





About the trip tonJapan (Part of Iiyama)

The whole trip around thenmainland of Japan was extremely impressive and unforgettable, the overseasnholidays was just a terrific and indescribable relaxation, and that was also annopportunity of using the foreign languages for a student.

Our 44 student-and-teacher』sntourist group (20seniors, 20juniors and 4teachers) left for Japan in Jan.28th,n2005 just before the Chinese Spring Festival.

That special Friday noon, I hadnjust finished our test paper correcting lesson and had my last school』s lunchnin this semester. Then we got on the school bus with heavy luggage but lightnmood, some friends of mine went to see me goodbye and so did my daddy!! I wasnmoved and almost cried my eyes out cause I thought that he wouldn』t come, innthe other hand, I』m such a character who misses parents when he』s far away fromnthem. Considering it was in a public place, however I stopped it.

The bus reached the ShekounFerry and within 1 hour, reached the Hong Kong Airport. After about 3.5 hours』nflight, we landed on the round of a new land!! That was my first time I wentnabroad. Normally, I would feel quite excited, I did, but not 「quite」. Anyway,nChina is different from Japan. When I saw the posters, advertisements, signsnwritten in both Japanese and English, and heard the citizens speaking fluentnforeign languages .I said to myself that I was looking forward to meeting thosenchallenges which would appear in my new life in Japan.

Actually, our primary goal ofnthis trip was not only for sightseeing, it was going to the Iiyama City (ornRicemoutain if I could call it so). There is a middle school which joined handsnwith our school several years ago, and we might visit them every 2 years. Thisntime, it was our turn to represent our school, our city, our dear motherland tonvisit them, it was a great pleasure and honor.

As soon as we arrived at thengate of the main government office, the leaders of the school and the leadersnof the city came to greet us, the a meeting was held between us to talk aboutnthe programs we were going to do while we stay there. Everybody took part innthe meeting, and we introduced ourselves and got some uniforms to protect usnfrom coldness. It was so formal that the local reporters cam to join us. But itnwas a big event for a tiny city to have s here.

It was snowing heavily,neverywhere it was clean and white. I had never seen snow so I couldn』t helpntouching it several times, but it wasn』t that cold as I thought it was. It wasnlovely and chubby.

I suddenlynrealized, at the moment, what a simple and happy life we were having: withnfriends, no work, and no study at school but in the magnificent nature.

The dust and thendawn there was absolutely gorgeous, the melancholy sun shines indirectly andnshyly onto the thick and thin snow, onto frozen water, onto the icy neat pavement.

In the evening wenchecked in the local personal thermal spring hotel. At night, when everythingnindoors was silent, there were some noises. Ha!! That』s the falling of sowingnfrom the roof cause the roof could not stand the continuing snow any longer, sonit dropped into the snow on the ground and disappeared. I spent plenty of timenwatching the sights in the deep night and leant against wall. I opened thenwindow and let the snowflake in, and let it melt on my fingertip although thentemperature was about –20 degrees Celsius. But that』s all romantic you satnalone and had something in mind to think about.

The following day, we went tontheir school and took an English class in the morning with 20 Japanese students.nIt brought me so much fun that the way they spoke except their Englishnteachers.Ofcourse the alien one who speaks English. The students don』t enjoy angood English pronunciation or a large vocabulary, but I could tell that theyntried very hard to say a word better as they could. I made a friend with one ofnthe English teachers, Mr.Ishida. We communicated in English so I got thenachievement that I spoke to a Japanese speaker naturally and got the replies.nRegarding the educational problems and new concept in both China and Japan, andnI mentioned that Japan should popularize the English in order to be moreninternational. I tried my best expressing and explanation,he tried his bestnunderstanding.

After class, we went to the gymnto watch the performances and gave our prepared performances, including theirnjudo and their traditional dance called The Little HeavenlyHound.nIt was a little bit strange from the common dances, but it is a kind of culture,nlike our Beijing opera. And we sang the song The Sea Is My Home. Therenwere 5 or 6 sentences which required me to sing alone on the stage, in front ofnthe microphone. It was really a harsh time that we voices stood out like anfool. That experience was frightening. After all, it was a great success.

In the afternoon, we wentnskiing and I made a small snowman.

That evening, I had my homenstay in a Japanese student』s villa on the midway up mountain with my friendnChang Hao. That student is one-year-old younger than I. They have a kitten, 2 dogsn(small one is black, big one is white) and some goldfish at home. Chang Hao andnthe student, Koike Liki are so introverted. They didn』t talk too much andnwouldn』t talk too much. So I, this outgoing and crazy guy just used my poor Japanesenwith the gestures to address to him and his family members.

Their house style was the mostnorthodox Japanese one, tatami, narrow stairway and you could see some exquisitendecorations if you paid attention to studying the housing structure.

While we were having our dinner,nmy translator and I had to get used to crossing legs or kneeling down, seemednlike Buddhists. Our calf muscles hurt. But the food provided was plentiful andnyummy although I couldn』t tell the names of those I have eaten. We talked somethingnabout our daily life. I guessed what they meant a lot, and they often slowedndown intentionally and made words clearer and easier to comprehend. I was embarrassednif I couldn』t understand what they were talking still after their questions fornus. But we absolutely had a wonderful night, cause after supper, we two wereninvited to play the games on the television, in which one fought against thenother. After that Liki』s father drove usnto the top of the snowy mountain and had our soak in the thermal spring andnsauna bath. Outside was snowing tenderly and suddenly I saw a pool offered nearnthe sauna bathroom, it was outdoors!!!At first, hang Hao and I were astonished.nThen I decided to have a try.

How could you share the exactlynsame feeling of the time when the cool air and warm water added together at thenvery temperature. We all enjoyed the coziness, touched the steam, and snugglednonto the stone.

That was too comfortable to leave,nbut we shouldn』t stay in this sort of mineral water too long, perhaps 20nminutes at most. So we soon got dressed but we still could hardly bear parting.

And on the last day in Iiyama,nat 7 sharp a.m. Kili』s lovely grandma woke us up by saying 「good morning」 in anbeautiful English intonation. It really made me think I was in Europe or somenplaces like that.

Japanese do the washing (brush teeth,nclean face) after breakfasts. Well I just follow the common rule so that Inwouldn』t be strange in their eyes. We had a full bowl of rice with eggs, thenones which hadn』t been cooked entirely yet! When we finished eating, wenexchanged the presents and took photos. Then we went back to the school in hernmum』s car. As I know, they had at least 3 vehicles, and they ran a small inn.

We thanked them again for thenwarm welcome we had given, and said goodbye to them.

The last thing wenwere going to do was to visit the art gallery and professional ski slope innIiyama. In the noon, after having the lunch in the government office, we wouldnleave Iiyama for the Fuji Mountain and then, Tokyo.

I am missingnIiyama<and I am missing japan

The end


去年某一天給學生們講英語的虛擬式,想要給學生寫一個小故事用來作"if"的假設練習。於是動手開始寫,故事講的是一個人由於起晚了而導致的一堆悲催的串連鎖反應(the knock-on effect)。後來越寫越起勁,腦洞越來越大,就發展成了下面的這篇。


John was woken up by the autumn chill. He sat up and stared at the window he had left open the night before.

Because of his sore back and a phone call he』d received, John had been having trouble sleeping – a frustrating, hours-long struggle. A thought had crossed John』s mind that when he was to fall asleep eventually, he would not be able to wake up in the morning; and hopefully, never again.

He DID wake up after all; and he was late for work.

He hastened to check the voicemail; none, as expected. 「Great,」 mumbled John, closing the window and opening the closet door.

The elevator in his complex was a long wait too, and he missed his bus, hence the Uber. It was a shabby Toyota; and judging from the smell of the air trapped inside, the driver apparently had been drinking a lot. John was too late for work to think straight, so it came as no surprise when the car was brought to a sudden halt by a street sign.

「Great…」 John mumbled.

The driver, who was just coming to his senses, saw John rubbing his own back in the rear-view mirror. Panicked, he clicked on the navigator, found a clinic nearby, and insisted on escorting John there to make sure he was alright.

The Toyota, now with the logo missing, pulled over at a curb in front of a dilapidated five-storey building. If you』re just driving by, you』d think it must be either deserted or haunted, or both; and you would never guess it』s a private hospital, as there were no signs that suggest so, except for the 「dead」 silence. The clinic had in fact been on the edge of bankruptcy, probably due to the very fact that its existence was not known to most people, including the Uber driver, and John.

The ensuing hours were a fast blur. A young doctor with plaits was put in charge of John. A yellowish pill was given to John. John put it into his mouth, chewed it, swallowed it, and went unconscious in no time. Later, a nurse passing by thought John had passed away, so she had John moved to the morgue. The morgue!!!!

John woke up later; found himself lying on an iron table in an icy chamber and surrounded by many silvery big drawers against the walls. Shivering with cold and the excruciating back pain that was not only still present, but was getting worse, John thought 「Might as well put me in hell already.」 John』s face was emotionless; his guts and his goose-bumped skin, however, urged him to get out before being frozen to death.

The morgue was locked from the outside. He was frightened; he was furious; he was desperate; and he was giving up. He thought he would die in there.

However, 12 hours later, at 9:00 pm that day, a guy named Mark, a human organ trafficker, sneaked into the hospital trying to steal a kidney for an overseas buyer. John heard somebody walking outside, so he tried to yell for help. No voice was coming out, for he had exhausted himself doing that all day long. So instead, he climbed towards the door, picked himself up, and as soon as Mark pried the door open, John jumped out. Not prepared for such a sudden surprise, Mark fainted and fell to the ground.

When Mark woke up, he felt as if his body had been emptied. No sooner had he unbuttoned his clothes to examine his own body than it hit him: he was not the only person who had planned to break into the morgue that night. His 「beloved」 competitor must have come and left... with his OWN kidney!

As for John, resisting the pain, he ran straight back home, sprinted up the stairs, pressed the voicemail button on his home phone, and rushed into the shower. Still in the state of terrible shock, he tried to wash away the chain of crappy incidents that had been happening to him all that day. He broke down in tears, just for a few seconds, before he heard a beep from the answering machine....

"Its me… again. Forget what I said last night. Weve found a kidney for you… farm-fresh…"

(The end)







他急匆匆地查了一下語音留言。果然,還是什麼都沒有。 「好吧」,約翰嘟囔著說。他把窗關上,把衣櫃打開。























讀 GIS 專業的碩士,將來是出國讀博還是直接工作?

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