time studying MBTI, socionics, and enneagram types usually notice that they overlap in several traits, making it easy to mis-attribute traits from one system to another. Here are a few common "crossroads":


1. SO-first need for connection with the greater social scene may be mistaken for extroversion. SO-last stackings, to the contrary, highlight traits commonly attributed to introversion.

so/sx與so/sp的需求之一:更大的社交圈,這點被誤認為是外傾。相反地,so blind的一些特點被誤認為是內傾。

2. Social instinct is sometimes mistaken for Fe, ethics in general, and "Aristocratic" trait in socionics. This is because stackings with SO instinct have a proclivity to interpret events within socio-cultural context and may exhibit a pronounced interest in soft sciences.


3.Social, inclusive, friendly, and sometimes bubbly nature of SO-firsts and SX/SO can lead them to be taken for Ethical types.


4. SX-first craving for enlivening, intense experiences and sometimes lowered barrier to confrontation can be mistaken for extraverted sensing (Se) and extraverted feeling (Fe). SX-firsts may inadvertently draw attention to themselves in a way that overlaps with socionics Fe-HA. SX/SO stackings often exhibit contarian, revolutionary attitudes that is often confused for belonging to Beta quadra. On a more rare occasion SX emphasis and insistence of their personal preferences, likes and dislikes, is also mistaken for preference for Fi.


5. Self-preservation (SP) instincts focus on practical and pragmatic matters may be easily confused for sensing and logic. Income and salary concerns, planning, scheduling, budgeting, can be mistaken for strong sensing orientation, Si/Se, as well as extraverted logic, Te. In particular SP/SXs interest in things that serve as common denominators of life (family, food, daily activities and chores, etc.) can lead them to consider themselves to be Sensing types.


6. The dry sobriety in communication of SX-last stacking can lead them to view themselves as Logical types. This is further reinforced if their main enneagram type is within the head triad.

sx blind:溝通風格枯燥無趣悶,導致這類型的人認為自己是Lxx/xLx(當它是MBTI中的T型好了)。如果這人恰好是腦區(567)的就更容易出現這種情況。

7. Eneagrams head triad, 5-6-7, can be mistaken for T-preference.


8. Adventurism and search for more satisfying experiences of type 7 can be confused for extraverted sensorics, Se, resulting in erroneous typings of ENxPs and ENxJs - as ESxPs.


9. Focus on emotional needs, friendship and family bonds, and social obligations of type 2 can be mitaken for preference for extraverted ethics (Fe).






TAG:迈尔斯布里格斯类型指标MBTI | 九型人格 |