《國際保理通則》(GRIF 2013)譯註(十四):誠實信用原則與信息交換

SECTION VII Representations, warranties and undertakings

第七節 陳述、保證與承諾

Article 28 Representations, warranties and undertakings

(i) The Export Factor warrants and represents for himself and on behalf of his supplier:

(a) that each receivable represents an actual and bona fide sale and shipment of goods or provision of service made in the regular course of business and in conformity with the description of the supplier』s business and terms of payment;

(b) that the debtor is liable for the payment of the amount stated in each invoice in accordance with the terms without defence or claim;

(c) that the original invoice bears notice that the receivable to which it relates has been assigned and is payable only to the Import Factor as its owner or that such notice has been given otherwise in writing before the due date of the receivable, any such notice of assignment being in the form prescribed by the Import Factor.

(d) that each one at the time of his assignment has the unconditional right to assign and transfer all rights and interest in and title to each receivable (including any interest and other costs relating to it which are recoverable from the debtor) free from claims of third parties;

(e) that he is factoring all the receivables arising from sales as defined in Article 3 of any one supplier to any one debtor for which the Import Factor has given approval; and

(f) that all such duties, forwarder』s fees, storage and shipping charges and insurance and other expenses as are the responsibility of the supplier under the contract of sale or service have been fully discharged.

(ii) The Export Factor undertakes for himself and on behalf of his supplier:

(a) that he will inform the Import Factor of any payment received by the supplier or the Export Factor concerning any assigned receivable; and

(b) that as long as the Import Factor is on risk the Export Factor will inform the Import Factor in general or, if requested, in detail about any excluded transactions as defined in Article 3.

(iii) In addition to the provisions of Article 32, in the event of a breach of the warranty given in paragraph (i) e) or the undertaking given in paragraph (ii) b) of this Article the Import Factor shall be entitled to recover from the Export Factor

(a) the commission and/or charges as agreed for that supplier on the receivables withheld, and

(b) compensation for other damages, if any.

第二十八條 陳述、保證與承諾











3.除第三十二條規定外,若出口保理商違反了依據本條 1 款 e)項或 2 款 b)項所作的保證,則進口保理商有權向其追索:



SECTION VIII Miscellaneous

第八節 其他事項

Article 29 Communication and electronic data interchange (EDI)

(i) Any written message as well as any document referred to in these Rules, which has an equivalent in the current EDI Standard can or, if so required by the Constitution and/or the Rules between the Members whenever either of them is applicable, must be replaced by the appropriate EDI-message.

(ii) The use of EDI is governed by the edifactoring.com Rules.

(iii) The originator of a communication shall assume full responsibility for the damages and losses, if any, caused to the receiver by any errors and/or omissions in such communication.

(iv) Neither the Export Factor nor the Import Factor shall disclose any confidential information given to them to any third party without the written consent of the other unless required by law.

第二十九條 通訊與電子數據交換(EDI)

1.本規則涉及的一切書面信息及其它任何文件,若在現行的 EDI 標準中有相應的報文,可由此報文替代;若章程和/或會員間規則兩者之一作此要求,則必須由此報文替代。

2.對 EDI 的使用,適用 edifactoring.com 網站規則。



Article 30 Accounts and reports

(i) The Import Factor is responsible for keeping detailed and correct debtor ledgers and for keeping the Export Factor informed about the accounts showing on such ledgers.

(ii) The Export Factor shall be entitled to rely upon all information and reports submitted by the Import Factor provided that such reliance is reasonable and in good faith.

(iii) If for any valid reason the Import Factor or the Export Factor will not be able to make use of the EDI then the Import Factor shall account and report at least once a month to the Export Factor with respect to all transactions and each such monthly account and report shall be deemed approved and accepted by the Export Factor except to the extent that written exceptions are taken by the Export Factor within 14 days of his receipt of such account and report.

第三十條 賬目與報告



3.若進口保理商或出口保理商出於合理原因無法使用 EDI 系統,則進口保理商應每月至少一次向出口保理商發送所有有關交易的賬目及報告。若出口保理商在收到月度賬目與報告後 14 日內未提出書面異議,則視為其已接受並認可該賬目與報告。



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