?? 意式經典:獵人燉雞 | Pollo Alla Cacciatora
?? 意式經典:獵人燉雞 | Pollo Alla Cacciatora
獵人燉雞 | Pollo alla Cacciatora
獵人燉雞(義大利語是Pollo alla Cacciatora)是一道經典的義大利家常菜。Pollo意為「雞」,而Cacciatora, 義大利語讀作[katt?a?to?re], 意為「獵人」。在意式烹飪中,alla cacciatora指的是用「獵人風格」烹飪的料理:傳統是採用獵人當日打獵帶回來的食材烹飪。也就是說,不同家庭有不同的版本。現在更多是用雞肉或兔肉,加入洋蔥,香草,通常還加入番茄和葡萄酒慢煮而成的一道燜制菜肴。酸酸甜甜的醬汁,加上軟嫩入味的雞肉,沾麵包,配義大利面或拌米飯都超美味。
更多關於獵人燉雞 | More about the dish
我們這個食譜採用了令這道菜最風味也最關鍵的經典Soffritto(意式調味菜)作為醬汁基底。在義大利,soffritto (有時也會稱為battuto,在法國則稱為mirepoix)是慢炒蔬菜的意思, 指的是以剁碎的洋蔥,胡蘿蔔和芹菜為主,通常以2(洋蔥):1(胡蘿蔔):1(芹菜)的比例(可加入蒜頭,香草等),在黃油或者橄欖油中慢慢翻炒5~10分鐘至熟軟且香味釋放後做成的醬汁基底。Soffritto用在很多意式醬汁,湯,燜菜的烹飪中。譬如,製作我們再熟悉不過的博洛尼亞肉醬(Bolognese sauce),又譬如製作經典義大利蔬菜湯(minestrone),又譬如製作今日的家常意式獵人燉雞。 soffritto可謂是令醬汁不再單調平淡,令每個菜式的食味值大大提升,令味道充滿風味和層次的關鍵!視頻菜譜 | Video recipe
[CeeChoo西廚-傳統菜]意式經典:獵人燉雞 - 騰訊視頻 https://v.qq.com/x/page/v03702t86xb.html
圖文菜譜 | Written recipe
食材|Ingredients雞腿肉(最好包括雞大腿和雞槌)|chicken leg (divided into thighs and drumsticks)......4 只|4橄欖油|olive oil......2 湯匙|tbsp
黃油|butter......50 克|g蒜頭|garlic......2 瓣|clove迷迭香|rosemary......1 小束 |small bunch洋蔥|onion......1 個|1芹菜|celery......1 枝|stick胡蘿蔔|carrot......1 個|1彩椒 | red pepper......1 個|1月桂葉 | bay leave......2 塊|2白葡萄酒 | white wine......250 毫升|ml雞高湯| chicken stock......250 毫升|ml
罐頭番茄泥 | tinned plum tomatoes......400 克|g鹽和黑椒 | salt and pepper......適量|to taste??分量|Serves:4 人 |persons?準備時間|Preparation time: 10 分鐘| mins??烹飪時間|Cooking time:70 分鐘| mins?蒜頭去皮切碎;胡蘿蔔去皮切粒;洋蔥,芹菜和彩椒切粒,備用。Peel and chop the garlic, onion,celery and bell pepper cut into small dice, set aside to use later.?
開中大火,在一隻厚重鍋中放入黃油和橄欖油;油熱後加入雞肉煎至表面金黃;雞肉煎好後盛出備用。Heat the butter and oil in a large, heavy-based casserole dish over a medium-high heat. Fry chicken in batches until golden brown on all sides. Remove the chicken from the pan and set aside.
Fry the garlic, onion, celery carrot and bell pepper with a little more oil if necessary, for about 10 minutes until slightly golden.Pour in the wine and scrape the bottom of the pan to dislodge any crusty bits, then simmer until reduced by half.?倒入雞高湯和番茄泥,加入迷迭香,月桂葉和適量的鹽和黑椒調味。煮至沸騰並繼續沸騰煮至液體減半。Pour in the stock and tomatoes, rosemary and bay leaf and season to taste. Bring to a simmer and reduce sauce by half.
加入雞肉,調小火,蓋上鍋蓋慢煮40分鐘左右直至雞肉軟熟甚至從骨上脫落。Replace the chicken, cover, turn down the heat and cook gently for 40 minutes, until the meat is falling from the bone.?上碟加入橄欖和歐芹碎即可享用,伴意式玉米糊,意粉和米飯都好適合哦。When serve, put in some olives and sprinke some parsleys.You can serve with polenta,pasta or rice.其它意式經典食譜 | Other Classic Italian Recipes
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關於意式烹飪食談 | About Italian Cooking Foodtalks
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