【全球法律英語新聞選讀】2016年10月 第6期



1. 2017年《國際金融法律評論》IFLR1000中國律所排名出爐。

2. 大成的Nextlaw投資平台對兩家法律科技初創公司提供資金和培訓支持。

3. 劍橋大學法學學生創建在線犯罪識別智能系統「LawBot」。

英文播音:@Ousmann Dembele



1. 2017年《國際金融法律評論》IFLR1000中國律所排名出爐。IFLR1000專註於律師事務所和律師的金融和公司業務評比,是全球主要的律所及律師評價指南之一,涵蓋超過120個國家和地區。最新版的IFLR1000已近出爐,出於篇幅限制,小編只摘錄中國區域相關領域第一梯隊的名單,詳細排名小夥伴們可以登錄IFLR1000官網查詢。

(知乎專欄又吞我圖是什麼鬼T T,以下簡表為手打:)




競爭法:世澤律師事務所(Broad & Bright)、廣盛律師事務所(Guangsheng & Partner)、金杜、天地和律師事務所(T&D Associates)

能源與基礎建設:君合、陽光時代(Sunshine Law Firm)、中倫



私募股權:錦天城、上海邦信陽中建中匯(Boss & Young)、方達、海問、漢坤、君合、金杜、通力律師事務所(Llinks Law Offices)、中倫


銀行:安理律師事務所(Allen & Overy)、高偉紳律師事務所(Clifford Chance)、年利達律師事務所(Linklaters)

資本市場:達維律師事務所(Davis Polk & Wardwell)、富而德律師事務所(Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer)

競爭法:安理、高偉紳、富而德、霍金路偉律師事務所(Hogan Lovells)、眾達律師事務所(Jones Day)、美邁斯律師事務所(OMelveny & Myers)

能源和基建:安理、高偉紳、Herbert Smith Freehills、年利達、諾頓羅氏律師事務所(Norton Rose Fulbright)、文森-艾爾斯律師事務所(Vinson & Elkins)

併購:安理、高偉紳、富而德、年利達、謝爾曼-斯特靈律師事務所(Shearman & Sterling)、世達律師事務所(Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom)

金融工程:安理、貝克-麥堅時律師事務所(Baker & McKenzie)、高偉紳、謝爾曼-斯特靈

2. 大成的Nextlaw投資平台對兩家法律科技初創公司提供資金和培訓支持。2015年5月,大成啟動了位於美國帕洛阿爾托的Nextlaw Labs,由首席執行官Dan Jansen負責。現在Nextlaw Labs與風投基金公司Seedcamp一起,投資了兩個法律創業企業Libryo和Clause,不僅投入了20萬歐元的初始共同投資,而且未來將提供大成律師的訓練和指導來開發相關產品。Nextlaw和Seedcamp在2016年6月份開展合作,對法律創業公司進行投資和培養。共有來自五大洲的超過80家初創企業提出資金和培訓計劃的申請,並由來自Seedcamp、Nextlaw和大成的評委進行評選。Libryo是一家位於倫敦、為監管問題提供解決方案的軟體即服務(SaaS)平台,使用智能儀錶盤來展示各種場景中用戶的法律義務。Clause是一家位於紐約的合同構建平台,為企業提供下一代的自動化和數據整合合同,該公司聲稱其平台將在今年晚些時候管理第一批「自主性合同」,該平台還能根據變化的條件和數據自動更新定價等合同變數。Nextlaw和Seedcamp將初步對每家投資10萬歐元,分別獲得9%的股權,而Nextlaw和Seedcamp之間將各自承擔一半出資。大成的其他法律科技投資還包括:能夠讓客戶監控合伙人/律師在每項交易或每個案件上所花費時間的工具Apperio;今年夏天與人工智慧公司RAVN共同開發針對英國脫歐的合同審查系統;2016年10月初,完成了新的免費全球法律業務推介網路Nextlaw Global Referral Network,註冊加盟律所達到283家(包括13家英國律所),律師達到18,600名。

Unprecedented applications in the legal industry: Dentons Nextlaw backs two legal tech startups with funding and training

Nextlaw Labs, the legal tech platform launched by Dentons last year, has invested in two legal startups, alongside venture funding company Seedcamp.

The pair are backing two startups, Libryo and Clause, as part of an initial co-investment worth around €200,000. The partnership will also offer future training and mentoring from lawyers at Dentons to develop the products.

The investment comes after Nextlaw teamed up with Seedcamp in June this year. More than 80 start-ups from five continents applied for the funding and training programme and were selected by a panel of judges from Seedcamp, Nextlaw and Dentons.

Libryo is a London-based software-as-a-service platform that provides solutions to regulatory issues, using a dashboard that explains the legal obligations of its users in a variety of scenarios.

Clause is a New York-based startup contract-building platform for the next generation of automated and data-integrated contracts for enterprise. The company claims its platform will manage its first autonomous contracts later this year, and the platform can automatically update contract variables, such as pricing, in response to changing conditions and data.

The initial investments from the Nextlaw and Seedcamp partnership will offer up to €100,000 to each company for 9% of equity, with Nextlaw and Seedcamp contributing half the investment each.

Recent investments from Dentons tech venture have included funding in Apperio, a tool that enables clients to monitor the amount of partner/associate time spent on each transaction or case. The company also worked with artificial intelligence company RAVN for a Brexit contracts system this summer.

Dentons launched Palo Alto-based Nextlaw Labs in May last year, led by chief executive Dan Jansen. The firm also finalised its new free-to-use legal referral network earlier this month. The Nextlaw Global Referral Network signed up 283 member firms and 18,600 lawyers, with 13 UK firms joining. (Legal Business)

3. 劍橋大學法學學生創建在線犯罪識別智能系統「LawBot」。四名劍橋大學法學學生創建了一個新的在線系統「LawBot」,來幫助那些刑事犯罪的受害者獲得公正。這四名學生Ludwig Bull、Rebecca Agliolo、Jozef Maruscak和Nadial Abdul僅花了六周時間就建成了LawBot,它使用人工智慧標記語言(AIML)來「提供保密的、無偏見的、免費且易於理解的法律知識」。目前,LawBot能夠提供與26種「主要刑事犯罪」有關的諮詢,包括性犯罪、財產犯罪和人身侵犯犯罪。這一智能系統參照此前Legalnews報道的停車罰單申訴機器人「DoNotPay」,目前只能用於針對在英格蘭和威爾士境內發生的刑事犯罪的諮詢。不過創建者們計劃擴展LawBot的性能,使其在不久的將來能夠用於處理民事法律問題。

Cambridge University law students create crime-identifying 『LawBot』

Four Cambridge University law students have created a new online system called 『LawBot』 which is designed to help the victims of criminal offences get justice.

LawBot — which is the brainchild of Ludwig Bull, Rebecca Agliolo, Jozef Maruscak and Nadial Abdul — took just six weeks to build. It uses Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) to 「provide confidential, non-judgmental, free, easy to understand legal knowledge」.

Currently, LawBot can offer advice in relation to 26 「major criminal offences」, including sex offences, property offences and offences against the person.

The clever system — which is based on Joshua Browder』s parking ticket appeal robot 『DoNotPay』 — can currently only advise on criminal offences committed in England and Wales. However, according to its creators, there are plans to extend LawBot』s capabilities so it will be able to tackle civil law in the near future. (Legal Cheek)


variables:n. 變數。


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Unprecedented applications in the legal industry: Dentons Nextlaw backs two legal tech startups with funding and training

Cambridge University law students create crime-identifying 『LawBot』

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