


Clause 5.1 shall not prevent the Investor (or the Investor Subsidiary, as the case may be) from transferring the Relevant Shares to any wholly-owned subsidiary of the Investor ( the 「permitted arrangements」) provided that, in all cases:

(i) such subsidiary shall first give a written undertaking, addressed to the Company and the Joint Global Coordinators (for themselves and on behalf of the Joint Bookrunners) in terms satisfactory to them, agreeing to, and the Investor, the Guarantor or the Investor Subsidiary (as the case may be) undertakes (in favour of the Company and the Joint Global Coordinators (for themselves and on behalf of the Joint Bookrunners)) to procure that such subsidiary will, be bound by the Investor』s obligations under this Agreement, including, without limitation, the obligations of the Investor set out in this Clause 5 as if such wholly-owned subsidiary were itself subject to such obligations, and to give the same acknowledgement, representations and warranties given by the Investor under this Agreement prior to such transfer such that the Investor and such subsidiary shall be treated as being the Investor in respect of all the Relevant Shares held by them and shall jointly and severally bear all liabilities and obligations imposed by this Agreement;





such subsidiary shall first givea written undertaking, addressed to the Company and the Joint Global Coordinators (for themselves and on behalf of the Joint Bookrunners) in terms satisfactory to them, / agreeing to, / and the Investor, the Guarantor or the Investor Subsidiary (as the case may be) undertakes (in favour of the Company and the Joint Global Coordinators (for themselves and on behalf of the Joint Bookrunners)) to procure that such subsidiary will, / (1)be bound by the Investor』s obligations under this Agreement, including, without limitation, the obligations of the Investor set out in this Clause 5 as if such wholly-owned subsidiary were itself subject to such obligations, / (2)and to give the same acknowledgement, representations and warranties given by the Investor under this Agreement / prior to such transfer / such that the Investor and such subsidiary shall be treated as being the Investor in respect of all the Relevant Shares held by them and shall jointly and severally bear all liabilities and obligations imposed by this Agreement;

結構:時間( prior to such transfer ),子公司應發出承諾,同意(1)受投資者義務約束(相關公司敦促),同意(2)發出相同承諾和保證,結果是視為投資者,承擔個別及連帶責任。

agreeing (1) to be bound by...(2) and to give the same acknowledgement

要翻對複雜句,關鍵在於看清連接詞(to, and, that等)以及動詞單複數、現在時和ing形式。

關注公共號: 紫風法律金融翻譯


法律英語No.1:burden of proof

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