


Coach wants up to practice layups.


I』ve taken a part-time job at a greeting card store.


As much as I love Lily, which is, you know, more than life itself, I am not cut out to be a stay-at-home dad.


And I can』t pressure Mitchell, but I really, really want him to get a job, so I can go back to being a stay-at-home dad/trophy wife.

年長男人用以炫耀的)花瓶妻子a young attractive woman who is married to an older man and thought of as a trophy (= sth that shows that you are successful and impresses other people)

Now you think you can round us up some waters?

You know how fussy she gets when we pass her off.

緊張不安的doing sth with small, quick, nervous movements

to end or disappear gradually

But when the stakes are high, I get a little tense.

利害關係;風險personal or emotional interest, concern, or involvement

Then Dorothy Parker would make a quip, James Thurber would laugh, and then I would end up leaving, crying.


How long have you been on the lam?

在逃,逃匿(尤指逃避警方追緝)escaping from sb, especially from the police,習慣用語。

First off, I 『m a fan.

used for introducing the first of a series of things that you are going to say

Let』s get out there. Hustle up. Get the tip.


指點;實用的提示a small piece of advice about sth practical

All right. Keep the hustle.

quick effective movement

I should have let you coach from the get-go.

the very beginning of something

Jordy, you inbound to Luke. Manny, you set a pick on Luke』s man and roll to the bucket.

in basketball, to put the ball back into play by passing it from out of bounds to a player on the court



Actually, I did get one right mood a couple nights ago, but I cashed that in for something else.

兌現to withdraw from a business investment such as an insurance policy and take the money that is due

You know, you and Mitch knocked The Sunshine Boys out of the park.

令……傾倒to overwhelm somebody with excitement or pleasure

One of the greatest days of my life was when my old man sprung me fromschool and took me to the track.

spring: (informal)~ sb幫助…逃跑(或越獄);營救to help a prisoner to escape

I figured when Gloria heard about it, maybe it pays off in the bedroom.

to repay the full amount of a bill, debt, or other financial obligation, especially one that has been paid in installments

And the pet store didn』t have a grace period or a return policy or anything?

the extra time allowed before having to pay a debt or complete a transaction


I got him from the pound.

流浪狗收留所a place where dogs that have been found in the street without their owners are kept until their owners claim them

Was there a twister in Kansas?

旋風;龍捲風a violent storm that is caused by a powerful spinning column of air

Okay, but remember, having a dog is a major responsibility. Everyone in the family has to pitch in.

to begin to do or participate in something, especially with great enthusiasm

Oh, phew. 『Cause I got a lot on my plate right now.

哦(表示熱、累或寬慰)a sound that people make to show that they are hot, tired, or happy that sth bad has finished or did not happen

But if you』re in a jam, I can jam.

陷入困境to be in a difficult situation

即興演奏to play music with other musicians in an informal way without preparing or practising first

He crank calls me at work, like, three times a week.


I hate to break it to you, but I think all dogs can do that.


That』s loco, Jay


Anything on the old noodle?

the head or mind

Claire seemed a little put out.

to annoy, upset, or offend somebody

I asked him point-blank if he was okay.


We』re just having a little jam session.

即興演奏會an occasion when musicians perform in an informal way without practising first

Let』s just take five.

to stop working for a short period of time

I just feel like I』m going a little bit stir-crazy.

(因遭囚禁而)精神失常的showing signs of mental illness because of being kept in prison

I thought the gig was a little sloppy in spots.

(流行音樂或爵士樂)現場演奏會,現場演唱會;現場喜劇表演a performance by musicians playing popular music or jazz in front of an audience; a similar performance by a comedian


Driving across country, this little bastard nuzzled his way right into my heart, didn』t ya?

(用鼻子或嘴)摩擦,觸(尤指表達愛意)to touch or rub sb/sth with the nose or mouth, especially to show affection

Come on, Scout. Let』s mosey.

(informal) + adv./prep.

漫步;溜達to go in a particular direction slowly and with no definite purpose


在美國用thank you very much被朋友叫土鱉怎麼辦?

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