To Be A Product Manager | Week 43

This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Week 43 of

To Be A Product Manager

Its Friday again, and my journal is going to be short one for this week. This weekend I will go out and shoot the video footages for my film project, and I』m still working on soem scripts and scenes storyboard.

Some tips for new product managers or recent graduates:

I used to make daily goals and track them every day when I』m about to leave the office. This would definitely help you wrap your day, make yourself accountable and also easy to start the task where you left off. It just saves you a lot of time.

But then I realized this might not be a good way to wrap my day, since every startup also has their own pace and is at different stage of their product or service.

In the past 2 month, I』ve tried only writing weekly goals, which usually were written on Monday night or Tuesday morning. At this point, you must have already know what you need to do throughout the week.

Every morning, I look at them before I start working, and every evening I update them before I leave office. This works really well for me, and also suit my habit of writing weekly product journal.

What I accomplish

I will cancel this section since I cannot share too much online, but product management is all about priotization, in some startups, also includes business development and testing. You get the idea.

What I』m pondering

Every stage you should focus on different skills.

When I just joined this startup, I was really passionate about making good VR content with our technology and algorithm. They we pivot, consumer VR is still pretty far away, and we shifted to B2B business.

This may not be what I was really passionate about, but at the time, I was still curious about product management and what does it feel like working at a startup in Shenzhen, China. So I』m always hungry to learn and work.

Now I』ve been in product management role for almost a year, you don』t feel like a baby who』s always curious about the world anymore. But I think I focus on the PM skills now, there are a lot more to learn. And try to creatively using what I learn at work to my side project, learning new stuff and trying different experienment.

My name is Zake Zhang, a VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I write weekly product journal and reflection.

Thanks for reading and let』s keep on hacking!

Warm Regards,


be so good they can』t ignore you.


To Be A Product Manager | Day 85

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