【全球法律英語新聞選讀】2016年10月 第11期




2. 德意志銀行錄得微利,而訴訟費用大幅增加。

3. 四名明星合伙人從金杜律師事務所離職,導致該所歐洲中東區域的戰略性資本增注暫停。

英文播音:@Ousmann Dembele



1.英國法庭做出對Uber不利的重要裁決,認為Uber司機屬於Uber員工。今年7月,英國總工會代表Uber司機起訴Uber,要求享受全國最低工資待遇和基本的帶薪休假。其中英國Leigh Day律師事務所代表Uber司機一方,英國歐華律師事務所代表Uber一方,並各自聘請了御用律師(QC)。最近,法庭裁決Uber司機並非自由職業者,應享有基本的員工權利,這一裁決將會影響成千上萬的司機,當然也會影響Uber這樣的分享經濟獨角獸。Uber表示將會提起上訴。Uber總法律顧問Matt Wilson帶領的法律團隊還在處理著與倫敦交通局之間的案件,後者最近出台了更加嚴格的新規則。


Tribunal rules against Uber as Leigh Day takes on DLA Piper in landmark employee rights case

Uber has said it will appeal after it lost a key tribunal case which saw Leigh Day take on DLA Piper in a landmark employment rights claim.

Leigh Day represented Uber drivers on a case calling for drivers to be entitled to national minimum wage and basic holiday pay in a ruling that could affect tens of thousands of drivers. The tribunal ruled the drivers are not self-employed and are entitled to basic employee rights.

DLA advised Uber on the case, with a team led by UK head of employment Adam Hartley and including Jonathan Ollivent, who is secondment with from DLA.

Uber, whose legal team is led by GC Powerlist member Matt Wilson is facing another legal battle with Transport for London (TfL) over the latest guidelines brought in for private hire cars that would introduce stricter rules on the company. Hogan Lovells partner Paul Dacam instructed Blackstone Chambers Tom de la Mare QC to advise on the challenge. TfL is being represented by its in-house team and instructed Martin Chamberlain QC of Brick Court on the matter. (Legal Business)

2. 德意志銀行錄得微利,而訴訟費用大幅增加。德意志銀行意外宣布其第三季度凈利潤為2.78億歐元,稅前利潤為6.19億歐元,超過了分析人士的預期,而2015年同期該行凈虧損達到60億歐元。同時,德意志銀行將今年第三季度的預提訴訟費用從55億歐元增加到了59億歐元。今年9月,美國司法部要求德意志銀行支付140億美元罰金,以就金融危機前出售抵押貸款支持證券(MBS)的調查進行和解,德意志銀行一直在試圖減少和解金額,但目前尚未與美國司法部達成一致。去年,德意志銀行宣布計劃砍掉15000個崗位和涉及約20000名員工的業務,作為重大重組的一部分。此外,其法律團隊也出現關鍵人員的離開,包括法律部門的戰略全球負責人Emma Slatter在該行工作20年後離職。

Deutsche Bank litigation costs jump as bank reports small profit

Deutsche Bank has increased its litigation provisions from €5.5bn to €5.9bn for the third quarter of this year, while the German lender recorded an unexpected profit, beating analyst expectations.

For the three months to the end of September, Deutsche made a net income of €278m and a pre-tax profit of €619m, despite reports in early October that its shares dropped after chief executive John Cryan failed to reach a deal with the US Department of Justice to lower a $14bn fine. The fine relates to allegations of mis-selling mortgage backed securities before the financial crisis.

Last year Deutsche announced plans to cut 15,000 jobs and businesses employing around 20,000 staff as part of a major restructure. Separately, its legal team has seen some key departures too, including global head of strategy for legal Emma Slatter, who left the bank after 20 years. (Legal Business)

3. 四名明星合伙人從金杜律師事務所離職,導致該所歐洲中東區域的戰略性資本增注暫停。金杜律師事務所歐洲中東區域的合伙人原本計劃開會討論該所的資本增加問題,而之前已經要求合伙人向該所注入1400萬英鎊的資金。然而,四名重要合伙人突然在會議前夕宣布辭職,使得該所不得不暫停資本重整的努力,直到能夠評估這些合伙人的離開將帶來的財務影響。該所的發言人確認,英國投資基金負責人Michael Halford、私募股權合伙人Jonathan Pittal和公司合伙人Andrew Wingfield已經全部從該所辭職,而前管理合伙人Rob Day也表明了辭職意向。此外據近期報道,金杜律師事務所已經在英國高等法院起訴該所之前已離職的前合伙人Richard Lever和其新律所Goodwin Procter。

Four star partners resign from KWM, halting strategic capital call

KWM partners were due to meet yesterday to discuss the firm』s capital call, which has asked partners to reinject £14m into the firm. However, four high-profile partners tendered their resignations on the eve of the meeting, forcing the firm to place its recapitalisation efforts on hold until it can assess what the financial impact of the exits will be.

A spokesperson for the firm has confirmed that UK investment funds head Michael Halford, private equity partner Jonathan Pittal and corporate partner Andrew Wingfield have all resigned from the firm. Former managing partner Rob Day has also flagged his intention to resign. A spokesperson for KWM commented: 『In light of these resignations, the firm has paused its recapitalisation programme in EUME (having received commitments for the requested amount of capital) whilst it assess the financial impact.』 The firm anticipates that this process will take around four weeks. (Sources: The Lawyer; Legal Week)


secondment:([s?k?ndm?nt])n. 借調,暫借。


Tribunal rules against Uber as Leigh Day takes on DLA Piper in landmark employee rights case

Deutsche Bank litigation costs jump as bank reports small profit

Four star partners resign from KWM, halting strategic capital call

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