



Med Gas Res. 2011 Dec 20;1:29. doi: 10.1186/2045-9912-1-29.

Mechanisms of Action Involved in Ozone Therapy: Is healing induced via a mild oxidative stress?

Sagai M1, Bocci V.

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The potential mechanisms of action of ozone therapy are reviewed in this paper. The therapeutic efficacy of ozone therapy may be partly due the controlled and moderate oxidative stress produced by the reactions of ozone with several biological components. The line between effectiveness and toxicity of ozone may be dependent on the strength of the oxidative stress. As with exercise, it is well known that moderate exercise is good for health, whereas excessive exercise is not.Severe oxidative stress activates nuclear transcriptional factor kappa B (NFκB), resulting in an inflammatory response and tissue injury via the production of COX2, PGE2, and cytokines. However, moderate oxidative stress activates another nuclear transcriptional factor, nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2). Nrf2 then induces the transcription of antioxidant response elements (ARE). Transcription of ARE results in the production of numerous antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD, GPx, glutathione-s-transferase(GSTr), catalase (CAT), heme-oxygenase-1 (HO-1), NADPH-quinone-oxidoreductase (NQO-1), phase II enzymes of drug metabolism and heat shock proteins (HSP). Both free antioxidants and anti-oxidative enzymes not only protect cells from oxidation and inflammation but they may be able to reverse the chronic oxidative stress. Based on these observations, ozone therapy may also activate Nrf2 via moderate oxidative stress, and suppress NFκB and inflammatory responses. Furthermore, activation of Nrf2 results in protection against neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons diseases. Mild immune responses are induced via other nuclear transcriptional factors, such as nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) and activated protein-1 (AP-1).Additionally, the effectiveness of ozone therapy in vascular diseases may also be explained by the activation of another nuclear transcriptional factor, hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1a), which is also induced via moderate oxidative stress. Recently these concepts have become widely accepted. The versatility of ozone in treating vascular and degenerative diseases as well as skin lesions, hernial disc and primary root carious lesions in children is emphasized. Further researches able to elucidate whether the mechanisms of action of ozone therapy involve nuclear transcription factors, such as Nrf2, NFAT, AP-1, and HIF-1α are warranted.

首先要明白空氣凈化器的臭氧是如何產生的,空氣凈化器在使用高壓電離空氣的情況下會產生微量的臭氧,微量的臭氧可以有空氣除味與殺菌的作用,要求的濃度較低,對人體不會造成影響和傷害,濃度要求在0.25 ppm(0.5 mg/m3)以下,在使用臭氧除味殺菌的同時也應該保持室內空氣濕度,在空氣濕度少於50%時臭氧對於空氣中懸浮的細菌病毒的殺滅效果微弱,在95%左右時可以達到最佳效果,換句話說,微量的臭氧在保持空氣濕度的情況下是可以殺滅細菌的,但是超標的臭氧排放則會對人體的呼吸系統造成影響和傷害。另外臭氧在自然環境中會慢慢分解的但是速度不快。




對於」空氣凈化器產生臭氧不能使用」這種說法是錯誤的,根據國際臭氧協會規定濃度: 0.1 ppm,接觸10小時; 美 國: 0.1 ppm,接觸 8小時, 德、法、日 本: 0.1 ppm, 中國:0.15ppm。 臭氧在空氣中不僅可以殺菌,還可以除臭味、除甲醛等有機揮發物的作用,從而達到凈化空氣的作用,而臭氧在殺菌、除甲醛後產物為氧氣,二氧化碳和水等氣體小分子。臭氧在室內20-50min分解為氧氣,不會造成二次污染。




TAG:環境 | 空氣凈化器 | 空氣質量 | PM25 | 臭氧污染 |