170101 - You are not special.

You are not special, I told myself today.

I used to believe that I was so unique in the past ever since Ive had my first memory, and this is the first time in my life facing this one particular fact without hurting my own feelings.

You are not special, because you are just same as everyone else, living your life and feel happy about all kinds lies youve been telling yourself, feel fulfilled with the answer that others worked hard to get.

You are not special because you are not creating anything so unique that no one else could understand.

You are not special, because you still think you are, for millions of kinds of irrational reasons.

Some people in this world are special, like Albert Einstein, but not me.

You are not special, because you are just a human, and you will still be one.

Humans come with similar physical and mental limitations, and we try our best to live like someone else or think like someone else so that one day you could be him or her, or at least you pretend to be.

We forget things, such as the important commitments weve made, and the meaningful things we always wanted to do. We are bad at focusing on things that any entertainments would break our concentration. We are mentally fragile that all the doubts and criticisms would make us to lose our mind.

We couldnt resist the shining can of coke, the delicious snacks, a bit longer snap, the game or the TV show we want to enjoy with a pile of books next to you collecting dust.

We are not special, because anyone else could have donenwhat weve done, and they could probably do better.

We are not special because everyone has the same potential and opportunity if they are desperate enough to grasp.

Thankfully, there are still something that sets people apart, the things that make me realize that one can be special after all.

You are special, because you know that you dont knownmuch, and you ask around with all kinds of questions, and got back with allnkinds of answers, and then you play with them, just what a normal human would do - to find thenclue.

The beautiful part is, if you look hard enough, the cluesnwill always lead you to the answer youve been looking for, and now, even the criticisms would give you a broader insight, and even makes you start wondering about the reasons why they used to shut your eyes and made you yell.

You are special, because youve came to realize that younare not. Unlike before, you dont want to argue or go for a debate just to prove yourself anymore, younjust go start doing the things other people gave up long ago.



TAG:人生意义 | 生活哲学 |