TED | 關於帕金森詩人的詩歌翻譯(一)
今天分享一首,自己之前翻過的TED TALK 上的一位帕金森患者、又是詩人的慈祥老奶奶的詩歌。TED視頻發佈於網易公開課【TED】遲暮之歌。
"No Signs of Struggle"
Growing small requires enormity of will:
just sitting still in the doctors waiting room watching the future shuffle in and out,watching it stoop; stare at you while you try not to look. Rare is an exchange:a smile of brief, wry recognition.由大變小需要強大的意志:
靜靜地坐在醫生的候診室看著未來在眼前穿梭往複當未來附身,凝視著你你卻試圖迴避它的目光很少,你會對它報以一絲自嘲的苦笑You are the new kid on the block.
Everyone here was you once. You are still learning that growing smallrequires a largeness of spirit
you cant fit into yet: acceptance of irritating help from those who love you; giving way and over, but not up.你就是這裡的新成員
Youve swallowed hard the contents of the "Drink Me" bottle,
and felt yourself shrink. Now, familiar furniture looms,floors tilt, and doorknobs yield only when wrestled round with both hands. It demands colossal patience, all this growing small: your diminished sleep at night, your handwriting, your voice, your height.你已艱難吞下了「喝了我」的藥劑
地板開始傾斜,門把手也不聽使喚,唯有雙手費力才能打開由大變小需要異常強大的耐心:你的夜晚睡眠開始減少你的字跡、聲音、身高都開始萎縮You are more the incredible shrinking woman
than the Buddhist mystic, serene, making do with less.Less is not always More. Yet in this emptying space, space glimmers, becoming visible.Here is a place behind the eyes of those accustomed
by what some would call diminishment.你越來越像一位不可思議的縮水老婆(註:一部美國老電影的名字)
而不是一位深居簡出、生活簡樸的佛教徒少並不總是多但在這逐漸虛無的空間里,發出了微光人們能看得見這是一片隱匿於常人視線之外的天地別人眼中的「縮小」之人的天地It is a place of merciless poetry,
a gift of presence previously ignored,
drowned in the daily clutter. Here every gesture needs intention,is alive with consciousness. Nothing is automatic.這裡是無情詩歌之所在
You can spot it in the provocation of a button,
an arm poking at a sleeve,a balancing act at a night-time curb while negotiating the dark. Feats of such modest valor, who would suspect them to be exercises in an intimate, fierce discipline,a metaphysics of being relentlessly aware?你處處可見它的蹤跡,當按動一顆按鈕
誰會想到是大強度的訓練結果?是對自我無情知曉的形而上學的實踐?Such understated power here,
in these tottering dancers who exert stupendous effort on tasks most view as insignificant. Such quiet beauty here, in these, my soft-voiced, stiff-limbed people; such resolve masked by each placid face. There is immensity required in growing small,so bent on such unbending grace.這些樸素的力量背後
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