13.Bob Dylan - 《The Times They Are a-Changin'》(1964)


Styles:Contemporary Folk、Folk Revival、Folk-Rock、Political Folk、Psychedelic/Garage

發行時間 :1964年1月13日


AllMusic: 4.5/5

The Rolling Stone Album Guide :4/5



《The Times They Are a-Changin》是Bob Dylan第三張錄音室專輯,這是Dylan第一張全部以自己原創歌曲名義發布的專輯,專輯中的大部分歌曲都在講述關於種族歧視、貧困、社會變革等問題。

Dylan於1963年8月6日正式開始了這張專輯的錄製,經過了7月份的新港民謠音樂節之後,這時候他已經是一個很有影響力的人物了。期間又短暫的和Joan Baez一起巡演了一段時間,這在各大媒體上再次提升了他的形象直到10月23日才再次投入新專輯的錄製,最終於1964年1月13日由哥倫比亞唱片公司發布。

開頭曲為專輯同名歌曲《The Times They Are a-Changin》,這是Dylan最著名的歌曲之一,許多人評價這首歌精準的捕獲了美國60年代的社會與政治的動蕩特徵。1963年12月,Dylan的好友Tony Glover去Dylan的公寓拜訪他,看到桌子上的一堆詩詞稿,讀了這首歌的歌詞 "come senators, congressmen, please heed the call"之後問到:"What is this shit, man?"Dylan回答道:"Well, you know, it seems to be what the people like to hear." Dylan在後來承認了這首歌是蓄意為那個民謠音樂與民權運動並肩作戰的時刻而寫的歌曲,但拒絕別人把他當成那個時代叛逆精神代表的標籤,他說這首歌不代表他的立場,只是他當時的一種感覺。

《Ballad of Hollis Brown》最早是為上一張專輯《The Freewheelin Bob Dylan》而錄製的,Dylan用民謠的曲調講述了一個鄉村悲劇:南達科塔州農場一個父親因貧窮飢餓殺死了包括自己的全家七口人。

《With God on Our Side》因旋律與《The Patriot Game》(由Dominic Behan寫詞,旋律借鑒愛爾蘭民歌《The Merry Month of May》)這首歌有驚人的相似之處,Behan稱Dylan抄襲,試圖將Dylan告上法庭,Dylan對此沒做回應。

《North Country Blues》是Dylan第一次以女人視角寫的歌,歌里描述的北方小鎮被很多樂評人認為是Dylan以家鄉明尼蘇達州希賓為肖像所描述的。

《Only a Pawn in Their Game》描寫的是NAACP(美國有色人種協會)的領袖Medgar Evers被謀殺的事迹。

《Boots of Spanish Leather》的旋律與上一中專輯中的《Girl from the North Country》一致,旋律的靈感來自Martin Carthy改編的英國民謠《Scarborough Fair》(就是後來tSimon & Garfunkel也翻唱過的那首,1962年末Dylan第一次出國到英國的時候向Carthy學習了這首歌的改編,離開英國後到義大利找女朋友Suze,碰巧Suze剛回美國,Dylan在義大利寫下了《Boots of Spanish Leather》的草稿。

《When the Ship Comes In》寫於1963年8月,當時在一家酒店開房登記的時候,酒店櫃員看Dylan蓬頭垢面的形象拒絕讓他入住,直到同伴Joan Baez過來向櫃員擔保後才允許入住,於是生氣的Dylan寫下了這首歌。

《The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll》講述了一個酒店女招待員被一個白人富豪打死的故事,歌詞的靈感來源於Dlyan閱讀報紙里的一則報道。

結尾曲《Restless Farewell》的旋律來源於傳統愛爾蘭歌曲《The Parting Glass》,


一個月後的11月22日,肯尼迪總統被暗殺,Dylan被深深的影響到並且說道:「那表示他們試圖告訴你『別希望能改變任何事』」(原話:What it means is that they are trying to tell you 「Dont even hope to change things」)。肯尼迪遇刺三周後,緊急民權委員會鑒於Dylan對民權運動的貢獻給他頒發了年度湯姆?潘恩獎(Tom Paine award)。Dylan發表的獲獎感言原文(這裡有點跑題了就不花時間翻譯了,有興趣的朋友可以自行閱讀):"I want to accept this award, the Tom Paine Award, from the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee. I want to accept it in my name but Im not really accepting it in my name and Im not accepting it in any kind of groups name, any Negro group or any other kind of group. There are Negroes - I was on the march on Washington up on the platform and I looked around at all the Negroes there and I didnt see any Negroes that looked like none of my friends. My friends dont wear suits. My friends dont have to wear suits. My friends dont have to wear any kind of thing to prove that theyre respectable Negroes. My friends are my friends, and theyre kind, gentle people if theyre my friends. And Im not going to try to push nothing over. So, I accept this reward - not reward, (Laughter) award in behalf of Phillip Luce who led the group to Cuba which all people should go down to Cuba. I dont see why anybody cant go to Cuba. I dont see whats going to hurt by going any place. I dont know whats going to hurt anybodys eyes to see anything. On the other hand, Phillip is a friend of mine who went to Cuba. Ill stand up and to get uncompromisable about it, which I have to be to be honest, I just got to be, as I got to admit that the man who shot President Kennedy, Lee Oswald, I dont know exactly where … what he thought he was doing, but I got to admit honestly that I too - I saw some of myself in him. I dont think it would have gone - I dont think it could go that far. But I got to stand up and say I saw things that he felt, in me - not to go that far and shoot. (Boos and hisses) You can boo but booings got nothing to do with it. Its a - I just a - Ive got to tell you, man, its Bill of Rights is free speech and I just want to admit that I accept this Tom Paine Award in behalf of James Forman of the Students Non-Violent Coordinating Committee and on behalf of the people who went to Cuba. (Boos and Applause)"


2004,單曲《The Times They Are a-Changin》入選滾石雜誌《歷史上最偉大的500首歌》榜單,排名第59位。


Side one

1.tThe Times They Are a-Changin

2.tBallad of Hollis Brown

3.tWith God on Our Side

4.tOne Too Many Mornings

5.tNorth Country Blues

Side two

1.tOnly a Pawn in Their Game

2.tBoots of Spanish Leather

3.tWhen the Ship Comes In

4.tThe Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll

5.tRestless Farewell






搖滾往事的歌單:The Times They Are a-Changin(1964) - 網易雲音樂



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