
In lieu of a New Year Resolution [Jan 2, 2017]

In lieu of a New Year Resolution [Jan 2, 2017] n

/ 峰哥何峰@簡單心理 /n

Several things converged:n

- a good friend of ours met up with us right before the New Year, and drew out his 10-year-plan for creating a ... well, maybe its best that I dont reveal his big idea just yet. At any rate, as a first step, he will be starting a podcast early into the year, and Jane and I are both invited to participate. We had always enjoyed hanging out with him, and this would be yet one more reason to spend time with someone whos smart, well-read, introspective. Needless to say, we happily obliged.n

- Jane has rekindled her interest in writing. She blogged regularly back in 2012, before we plunged into the startup life. Although our startup is no less demanding these days, she has decided that find a bit of time (maybe every other day) to do some writing is a fine way to meditate and reflex on things and so on. I thought it an excellent idea, and tried not to let my excitement come through too much. n

Inspired by Jane and our friend, I thought Id resume my creative activities too. Jane and I have embarked on a number of projects since we got to know each other, and somehow they always involved creating some kind of content -- this is way before 內容付費 or 知識付費 was a 創業風口. We simply enjoy the creation process. n

I have some ideas of what I will be writing about: book/movie reviews, recommending products that I have tried and liked, 圍棋, wild life conservation, science fiction, AI. These topics will no doubt morph, and I might settle into a couple of areas that I think I have the most to share. n

I will also try to do my writing at a fixed time everyday (did I say everyday?), and, at least in the beginning, do so in the least-friction fashion. That might mean, on certain days, it will be no more than a random collection of thoughts, observations, rants, something I am grateful of... on that particular day. n

What are you going to do this year?n


[簡單心理]open 崗位: 知乎專欄

簡歷和郵件 => hr[at]jiandanxinli.comn

工作之外,來聽聽 簡里里&峰哥 BYM Blow Your Mind, 兩個人的公路播客




- 我們的一個好朋友在新年前與我們見面,並提出了他的10年計劃,創造一個...好吧,也許,最好是我不公開他的偉大想法。無論如何,作為第一步,他將在今年年初開始播客,Jane和我都被邀請參加。我們一直很喜歡和他在一起,這將是一個更多的理由,花時間與聰明,閱讀,內省的人。不用說,我們高興的答應了。

- 簡重新拾起了對寫作的興趣。她在2012年曾經定期寫博客,當時我們還未投入創業中。雖然我們的創業公司對這些日子並不苛求,但她決定找一點時間(也許每隔一天)做一些寫作是一個很好的方式來思考和反思事情等等。我認為這是一個好主意,並盡量不讓我的興奮來得太多。(以免給她不必要的壓力 :)

受到簡和我們的朋友的啟發,我想我也會恢復我的創作。簡和我以前做過一些項目,不知何故他們總是涉及創建某種內容 - 當時可還沒有內容付費或知識付費這樣的創業風口。我們只是喜歡創作的過程。





2017 年已過,這一年有什麼收穫?2018 年第一個工作日,說說你的新年願望?

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