MYB: 有關制定計劃 [Jan 15, 2017]
MYB: 有關制定計劃n/ 峰哥何峰@簡單心理 /n這個周末過的非常愉快。連續見了幾撥非常好的朋友。周日還特別和一個朋友錄製了一期 podcast. 結合新年開始,我們聊了聊有關制定計劃。說到以下幾點:n
以上是憑記憶回想的。或有疏漏。等節目出來我發鏈接。n======n[簡單心理]open 崗位: 知乎專欄簡歷和郵件 => hr[at]http://jiandanxinli.comn
-plans are useless; planning is essentialn-no plan survives first contact with the enemy n錄製時候我誤以為這句來自二戰時候美國某位將領。剛才查到,這是來自普魯士元帥 Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke. 他的原話如下:nThe tactical result of an engagement forms the base for new strategic decisions because victory of defeat in a battle changes the situation to such a degree that no human acumen is able to see beyond the first battle... therefore no plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first contact with the main hostile force. n
工作之外,來聽聽 簡里里&峰哥 BYM Blow Your Mind, 兩個人的公路播客
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