What Will You Do With A Death Note?

What if you are given a death note, and anyone, whose name is written on it, shall die. What will you do with it?


This is a situation, which comes from the famous anime "Death Note". Yagami, the main character of the anime, accidentally picked up a note, and then he uses this note to kill criminals, which highly decreases the crime rate. However, another main character, L, believes what Yagami does is wrong, and decides to figure out the killer(Yagami) and send him into jail. In order to get rid of L and become the ruler of the new world, Yagami starts to kill innocent people. He kills his girlfriend, kills some polices, and utilize others to achieve his goal, to help him kill people. At last, he even decides to kill his father.


If you are interested in this anime, I highly recommend you to watch the film, it is even more splendid than anime.


So what is the motivation for Yagami to kill people? There are mainly two reasons. First, Yagami has a deep feeling that law has its limit. It is real, there are still many criminals who remain unpunished. They are whether have tremendous money or power, which helps them hide away from the judgement. Second, Yagami wants to be the humen god. Having the power of killing, Yagami wants to change the world. He wants to be the ruler of the world, and be worshiped by people.


What is the Death Note really tells us? Everyone can be a demon, as long as he has the 「death note」. Rethinking of the world war two. Those soldiers, were they bad men? Or were they stone killers? Neither, they were just people like you and me, but how could they kill other men without a thinking? Because they have the guns, and this is why America tries hard to control guns these years. If a man has been given a weapon, he will utilize it, for killing and murdering. Imagining if everyone in our world is given a weapon, at least half of the human species will be erased. In this case, not a single man should have the power to kill others, it is for the law to judge a persons crime.


Death note, should not be allowed.



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