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Specific topics in basic science: Emotion - Attention and Face Processing




那麼,在什麼情況下我們認臉更加準確?在此,我著重討論情緒對認臉的影響。研究 (Xie & Zhang, 2015) 發現,在充滿積極情緒的時候,人們認臉更加準確;而在充滿消極情緒時候,人們認臉能力較差。這裡頭的原因,主要是因為情緒影響了人們注意力的分配。

積極情緒通常能夠擴展我們的注意範圍,這對臉部加工是有幫助的,因為臉部識別通常作為一個整體來識別:眼睛、鼻子、耳朵、嘴巴的組合特徵是一個不可分割的整體。然而,消極情緒通常縮小我們的注意範圍,這對臉部加工是有負面影響的,因為縮小了範圍的注意力雖然可能讓人對細節的加工更好,卻同時也會讓人 「一葉障目,不見泰山」。所以,情緒能夠通過影響注意力分布的範圍而影響認臉的能力。

這個研究有什麼啟示? 除了探討了情緒和認知之間的關係,這個研究解釋了一些複雜的現象。例如,在司法案件中,為什麼有些時候人們能夠記得住罪犯的細節(穿的衣服顏色,頭髮顏色,身材等等),卻在認臉上不能非常準確,而導致無辜的人喊冤入獄。另外,這個研究還討論了注意分布與認臉能力的關係。即使你不高興,調整注意分布的範圍,認臉能力也可能有所提高哦。

更多,請閱讀:Xie, W., & Zhang, W. (2015). The influence of emotion on face processing. Cognition & Emotion. Taylor & Francis Online

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The influence of emotion on face processingn

According to the broaden-and-build theory, positive emotions broaden one』s thought-actionnrepertoire, which may manifest as a widened attentional scope in cognitive processing. The presentnstudy directly tests this hypothesis by examining the influences of induced emotions (positive, neutralnand negative) on holistic processing of face (Experiment 1) and face discrimination (Experiment 2). Innboth experiments, emotions induced with images from the International Affective Picture Systemnsignificantly interacted with face processing. That is, positive emotions engendered greater holisticnface encoding in a composite-face task in Experiment 1 and more accurate face discrimination innExperiment 2, relative to the neutral condition. In contrast, negative emotions impaired holistic facenencoding in the composite-face task and reduced face discrimination accuracy. Taken together, thesenresults provide further support for the attentional broadening effect of positive affect by demonstratingnthat induced positive emotions facilitate holistic/configural processing.

Experiment 1: Emotion and Configural Encoding.

Experiment 2: Emotion and Face Discrimination

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