
MYB: Observe (intentionally) [Jan 4, 2017]

MYB: Observe (intentionally)n

/ 峰哥何峰@簡單心理 /n

Observe intentionally

A friend of mine once shared with a tip he read some where. In order to feel happier, the tip instructs, keep a "happiness journal". Everyday, write down 3 things that made you happy that day. It could be something really small, say you just managed to catch the elevator, or saw your first butterfly in the year. Indeed, it was hinted that its better that these happy things be small and (as a result?) frequent. n

My friend heeded the tip for a while, daily jotted down the little things that made him happy. He wasnt sure if it improved his sense of happiness, but he did notice that he became more observant, more aware as he lived through each day. There was, at the back of his mind, a process that was constantly running, measuring the happiness level of each little event -- a bit like the anti-virus software thats running on your computer. He ended up remembering each day more. n

A writing habit does something similar. Now that I want to put out a blog each day, I approach every little thing I do, every little article I read, an encounter with another person, with a certain deliberation. Who knows, this could go into my blog!n

And indeed I find myself to pay more attention, to act more proactively -- maybe even a little more adventurous? If you, reader of this blog, would like to go through your days with more awareness, it wouldnt hurt to try writing. n

Naming my blog

I am naming my blog Mind Your Blow (MYB). It is, of course, a word play on our podcast "Blow Your Mind" (【Blow Your Mind】最新mp3下載_【峰哥何峰 & 簡里里】專輯在線收聽-荔枝FM). Google Translate gave these two phrases ingenious translations:n

I think GT is bypassing the Turing Test and going straight for Artistic Creativity. I thought 意亂情迷 was a particular awesome interpretation of "blow your mind". I am less sure about 記住你的打擊, but it might be something that grows on you : )n

Mind Your Blow it is.n


[簡單心理]open 崗位: 知乎專欄

簡歷和郵件 => hr[at]jiandanxinli.comn

工作之外,來聽聽 簡里里&峰哥 BYM Blow Your Mind, 兩個人的公路播客



我的一個朋友曾經分享過一招兒:為了感覺更快樂,可以寫一個 「幸福日記」。每天,寫下3件事,讓你快樂的那一天。這可能是真的很小,說你剛剛設法抓住電梯,或看到你的第一隻蝴蝶在一年。事實上,這暗示,這些快樂的事情變得越來越小(結果是頻繁的)。n

我的朋友聽了一會兒,每天記下那些讓他快樂的小東西。他不知道是否改善了他的幸福感,但他注意到他變得更加謹慎,更加意識到他每天都在生活。在他的腦海里,有一個不斷運行的過程,測量每個小事件的幸福水平 - 有點像在您的計算機上運行的防病毒軟體。他最終記得每一天。n


事實上,我發現自己要更多的關注,更積極地行動 - 也許甚至更冒險?如果你,這個博客的讀者,想要經歷你的日子有更多的意識,它不會傷害嘗試寫作。n


我把我的博客命名為Mind Your Blow(MYB)。當然,這是一個字在我們的播客「吹你的頭腦」(【Blow Your Mind】最新mp3下載_【峰哥何峰 & 簡里里】專輯在線收聽-荔枝FM)。 Google翻譯給了這兩個短語巧妙的翻譯:n



【有關辯論的隨想】關於各種奇奇怪怪的立論思路之一 、二

TAG:幸福 |