1/15 【美國歷史上的今天】杜勒斯主張強硬態度對抗蘇聯


When: Jan 15, 1953

What: John Foster Dulles argued that U.S. foreign policy must strive for the 「liberation of captive peoples」 living under communist rule, when testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee prior to taking office as the new secretary of state.

Why significant: A Republican, Dulles served as United States Secretary of State under President Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1953 to 1959. Dulles strongly opposed communism, believing that it was "Godless terrorism." He was a significant figure in the early Cold War era, advocating an aggressive stance against communism throughout the world.

Though Dulles called for a more vigorous anti-communist policy, he remained vague about exactly how the 「liberation」 would take place. When asked during the hearing whether he supported the policy of containment, which sought to restrain the further expansion of communist power, Dulles responded by declaring, 「We shall never have a secure peace or a happy world so long as Soviet communism dominates one-third of all of the peoples.」

Dulles』s call for action was soon put into practice. The Eisenhower administration conceived a wide-ranging program of political and psychological warfare, and overseas propaganda became an important Cold War weapon. In Iran, Guatemala, and later, Cuba, the U.S. resorted to covert operations directed by the Central Intelligence Agency to destabilize foreign governments that were suspected to pose communist threats.

Tags: Cold War, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John Foster Dulles, Containment



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