


新聞鏈接:This tiny solar system packs in seven Earth-size planets

先看一看TRAPPIST-1星系的恆星和七顆行星的數據(以下數據大都來源於文章[1605.07211] Temperate Earth-sized planets transiting a nearby ultracool dwarf star和dx.doi.org/10.1038/natu,但是譯者參考的是The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia上給出的數據)吧。

  1. TRAPPIST-1,距離為12.1pm0.4;{rm pc},光譜型為M8,V波段視星等為18.8,質量為0.080pm0.009M_{rm Sun},年齡約500Myr,T_{rm eff}=2550.0pm55.0;{rm K},半徑為0.117pm 0.004; R_{rm Sun},金屬丰度[Fe/H]為0.04pm0.08,熱光度(bolometric luminosity)為0.000525pm0.000036L_{{rm bol},odot},V光度為0.00000373L_{{rm V},odot}。ICRS(國際天球參考系,以J2000.0平赤道平面和平春分點為基準)下的赤經為23hr06min29.36sec,赤緯為-05deg02arcmin29.2arcsec(測定的是紅外發射源的坐標)。參考Habitable Zone Calculator,可以得出其保守宜居帶(Conservative habitable zone)範圍為0.022AU~0.038AU,樂觀宜居帶(Optimistic habitable zone)範圍為0.017AU~0.040AU。SIMBAD頁面:TRAPPIST-1。
  2. TRAPPIST-1 b,發現於2016年,質量為0.0027pm 0.0023M_{rm J}(相當於0.85806pm0.73094M_{oplus}),半徑為0.09689 pm 0.00031 R_{rm J}(相當於1.08604001pm0.00347479R_{oplus}),公轉軌道半長軸為0.01111pm0.00034;{rm AU},公轉周期為1.51087081pm 0.00005000;{rm JD}(註:JD即Julian Day,儒略日,天體測量學中常用單位,詳見Julian day - Wikipedia),公轉軌道偏心率為0.0^{+0.081}_{-0.0},公轉軌道傾角(這個傾角是這麼定義的:公轉軌道平面垂直視線則為0°,平行視線則為90°)為89.65pm 0.27deg,計算出的等效溫度為T_{rm eff}=400.1pm7.7;{rm K}。其半徑通過掩食法(Primary Transit)確定,質量通過凌日時間變分法(TTV)確定。

  3. TRAPPIST-1 c,發現於2016年,質量為0.00434pm 0.00190M_{rm J}(相當於1.379252pm0.603820M_{oplus}),半徑為0.09421 pm 0.00031 R_{rm J}(相當於1.05599989pm0.00347479R_{oplus}),公轉軌道半長軸為0.01521pm0.00047;{rm AU},公轉周期為2.4218233pm 0.0000017;{rm JD},公轉軌道偏心率為0.0^{+0.083}_{-0.0},公轉軌道傾角為89.67pm 0.17deg,計算出的等效溫度為T_{rm eff}=341.9pm6.6;{rm K}。其半徑通過掩食法(Primary Transit)確定,質量通過凌日時間變分法(TTV)確定。

  4. TRAPPIST-1 d,發現於2016年,質量為0.00130pm 0.00085M_{rm J}(相當於0.41314pm0.27013M_{oplus}),半徑為0.0689 pm 0.0027 R_{rm J}(相當於0.7723001pm0.0302643R_{oplus}),公轉軌道半長軸為0.02144^{+0.00066}_{-0.00063};{rm AU},公轉周期為4.049610pm 0.000063;{rm JD},公轉軌道偏心率為0.0^{+0.7}_{-0.0},公轉軌道傾角為89.75pm 0.16deg,計算出的等效溫度為T_{rm eff}=288.0pm5.6;{rm K}。其半徑通過掩食法(Primary Transit)確定,質量通過凌日時間變分法(TTV)確定。
  5. TRAPPIST-1 e,發現於2017年,質量為0.0020pm 0.0018M_{rm J}(相當於0.63560pm0.57204M_{oplus}),半徑為0.0819 pm 0.0035 R_{rm J}(相當於0.9180171pm0.0392315R_{oplus}),公轉軌道半長軸為0.02871^{+0.00083}_{-0.00087};{rm AU},公轉周期為6.099615pm 0.000011;{rm JD},公轉軌道偏心率為0.0^{+0.85}_{-0.0},公轉軌道傾角為89.75^{+0.1}_{-0.12}deg,計算出的等效溫度為T_{rm eff}=251.3pm4.9;{rm K}。其半徑通過掩食法(Primary Transit)確定,質量通過凌日時間變分法(TTV)確定。

  6. TRAPPIST-1 f,發現於2017年,質量為0.00210pm 0.00057M_{rm J}(相當於0.667380pm0.181146M_{oplus}),半徑為0.09323 pm 0.00340 R_{rm J}(相當於1.04501507pm0.03811060R_{oplus}),公轉軌道半長軸為0.0371pm0.0011;{rm AU},公轉周期為9.206690pm 0.000015;{rm JD},公轉軌道偏心率為0.0^{+0.063}_{-0.0},公轉軌道傾角為89.680pm0.034deg,計算出的等效溫度為T_{rm eff}=219.0pm4.2;{rm K}。其半徑通過掩食法(Primary Transit)確定,質量通過凌日時間變分法(TTV)確定。

  7. TRAPPIST-1 g,發現於2017年,質量為0.00422pm 0.00280M_{rm J}(相當於1.341116pm0.889840M_{oplus}),半徑為0.1005 pm 0.0037 R_{rm J}(相當於1.1265045pm0.0414733R_{oplus}),公轉軌道半長軸為0.0451pm0.0014;{rm AU},公轉周期為12.35294pm 0.00012;{rm JD},公轉軌道偏心率為0.0^{+0.061}_{-0.0},公轉軌道傾角為89.710pm0.025deg,計算出的等效溫度為T_{rm eff}=198.6pm3.8;{rm K}。其半徑通過掩食法(Primary Transit)確定,質量通過凌日時間變分法(TTV)確定。

  8. TRAPPIST-1 h,發現於2017年,質量未知,半徑為0.0674 pm 0.0030 R_{rm J}(相當於0.7554866pm0.0336270R_{oplus}),公轉軌道半長軸為0.063^{+0.027}_{-0.013};{rm AU},公轉周期為20.0^{+15.0}_{-6.0};{rm JD},公轉軌道偏心率未知,公轉軌道傾角為89.8^{+0.1}_{-0.05}deg,計算出的等效溫度為T_{rm eff}=168.0^{+21.0}_{-28.0};{rm K}。其半徑通過掩食法(Primary Transit)確定。



TRAPPIST-1 has a solar system like no other. The tiny, tiny red dwarf is just barely big enough to be considered a star and is, radius-wise, a hair bigger than Jupiter. When it was announced last May there was some excitement: the system had three Earth-sized planets and they might all be habitable.

恆星TRAPPIST-1有著一個不同尋常的行星系統。這顆小小的紅矮星只是剛剛算得上一顆恆星,其半徑就比木星稍大一點兒(譯者註:木星半徑R_{rm J}=0.102719R_{odot},而這顆M8型的紅矮星的半徑只有R_{rm TRAPPIST-1}=0.117pm 0.004;R_{odot},確實只大了一點兒。數據來源:The Extrasolar Planet Encyclopaedia)。去年五月,天文學家們宣布,在這顆恆星周圍他們發現了三顆地球大小的行星,而這些行星有可能是宜居的——這可真是振奮人心的消息。

We』re going to have to revise that, though. It has seven planets. The results of an intensive study were published today in Nature.


TRAPPIST-1 is so small that it resembles Jupiter and its planets appear more like the jovian moons when laid out distance-wise. TRAPPIST-1b has an orbital period of just 1.5 days and orbits at 1 percent the distance between the Sun and the Earth. Because TRAPPIST-1 is so small, though, instead of dooming the planet it could give it just a slightly balmier-than-comfortable temperature.

TRAPPIST-1如此之小,使得這個行星系統看起來更像是木星和它的衛星們,如果不考慮公轉距離的話。TRAPPIST-1 b的公轉周期只有大概1.5天,其軌道半徑只有地球到太陽距離的百分之一。而TRAPPIST-1是如此之小,以至於它並不會把這些行星烤焦,而是給予了它們比較合適的溫度。

The May 2016 events that led to the initial discovery of the planets actually ended up being somewhat in error. Planets TRAPPIST-1b and TRAPPIST-1c were easily confirmed, but TRAPPIST-1d was not. TRAPPIST-1d had a bizarre, hard to constrain orbit much longer than the other planets, and was believed to potentially have an eccentric orbit.


But there was no TRAPPIST-1d. Or at least not as it appeared. Two transits were witnessed during the first observing campaign, both believed to be the outermost of the three worlds. But those two transits were actually two distinct events.


「The first transit and the second transit were coming from different planets,」 Micha?l Gillon, a professor at the University of Liège and lead author of the paper, said. 「In fact, the second transit was two planets passing at the same time.」

「這兩次掩星並非由同一批行星導致,」來自法國列日大學的Micha?l Gillon教授,同時也是這篇論文的第一作者,是這樣說的,「事實上,第二次掩星是兩顆行星同時遮掩恆星的結果。」

That brings us to five planets. Intensive studies using both the TRAPPIST telescope and NASA』s Spitzer telescope helped refine the orbit of the planets and drew out the presence of two more from the data. TRAPPIST-1b, -1c, -1f, and -1g are all very slightly larger than Earth. -1e is slightly smaller than Earth. -1d and -1h are closer to Mars in size.


While the exact masses and orbital periods aren』t known yet, preliminary results suggest that they may be in resonance. That means that when -1b orbits eight times, -1c completes five orbits, often marked as 8:5. -1c and -1d are in 5:3 resonance; -1d and -1e are in 3:2, as are -1e and -1f. -1f and -1g are in 4:3.


All of them seem to be in the habitable zone of TRAPPIST-1. That means that they could, under the right conditions, sustain surface water, but there』s no proof that any of the planets do. For instance, in our solar system Venus and Mars are in the habitable zone, but both are fairly inhospitable in our present time.


Of the seven, the researchers believe that -1e, -1f, and -1g are the likeliest to be habitable based on where they sit in the solar system.


While seven planets have been confirmed, that』s not all the system may hold in store.


「It is just the beginning for many reasons — there might be more on top of that,」 Julien de Wit, a co-author on the paper, says.

「從很多角度來看,這一發現都只是一個開始——在這之後我們可能在這個星系內發現更多行星。」文章的一位合作作者Julien de Wit說道。

There are other considerations before we declare the planets quite ripe for life, though. M-dwarf stars like TRAPPIST-1 tend to start out very active with high energy flare events. This could strip away the atmosphere of young planets.


At this point, according to co-author Emmanu?l Jehin, most comets would have been cleared out of the system and thus unable to replenish the atmospheres. But other forces like volcanism could work to stabilize the atmospheres, strengthening them against the relentless flare events.

這樣一來,根據合作作者Emmanu?l Jehin的說法,絕大部分彗星都會因此被清出這個星系,也就無法補充這些行星的大氣。當然,其它的自然力量,比如火山,可能有助於穩定大氣,並幫助大氣層對抗無情的恆星耀斑。

M-dwarfs finally settle down after the first 3 billion years or so, though many stellar events still occur. For instance, Proxima Centauri is an active flare star, which could doom its habitable zone planet, Proxima Centauri b, from ever forming complex life. But TRAPPIST-1 is cooler and less active than Proxima.


「If you compare it Proxima Centauri, it』s much less, but if you compare it to the Sun, it』s much more,」 Gillon said.


TRAPPIST-1 and its seven (!!!) planets are high on the list of planets to be observed by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) after it launches next year. A follow-up telescope to TRAPPIST, SPECULOOS, will be able to find more TRAPPIST-type objects. TRAPPIST itself only looked at 50 ultracool stars for planets, while SPECULOOS will look at tens of thousands.


JWST will monitor transits of worlds in the TRAPPIST stars, hoping to capture a glimmer of their atmospheres. If they seem to be thin and water-dominated, we may indeed be looking at a quite Earth-like planet. Or even three of them. Maybe, just maybe, seven.


「We have seven targets that we can study in great depth, and they can give us a completely new insight into planet formation and stellar history,」 de Wit says.

「這下我們多了7個可以詳細研究的目標,並且它們一定可以給我們關於行星形成和恆星演化的嶄新看法。」de Wit如是說道。





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