






















The Internal Clock

By Ma Er

Translated by Ran Wei

There was a girl about whom everything was ordinary, except for the clock inside of her.

She tried her best to appear normal, and to do everything a normal person would do.

However, she was still worried about that internal clock. She thought about it all the time. She kept thinking about it when she was walking, when she was eating, and even when she was at work.

The only time she didn』t think about the clock was when she slept. But whenever she fell asleep, she became a real clock, and when morning came and it was time to get up, the internal clock would start ringing, waking her up from her dreams.

A few years went by, until one day she finally became impatient and tried to wind herself up. The handle was right on her back—she could touch it, but could not see it. However, she did not need to see it to do the winding. It was the first time she did it herself. Zzgg, Zzgg.

The next day she was very nervous, but nothing happened.

On the second day, she was still nervous, but still nothing happened.

On the third day, she finally relaxed, but she was exhausted beyond control.

At noon, she fell asleep at her desk in the office. She never slept at the desk before.

She slept soundly and dreamlessly, her mind filled with sleep.

Suddenly the clock rang and gave everybody a start. They looked in the direction of the sound: The girl opened her eyes and stood up. Her face wore an expression of sleepiness, but she forced herself to stand up and walk toward the door, stumbling along the way.

Everybody stared at her, but didn』t t know where she was going. She made her way out step by step. With each step, something squeaked from god-knows-where.

When she reached the door, the girl stopped. Her body trembled and made a tremendous noise. She lifted one foot and tried to cross the threshold, but the foot stopped in mid air before it could cross and could not go any higher. She paused, put down that foot and tried the other foot, but the same thing happened.

She tried again and again, with her eyelids half open, looking drowsy and confused.

A colleague called out:

「Q, what』s the matter with you?」

「Ah!」 She replied and turned her head, her tin eyes wide open, and then a scream came from inside of her body. People stared as she fell straight to the ground, face down on the office floor.

After a loud crashing sound, a pair of tin eyeballs fell out and bounced on the hard office floor, one chasing the other. Shortly after, one of them split in two, and then so did the other. The two eyeballs became four and bounced as before, but the motion was a bit confused and out of beat. They kept splitting afterward, from four to eight, from eight to sixteen, from sixteen to thirty two…

The people in the office didn』t know how it happened, that in the end they could see nothing at all. All they saw was an unchanged office, and themselves standing shocked in the middle of it.

In the beginning people would still talk about her disappearance, but gradually they came to believe that such a person never existed in the first place. They said the girl was only an illusion, and the talk of tin eyeballs was completely ridiculous. When a new employee took over the empty desk in the middle of the office, even the legend faded away. One day the new employee heard about the story and started asking around. That new employee was actually me. I searched the desk from inside out after hearing about the story, but could not find anything.




TAG:小说 | 幻想 |