國慶你錯過了哪些事:Oculus Connect 3 大會新品概覽

在Google大力宣傳Daydream耳機,並在距離Sony 10月13日發布PlayStation VR的日子越來越近的時候,Oculus VR也試圖保持其在VR市場的勢頭。今日Oculus VR透露了相關計劃。 Facebook VR子公司於10月6日舉辦了Oculus Connect開發者大會,在主題演講中加入了幾個主要的聲明。該公司談到其即將推出的運動控制器Oculus Touch,並展示了可以降低VR價格的新技術和令人印象深刻的社交工具。以下是相關信息。




Oculus Touch發布時間及價格 Oculus的下一個重磅產品是Touch控制系統,以便Rift用戶能體驗VR。據目前了解,該設備將於12月出貨,售價為200美元。 新的可觸摸遊戲

除了Touch控制器,Oculus也正在規劃幾個可觸摸遊戲,包括Epic的《Robo Recall》和Ready at Dawn的《Lone Echo》。


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg階段性展示了一些Oculus正在設計的社交功能,並分享了一個讓人印象深刻的共享多人空間。他展示了公司為Rift設計的化身、聚會和房間。化身能讓使用者建立一個3D的形象,其他在房間里的人也可以看見,並且這個房間能容納八個人。聚會讓使用者能迅速組團,並從房間進入遊戲,再從遊戲中回來。

VR網頁瀏覽器 Facebook不想用VR取代網路,而是想用其新CarmelVR瀏覽器來配合使用。 非同步Spacewarp 及售價500美元的VR-ready PC 目前可以僅用500美元購買到一台VR-ready PC,這是因為Oculus發明了一種能減少一半幀率的演算法,降低了最低要求,創造出舒適的VR體驗。這種技術稱為「非同步Spacewarp」,是將其他幀的數據與新幀結合,創造的重大突破。使用Spacewarp能讓一款遊戲在GPU每秒渲染45幀,然後演算法可以每秒提供另外45幀,並幾乎不會對視頻卡或CPU造成額外負擔。 Oculus-ready laptops Oculus還宣布它已與Nvidia及其他一些硬體供應商合作,將「Oculus-ready」標籤貼在多個遊戲筆記本上。最新一輪在筆記本的圖形晶元對Rift來說非常有力,這為VR打開了一個全新的觀眾群體。 Oculus耳機





Oculus VR is trying to maintain its momentum in the virtual reality market, as Google showed off its Daydream headset and Sony inches closer to the release of PlayStation VR on October 13, and it revealed a lot of news today about how it plans to do that.

The Facebook VR subsidiary started its annual Oculus Connect developer conference today with a keynote presentation featuring several major announcements. The company talked about its upcoming motion controllers, the Oculus Touch, but it also revealed new technologies to lower the price for VR and impressive social tools. We』ve collected all of those tidbits for you and put them into one convenient location below. Teaser for standalone VR headset For now, Oculus is sticking with its $600 Rift headset that it launched in March, but it gave the world a taste of what the future may hold in the form of a standalone headset prototype. Unlike the current generation of the company』s high-end hardware, the next-gen model Oculus is working on does not have wires and does not require external sensors to track position. Instead, the prototype uses a computer vision to map out your environment so that it can always calculate where you are in space. That』s a huge advancement, and it is the path to making full-fledged VR less expensive, more portable, and accessible to a wider audience. Touch launch date and pricing Oculus』s next big product roll out is the Touch controller system that will enable Rift owners to bring their hands into VR. We now know that the device will ship in December with at $200 price. New Touch-enabled games Along with the controllers, Oculus is also planning several Touch-enabled games. Those include developer Epic』s Robo Recall and developer Ready at Dawn』s Lone Echo. GamesBeat went hands-on with many of these experiences if you want to hear how they play and what it』s like to use the Touch. Social features with Avatars, Parties, and Rooms Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg took the stage to reveal some of the social features that Oculus is working on, and he gave an impressive demo of a share multiplayer space. That led into the revelation that the company is bringing Avatars, Parties, and Rooms to Rift. Avatars enable you to build a 3D representation of yourself that others can see in Rooms that can hold up to eight people at once. Parties also enable you to group up and go from Rooms to games and back again. VR web browser Facebook doesn』t want to replace the web with virtual reality — it wants to complement that experience with its new CarmelVR browser for VR sites. Asynchronous spacewarp and $500 VR-ready PC You can now get a VR-ready PC for only $500. That』s because Oculus was able to reduce the minimum requirements after inventing a new algorithm that halves the required framerate to create comfortable VR experiences. This tech, called asynchronous spacewarp, is a breakthrough that stitches together new frames using data from other frames. With spacewarp, a game can render 45 frames per second on a GPU, and then the algorithm can deliver another 45 frames per second almost with no extra burden on the video card or CPU. Oculus-ready laptops The company also announced that it has worked with Nvidia and several hardware vendors to put its 「Oculus-ready」 stamp on multiple gaming laptops. The latest round of graphics chips in notebooks are powerful enough for the Rift, and this opens up VR to an entirely new audience. Oculus Earphones The Rift already has built-in headphones, but the company revealed that it is selling $49 earbuds for an audio experience that blocks out sound for improved immersion. Big investments Oculus and Facebook have already put $250 million into funding games and experiences for VR. The companies announced that they will double that going forward. They revealed plans to invest $10 million in education, $10 million into diversity projects, and $50 million for mobile VR content.

本文由牛牛社區編譯,原文作者JEFF GRUBB,圖片來自VB。轉載請註明,並附上二維碼或網址:Newclan Community。






外媒:Oculus創始人因資助 Nimble America 引起多家VR開發商抵觸《外媒:Oculus創始人因資助 Nimble America 引起多家VR開發商抵觸》



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